Here is a list of all variables with links to the classes they belong to:
- r -
- R : Calibrator::SpatialCompetence, iCub::ctrl::Kalman, iCub::ctrl::OnlineDCMotorEstimator
- r : iCub::iDyn::SensorLinkNewtonEuler
- R : iCub::iDyn::SensorLinkNewtonEuler, TaskRefVelTargetGenerator, yarp::dev::eomc::kalmanFilterParams_t
- r_exp : batteryReaderThread
- R_MAX : TouchSensor
- r_proj : iCub::iDyn::SensorLinkNewtonEuler
- r_proj_store : iCub::iDyn::iDynLink
- R_store : iCub::iDyn::iDynLink
- r_store : iCub::iDyn::iDynLink
- r_xv : CamCalibPort
- r_yv : CamCalibPort
- radii : Calibrator::SpatialCompetence
- randomInit : iCub::optimization::ff2LayNNTrainNLP
- rateLowerLim : iCub::ctrl::RateLimiter
- rateUpperLim : iCub::ctrl::RateLimiter
- raw : yarp::dev::DragonflyDeviceDriver2
- rawAxes : CtrlThread
- rawButtons : CtrlThread
- rawButtonsOld : CtrlThread
- rawHats : CtrlThread
- rawHatsOld : CtrlThread
- rawValueNames : iCub::rawValuesKeyMetadata
- rbt : iCub::iDyn::iCubWholeBody
- rbtList : iCub::iDyn::iDynNode
- RC : iCub::iDyn::iDynLink
- rc : iCub::iDyn::iDynLink
- RC : iCub::iDyn::SensorLinkNewtonEuler
- rc : iCub::iDyn::SensorLinkNewtonEuler
- rc_proj : iCub::iDyn::iDynLink, iCub::iDyn::SensorLinkNewtonEuler
- reachTmo : iCub::action::ActionPrimitives
- reachTmoEnabled : iCub::action::ActionPrimitives
- readBuffer : yarp::dev::CanBusAccessPoint
- reb : EM_CODE
- receivedRawDataMap : RawValuesStreamingDataInputPort
- receivedrops : eth::theNVmanager::Impl::askTransaction
- recogThres : ProcessThread
- recogThresAbs : ProcessThread
- recurIdx : iCub::ctrl::ModifiedThompsonTau
- recursive_mtx : iCub::skinDynLib::skinPartBase
- reinstateContext : CtrlThread
- reliableGyro : Controller
- remapped_activation : TouchSensor
- remote : CtrlThread
- remoteipaddr : BoardTransceiver
- remoteipport : BoardTransceiver
- remoteName : BmsBattery
- reply : iCub::RawValuesPublisherMetadata_getMetadata_helper
- reportinterval : embot::tools::PeriodValidator::Config, embot::tools::RoundTripValidator::Config
- reportmode : CanMonitor
- repr2TaxelList : iCub::skinDynLib::skinPart
- reqIds : yarp::dev::CanBusAccessPoint
- requestsQueue : CanBusResources
- res : EmbObjSkin, yarp::dev::embObjDevPrivData
- resolution : iCub::ctrl::WaveletEncoder, servMC_encoder_t, yarp::dev::eomc::encoder_t
- restJntPos : iCub::iKin::CartesianSolver
- restPos : ServerCartesianController::Context
- restWeights : iCub::iKin::CartesianSolver, ServerCartesianController::Context
- result : PointReq
- retries : EthMaintainer::progData_t
- return_helper : iCub::RawValuesPublisherMetadata_getMetadata_helper::Reply
- returnPos : AnimationView
- reverse : CtrlThread
- reversedEndings : QCPAxisPainterPrivate
- rf : BcbBattery, BmsBattery, CalibModule, Controller, CtrlThread, DataBase, GazeModule, iCub::learningmachine::IMachineLearnerModule, ProcessThread, scriptModule, Solver, TunerModule
- rf_cameras : ExchangeData
- rf_tweak : ExchangeData
- right : iCub::iDyn::iDynSensorTorsoNode, QCPItemBracket, QCPItemEllipse, QCPItemPixmap, QCPItemRect, QCPItemText
- right_name : iCub::iDyn::iDynSensorTorsoNode
- rightSensor : iCub::iDyn::iDynSensorTorsoNode
- rJoints : Tuner
- rmp : iCub::iKin::CartesianSolver
- robot : BVH, iCub::action::ActionPrimitives, scriptModule, Tuner
- robotName : ExchangeData
- roi_side : CalibModule
- ropsnumberof : tmpStructROPframeHeader_t
- ropssizeof : tmpStructROPframeHeader_t
- rotatedTotalBounds : QCPAxisPainterPrivate::TickLabelData
- rotation : servAnalogPOScalibration_t
- rotorIndexOffset : yarp::dev::eomc::focBasedSpecificInfo_t
- rpcPort : CalibModule, CtrlModule, ExampleModule, fakeMotorDeviceClient, fakeMotorDeviceServer, GazeModule, iCub::iKin::CartesianSolver, scriptModule, TunerModule
- rpcProcessor : ServerCartesianController
- rpyPort : CamCalibPort
- runningMean : iCub::learningmachine::Standardizer
- runningStd : iCub::learningmachine::Standardizer
- rvs : iCub::iKin::PartDescriptor
- rx : xdPort
- rxrate : eth::parser::pc104Data
- rxToken : ServerCartesianController