Here is a list of all variables with links to the classes they belong to:
- n -
- N : iCub::ctrl::AWPolyEstimator
- n : iCub::ctrl::Filter, iCub::ctrl::Kalman, iCub::ctrl::MedianFilter
- N : iCub::ctrl::parallelPID
- n : iCub::ctrl::RateLimiter
- N : iCub::ctrl::Riccati
- n : iCub::ctrl::Riccati
- N : iCub::ctrl::seriesPID, iCub::iKin::iKinChain
- n : PARTICLEThread::histogram
- n_joint_part : GetMotPwm
- n_joints : robotDriver
- name : EM_CODE, eth::EthMonitorPresence::Config, eth::parser::boardSettings, FEAT_ID, iCub::iDyn::iDynSensorTorsoNode, iCub::learningmachine::IEventListener, iCub::learningmachine::IMachineLearner, iCub::learningmachine::IScaler, iCub::learningmachine::ITransformer, iCub::learningmachine::merge::IndexSelector, iCub::perception::EventCallback, iCub::perception::Model, iCub::perception::Node, iCub::perception::Sensor, iCub::skinDynLib::skinPartBase, ProcessThread, scriptModule, sensorInfo_t, Tools::Emb_PeriodicEventVerifier::Impl, Tools::Emb_RensponseTimingVerifier::Impl, Tuner, yarp::dev::eomc::axisInfo_t
- nameOfMais : servConfigMais_t
- nameOfStrain : servConfigFTsensor_t, servConfigStrain_t
- nCalls : RpcProcessor
- ncols : strain::dsp::q15::matrix
- NE : iCub::iDyn::iDynChain
- neChain : iCub::iDyn::OneChainNewtonEuler
- neck : Controller, EyePinvRefGen, Solver
- neckAngleUserTolerance : GazeModule::Context, Solver
- neckJoints : Controller
- neckPitchMax : GazeModule::Context, Solver
- neckPitchMin : GazeModule::Context, Solver
- neckPos : Solver
- neckPosCtrlOn : ExchangeData
- neckRollMax : GazeModule::Context, Solver
- neckRollMin : GazeModule::Context, Solver
- neckSolveCnt : ExchangeData
- neckTime : Controller, GazeModule::Context
- neckYawMax : GazeModule::Context, Solver
- neckYawMin : GazeModule::Context, Solver
- neighbors : iCub::perception::Node
- nEnc : BVHNode
- nEncs : CalibModule
- nEndEff : iCub::iDyn::OneChainNewtonEuler
- net : iCub::optimization::ff2LayNNTrainNLP, iCub::skin::diagnostics::DetectedError
- netID : CanBusSkin
- netId : SkinMeshThreadCan
- network : strainInterface::Config
- network_name : firmware_info
- network_number : firmware_info
- newtonsToSensor : measureConvFactors
- newtonsToSensors : ControlBoardHelper2
- next : iCub::ctrl::dbscan::Node_t
- nFaces : iCubMesh
- nFSec : ForceArrow
- nj : ControlBoardHelper2, GetControlModes, GetInteractionModes
- nJBase : BVH
- nJHead : BVH
- nJLeftArm : BVH
- nJLeftLeg : BVH
- nJointsHead : Controller, EyePinvRefGen, Solver
- nJointsTorso : Controller, EyePinvRefGen, Solver
- nJRightArm : BVH
- nJRightLeg : BVH
- nJTorso : BVH
- nLinks : iCub::iDyn::OneChainNewtonEuler
- nodes : iCub::perception::Model
- nodesCurr : ProcessThread
- nodesPersistence : ProcessThread
- nodesPort : ProcessThread
- nodesPrev : ProcessThread
- nodesStep : ProcessThread
- nodesX : ProcessThread
- nodesY : ProcessThread
- noLIC : iCub::iKin::iKinIpOptMin
- noLoad : SkinBoardCfgParam
- nominalCurrent : yarp::dev::eomc::motorCurrentLimits_t
- Normal : iCub::skinDynLib::Taxel
- normalDir : iCub::skinDynLib::skinContact
- noSamples : iCub::learningmachine::Standardizer
- nosavedb : DataBase
- nRecv : yarp::dev::CanBusAccessPoint
- nrOfChannels : MTBInertialBoardInfo
- nrOfTotalChannels : CanBusInertialMTB
- nrows : strain::dsp::q15::matrix
- nSelectedBoards : cDownloader
- nTaxels : TouchSensor
- nTexID : VisionObj
- nTSec : ForceArrow
- nullList : iCub::iDyn::iDynContactSolver
- num : iCub::iKin::PartDescriptor
- num_arrays : iCub::perception::SensorEncoderArrays
- num_inputs : CtrlThread
- num_members : iCub::ctrl::dbscan::Epsilon_neighbours_t
- num_outputs : CtrlThread
- numAxes : CtrlThread
- numBalls : CtrlThread
- numberMultiplyCross : QCPAxisPainterPrivate
- numButtons : CtrlThread
- numDrv : ServerCartesianController
- numHats : CtrlThread
- numofbins : embot::tools::Histogram::Impl::Status
- numofjoints : servMCproperties_t
- numofjointsets : yarp::dev::eomc::jointsetsInfo_t
- numOfPatches : SkinConfig
- nVerts : TouchSensor
- nvset : BoardTransceiver
- nx : iCubMesh
- ny : iCubMesh
- nz : iCubMesh