Here is a list of all variables with links to the classes they belong to:
- l -
- l : FingerParameters
- L0x : FingerParameters
- L0y : FingerParameters
- label : QCPAxisPainterPrivate
- labelColor : QCPAxisPainterPrivate
- labelFont : QCPAxisPainterPrivate
- labelPadding : QCPAxisPainterPrivate
- lastAngMsgArrivalTime : ClientGazeController
- lastFpMsgArrivalTime : ClientGazeController
- lastPoseMsgArrivalTime : ClientCartesianController
- lastRef : iCub::ctrl::minJerkBaseGen
- lastT : iCub::ctrl::Riccati
- lastTemperature : yarp::dev::eo_ftsens_privData
- lastUpdate : DataBase::Item
- latch : iCub::perception::SensorEncoderArrays
- latchArmMoveDone : iCub::action::ActionPrimitives
- latchHandMoveDone : iCub::action::ActionPrimitives
- latchTimerHand : iCub::action::ActionPrimitives
- latchTimerReach : iCub::action::ActionPrimitives
- latchTimerReachLog : iCub::action::ActionPrimitives
- latchTimerWait : iCub::action::ActionPrimitives
- lB : iCub::iKin::iKinLinIneqConstr
- lB_orig : GenericLinIneqConstr
- lDsc : ServerCartesianController
- leb : EM_CODE
- left : iCub::iDyn::iDynSensorTorsoNode, QCPItemBracket, QCPItemEllipse, QCPItemPixmap, QCPItemRect, QCPItemText
- left_name : iCub::iDyn::iDynSensorTorsoNode
- leftMouseButton : AnimationView
- leftSensor : iCub::iDyn::iDynSensorTorsoNode
- legend : QCustomPlot
- legs_version : iCub::iDyn::version_tag
- len : CanPktFrame_t, ECMSG, FCMSG
- lEnc : ServerCartesianController
- length : __attribute__
- lEnt : ServerCartesianController
- Li : iCub::ctrl::Riccati
- LIC : iKin_NLP
- lim : Controller, EyePinvRefGen, iCub::ctrl::Integrator, iCub::iKin::CartesianSolver
- limb : Controller, iCub::iDyn::RigidBodyTransformation, Solver
- limbPlan : ServerCartesianController
- limbState : ServerCartesianController
- limits : ServerCartesianController::Context, yarp::dev::CanBusMotionControlParameters::ImpedanceParameters, yarp::dev::eomc::impedanceParameters_t
- linC : iKin_NLP
- lines : scripting.EditWindow
- link : iCub::iDyn::OneLinkNewtonEuler
- linkList : iCub::iDyn::iDynLimb, iCub::iKin::iKinLimb
- linkNum : iCub::skinDynLib::Skin_2_Link
- linkNumber : iCub::skinDynLib::dynContact
- lJnt : ServerCartesianController
- lLim : ServerCartesianController
- lmb : iCub::iKin::PartDescriptor
- lMod : ServerCartesianController
- loc : GazeModule, Solver
- local : CtrlThread, iCub::action::ActionPrimitives
- localaddressing : eth::parser::pc104Data
- localipaddr : BoardTransceiver
- localName : BmsBattery
- localStemName : ExchangeData
- location : servAnalogSensor_t
- locked : iCub::action::ActionPrimitives, xdPort
- locker : eth::theNVmanager::Impl::Data
- lower : QCPRange
- lower_COM : iCub::iDyn::iCubWholeBody
- lower_mass : iCub::iDyn::iCubWholeBody
- lowerBound : iCub::learningmachine::Normalizer
- lowerBoundIn : iCub::learningmachine::FixedRangeScaler
- lowerBoundInf : HeadCenter_NLP, iCub::iKin::iKinIpOptMin, iCub::iKin::iKinLinIneqConstr, iKin_NLP
- lowerBoundOut : iCub::learningmachine::FixedRangeScaler
- lowerEnding : QCPAxisPainterPrivate
- lowerTorso : iCub::iDyn::iCubWholeBody
- lowest : iCub::learningmachine::Normalizer
- lPid : ServerCartesianController
- lPos : ServerCartesianController
- lRmp : ServerCartesianController
- lSens : iCub::iDyn::iDynInvSensor
- lssvm : iCub::perception::SpringyFinger
- lStp : ServerCartesianController
- lVel : ServerCartesianController
- LW : iCub::ctrl::ff2LayNN, iCub::optimization::ff2LayNNTrainNLP