Application Documentation | This is a template you can use to document an application (a bunch of scripts in a directory in icub-main/app, which instantiate and run a set of modules to produce a meaningful behavior of the robot) |
Module Documentation | This is a template you can use to document your module |
bcbBattery | |
CouplingICubEye_params | |
CouplingICubHandMk2_params | |
1. General info | |
1. General info | |
FakeRawValuesPublisher_params | |
RawValuesPublisherClient_params | |
RawValuesPublisherServer_params | |
ssgprtune | |
The Layout System | The layout system is responsible for positioning and scaling layout elements such as axis rects, legends and plot titles in a QCustomPlot |
Class Overview | The following diagrams may help to gain a deeper understanding of the relationships between classes that make up the QCustomPlot library |
1. Prerequisite | |
Notes | |
Customizing the Cartesian Interface for a Generic Robot | |
The Cartesian Interface | |
Tutorials | |
The Gaze Interface | |
The classic hello world | |
A short introduction to iDyn | IDyn is a library for computing kinematics and dynamics of serial-links chains of revolute joints and iCub limbs |
Computation of torques in a single chain, using iDyn | In this tutorial we show how to compute the joint torques in a single kinematic chain, using the iDyn library |
Basic Image Processing | |
Getting accustomed with torque/impedance interfaces | This tutorial shows how to use the following interfaces: |
Getting accustomed with motor interfaces | This tutorial shows how to get interfaces to control the arm |
The PeriodicThread Class | In this tutorial we show how to write a control loop using threads |
Handling YARP images in Python | |
Using Motor Control Interfaces in Python | |
Controlling the iCub Simulator from Python | |
The RFModule Class | In this tutorial we show more details of how to write an iCub module using the module helper class |
The XML Documentation of a Module | In this tutorial we show how to write the XML documentation of an iCub module |
iCub Tutorials |