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Related Pages
Here is a list of all related documentation pages:
 Application DocumentationThis is a template you can use to document an application (a bunch of scripts in a directory in icub-main/app, which instantiate and run a set of modules to produce a meaningful behavior of the robot)
 Module DocumentationThis is a template you can use to document your module
 1. General info
 1. General info
 The Layout SystemThe layout system is responsible for positioning and scaling layout elements such as axis rects, legends and plot titles in a QCustomPlot
 Class OverviewThe following diagrams may help to gain a deeper understanding of the relationships between classes that make up the QCustomPlot library
 1. Prerequisite
 Customizing the Cartesian Interface for a Generic Robot
 The Cartesian Interface
 The Gaze Interface
 The classic hello world
 A short introduction to iDynIDyn is a library for computing kinematics and dynamics of serial-links chains of revolute joints and iCub limbs
 Computation of torques in a single chain, using iDynIn this tutorial we show how to compute the joint torques in a single kinematic chain, using the iDyn library
 Basic Image Processing
 Getting accustomed with torque/impedance interfacesThis tutorial shows how to use the following interfaces:
 Getting accustomed with motor interfacesThis tutorial shows how to get interfaces to control the arm
 The PeriodicThread ClassIn this tutorial we show how to write a control loop using threads
 Handling YARP images in Python
 Using Motor Control Interfaces in Python
 Controlling the iCub Simulator from Python
 The RFModule ClassIn this tutorial we show more details of how to write an iCub module using the module helper class
 The XML Documentation of a ModuleIn this tutorial we show how to write the XML documentation of an iCub module
 iCub Tutorials