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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 NiCubThis file contains the definition of unique IDs for the body parts and the skin parts of the robot
 NToolsIn the Tools namespace there are classes useful to check some kinds of performance on robot
 NyarpCopyright (C) 2008 RobotCub Consortium
 CCamCalibModuleCamera Calibration Module class
 CCamCalibPortCamera Calibration Port class
 CCanBusAnalogSensorcanbusanalogsensor : driver for CAN communication with IIT's analog sensor boards, including the MAIS and STRAIN boards
 CCanBusFtSensorcanbusftsensor : driver for CAN communication with IIT's analog sensor boards, including the MAIS and STRAIN boards
 CCanBusInertialMTBcanbusinertialmtb : driver for CAN communication with inertial sensors (accelerometers, gyroscopes) mounted on MTB boards
 CClientCartesianControllerclientcartesiancontroller : implements the client part of the Cartesian Interface
 CClientGazeControllerclientgazecontroller : implements the client part of the the Gaze Control Interface
 CClientModuleThis class implements the client
 CCouplingICubEyeCoupling law from https://icub-tech-iit.github.io/documentation/icub_kinematics/icub-vergence-version/icub-vergence-version/
 CCouplingICubEye_ParamsParserThis class is the parameters parser for class CouplingICubEye
 CCouplingICubHandMk2_ParamsParserThis class is the parameters parser for class CouplingICubHandMk2
 Cdepth2kin_IDLDepth2kin_IDL IDL Interface to depth2kin services
 CfakeMotorDeviceClientThis class implements the client part of the fake motor device driver
 CfakeMotorDeviceServerThis class implements the server part of the fake motor device driver
 CFakeRawValuesPublisher_ParamsParserThis class is the parameters parser for class FakeRawValuesPublisher
 CfakeRobotCartesianSolverThis class inherits from the CartesianSolver super-class implementing the solver
 CFingerParametersParameters from https://icub-tech-iit.github.io/documentation/hands/hands_mk5_coupling
 CfingersTuner_IDLFingersTuner_IDL IDL Interface to Fingers PID Tuner services
 CICalibToolInterface to calibrate and project input image based on camera's internal parameters and projection mode
 CIRpcServerIRpcServer Interface for an example module
 CLauncherThis container class launches the server part of the fake motor device in order to simulate a robot called "fake_robot" wiht the part "fake_part" composed of three actuated rotational joints
 CPinholeCalibToolClass to calibrate input image based on camera's internal parameters
Configuration: See PinholeCalibTool::configure
 CPointReqPointReq IDL structure to send/receive points
 CQCPAbstractItemThe abstract base class for all items in a plot
 CQCPAbstractLegendItemThe abstract base class for all entries in a QCPLegend
 CQCPAbstractPlottableThe abstract base class for all data representing objects in a plot
 CQCPAxisManages a single axis inside a QCustomPlot
 CQCPAxisRectHolds multiple axes and arranges them in a rectangular shape
 CQCPBarDataHolds the data of one single data point (one bar) for QCPBars
 CQCPBarsA plottable representing a bar chart in a plot
 CQCPColorGradientDefines a color gradient for use with e.g
 CQCPColorMapA plottable representing a two-dimensional color map in a plot
 CQCPColorMapDataHolds the two-dimensional data of a QCPColorMap plottable
 CQCPColorScaleA color scale for use with color coding data such as QCPColorMap
 CQCPCurveA plottable representing a parametric curve in a plot
 CQCPCurveDataHolds the data of one single data point for QCPCurve
 CQCPDataHolds the data of one single data point for QCPGraph
 CQCPGraphA plottable representing a graph in a plot
 CQCPGridResponsible for drawing the grid of a QCPAxis
 CQCPItemAnchorAn anchor of an item to which positions can be attached to
 CQCPItemBracketA bracket for referencing/highlighting certain parts in the plot
 CQCPItemCurveA curved line from one point to another
 CQCPItemEllipseAn ellipse
 CQCPItemLineA line from one point to another
 CQCPItemPixmapAn arbitrary pixmap
 CQCPItemPositionManages the position of an item
 CQCPItemRectA rectangle
 CQCPItemStraightLineA straight line that spans infinitely in both directions
 CQCPItemTextA text label
 CQCPItemTracerItem that sticks to QCPGraph data points
 CQCPLayerA layer that may contain objects, to control the rendering order
 CQCPLayerableBase class for all drawable objects
 CQCPLayoutThe abstract base class for layouts
 CQCPLayoutElementThe abstract base class for all objects that form the layout system
 CQCPLayoutGridA layout that arranges child elements in a grid
 CQCPLayoutInsetA layout that places child elements aligned to the border or arbitrarily positioned
 CQCPLegendManages a legend inside a QCustomPlot
 CQCPLineEndingHandles the different ending decorations for line-like items
 CQCPMarginGroupA margin group allows synchronization of margin sides if working with multiple layout elements
 CQCPPainterQPainter subclass used internally
 CQCPPlottableLegendItemA legend item representing a plottable with an icon and the plottable name
 CQCPPlotTitleA layout element displaying a plot title text
 CQCPRangeRepresents the range an axis is encompassing
 CQCPScatterStyleRepresents the visual appearance of scatter points
 CQCPStatisticalBoxA plottable representing a single statistical box in a plot
 CQCustomPlotThe central class of the library
 CRawValuesPublisherClient_ParamsParserThis class is the parameters parser for class RawValuesPublisherClient
 CRawValuesPublisherServer_ParamsParserThis class is the parameters parser for class RawValuesPublisherServer
 CServerCartesianControllerservercartesiancontroller : implements the server part of the Cartesian Interface
 CServerModuleThis class launches the server
 CSphericalCalibToolInterface to calibrate and spherically project input image