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iCub::iDyn::iCubLegDynV2 Class Reference

A class for defining the 6-DOF iCub Leg. More...

#include <iDyn.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for iCub::iDyn::iCubLegDynV2:

Public Member Functions

 iCubLegDynV2 ()
 Default constructor.
 iCubLegDynV2 (const std::string &_type, const ChainComputationMode _mode=KINFWD_WREBWD)
 iCubLegDynV2 (const iCubLegDyn &leg)
 Creates a new Leg from an already existing Leg object.
virtual bool alignJointsBounds (const std::deque< yarp::dev::IControlLimits * > &lim)
 Alignes the Leg joints bounds with current values set aboard the iCub.
- Public Member Functions inherited from iCub::iDyn::iDynLimb
 iDynLimb ()
 Default constructor: right arm is default.
 iDynLimb (const std::string &_type)
 iDynLimb (const iDynLimb &limb)
 Creates a new Limb from an already existing Limb object.
 iDynLimb (const yarp::os::Property &option)
 Creates a new Limb from a list of properties wherein links parameters are specified.
bool fromLinksProperties (const yarp::os::Property &option)
 Initializes the Limb from a list of properties wherein links parameters are specified.
bool isValid ()
 Checks if the limb has been properly configured.
iDynLimboperator= (const iDynLimb &limb)
 Copies a Limb object into the current one.
iDynChainasChain ()
 Returns a pointer to the Limb seen as Chain object.
std::string getType ()
 Returns the Limb type as a string.
virtual ~iDynLimb ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from iCub::iDyn::iDynChain
 iDynChain ()
 Default constructor.
 iDynChain (const iDynChain &c)
 Creates a new Chain from an already existing Chain object.
iDynChainoperator= (const iDynChain &c)
 Copies a Chain object into the current one.
yarp::sig::Vector setAng (const yarp::sig::Vector &q)
 Sets the free joint angles to values of q[i].
yarp::sig::Vector setDAng (const yarp::sig::Vector &dq)
 Sets the free joint angles velocity to values of dq[i].
yarp::sig::Vector setD2Ang (const yarp::sig::Vector &ddq)
 Sets the free joint angles acceleration to values of ddq[i].
yarp::sig::Vector getDAng ()
 Returns the current free joint angles velocity.
yarp::sig::Vector getD2Ang ()
 Returns the current free joint angles acceleration.
yarp::sig::Vector getJointBoundMin ()
 Returns a list containing the min value for each joint.
yarp::sig::Vector getJointBoundMax ()
 Returns a list containing the max value for each joint.
double setAng (const unsigned int i, double q)
 Sets the ith joint angle.
double setDAng (const unsigned int i, double dq)
 Sets the ith joint angle velocity.
double setD2Ang (const unsigned int i, double ddq)
 Sets the ith joint angle acceleration.
double getDAng (const unsigned int i)
 Returns the current angle velocity of ith joint.
double getD2Ang (const unsigned int i)
 Returns the current angle acceleration of ith joint.
yarp::sig::Vector getMasses () const
 Returns the link masses as a vector.
bool setMasses (yarp::sig::Vector _m)
 Set the link masses at once.
double getMass (const unsigned int i) const
 Returns the i-th link mass.
bool setMass (const unsigned int i, const double _m)
 Set the i-th link mass.
yarp::sig::Matrix getInertia (const unsigned int i) const
 Returns the i-th link inertia matrix.
yarp::sig::Matrix getForces () const
 Returns the links forces as a matrix, where the i-th col is the i-th force.
yarp::sig::Matrix getMoments () const
 Returns the links moments as a matrix, where the i-th col is the i-th moment.
yarp::sig::Vector getTorques () const
 Returns the links torque as a vector.
const yarp::sig::Vector & getForce (const unsigned int iLink) const
 Returns the i-th link force.
const yarp::sig::Vector & getMoment (const unsigned int iLink) const
 Returns the i-th link moment.
double getTorque (const unsigned int iLink) const
 Returns the i-th link torque.
yarp::sig::Vector getLinVel (const unsigned int i) const
 Returns the i-th link linear velocity.
yarp::sig::Vector getLinVelCOM (const unsigned int i) const
 Returns the i-th link linear velocity of the COM.
yarp::sig::Vector getLinAcc (const unsigned int i) const
 Returns the i-th link linear acceleration.
const yarp::sig::Vector & getLinAccCOM (const unsigned int i) const
 Returns the i-th link linear acceleration of the COM.
yarp::sig::Vector getAngVel (const unsigned int i) const
 Returns the i-th link angular velocity.
yarp::sig::Vector getAngAcc (const unsigned int i) const
 Returns the i-th link angular acceleration.
bool setDynamicParameters (const unsigned int i, const double _m, const yarp::sig::Matrix &_HC, const yarp::sig::Matrix &_I, const double _kr, const double _Fv, const double _Fs, const double _Im)
 Set the dynamic parameters of the i-th Link with motor.
bool setDynamicParameters (const unsigned int i, const double _m, const yarp::sig::Matrix &_HC, const yarp::sig::Matrix &_I)
 Set the dynamic parameters of the i-th Link.
bool setStaticParameters (const unsigned int i, const double _m, const yarp::sig::Matrix &_HC)
 Set the dynamic parameters of the i-th Link if the chain is in a static situation (inertia is null).
void prepareNewtonEuler (const NewEulMode NewEulMode_s=DYNAMIC)
 Prepare for the Newton-Euler recursive computation of forces and torques.
bool computeNewtonEuler (const yarp::sig::Vector &w0, const yarp::sig::Vector &dw0, const yarp::sig::Vector &ddp0, const yarp::sig::Vector &Fend, const yarp::sig::Vector &Muend)
 Compute forces and torques with the Newton-Euler recursive algorithm: forward and backward phase are performed, and results are stored in the links; to get resulting forces and torques, one can call getForces() and getMoments() methods.
bool computeNewtonEuler ()
 Compute forces and torques with the Newton-Euler recursive algorithm: forward and backward phase are performed, and results are stored in the links; to get resulting forces and torques, one can call getForces() and getMoments() methods; before calling this method, initNewtonEuler() must be called.
bool initNewtonEuler (const yarp::sig::Vector &w0, const yarp::sig::Vector &dw0, const yarp::sig::Vector &ddp0, const yarp::sig::Vector &Fend, const yarp::sig::Vector &Muend)
 Initialize the Newton-Euler method by setting the base (virtual link) velocity and accelerations ( w0, dw0 and ddp0 ) and the final (virtual link) forces and moments Fend and Muend.
bool initNewtonEuler ()
 Initialize the Newton-Euler method by setting the base (virtual link) velocity and accelerations ( w0, dw0 and ddp0 ) and the final (virtual link) forces and moments Fend and Muend all to zero.
void setModeNewtonEuler (const NewEulMode NewEulMode_s=DYNAMIC)
 Set the computation mode for Newton-Euler (static/dynamic/etc)
yarp::sig::Matrix getForcesNewtonEuler () const
 Returns the links forces as a matrix, where the (i+1)-th col is the i-th force.
yarp::sig::Matrix getMomentsNewtonEuler () const
 Returns the links moments as a matrix, where the (i+1)-th col is the i-th moment.
yarp::sig::Vector getTorquesNewtonEuler () const
 Returns the links torque as a vector.
yarp::sig::Vector getForceMomentEndEff () const
 Returns the end effector force-moment as a single (6x1) vector.
void setIterModeKinematic (const ChainIterationMode _iterateMode_kinematics=FORWARD)
 Set the iteration direction during recursive computation of kinematics variables (w,dw,d2p,d2pC).
void setIterModeWrench (const ChainIterationMode _iterateMode_wrench=BACKWARD)
 Set the iteration direction during recursive computation of wrench variables (F,Mu,Tau).
void setIterMode (const ChainComputationMode mode=KINFWD_WREBWD)
 Set the computation mode during recursive computation of kinematics (w,dw,d2p,d2pC) and wrench variables(F,Mu,Tau).
ChainIterationMode getIterModeKinematic () const
 Get the iteration direction during recursive computation of kinematics variables (w,dw,d2p,d2pC).
ChainIterationMode getIterModeWrench () const
 Get the iteration direction during recursive computation of wrench variables (F,Mu,Tau).
void computeKinematicNewtonEuler ()
 Calls the proper method to compute kinematics variables: either ForwardKinematicFromBase() or BackwardKinematicFromEnd().
void computeWrenchNewtonEuler ()
 Calls the proper method to compute wrench variables: either BackwardWrenchFromEnd() or ForwardWrenchFromBase().
bool initKinematicNewtonEuler (const yarp::sig::Vector &w0, const yarp::sig::Vector &dw0, const yarp::sig::Vector &ddp0)
 Calls the proper method to set kinematics variables in OneChainNewtonEuler: either initKinematicBase() or initKinematicEnd().
bool initWrenchNewtonEuler (const yarp::sig::Vector &Fend, const yarp::sig::Vector &Muend)
 Calls the proper method to set wrench variables in OneChainNewtonEuler: either initKinematicBase() or initKinematicEnd().
void getKinematicNewtonEuler (yarp::sig::Vector &w, yarp::sig::Vector &dw, yarp::sig::Vector &ddp)
 Calls the proper method to get kinematics variables in OneChainNewtonEuler either in the base or in the final link.
void getFrameKinematic (unsigned int i, yarp::sig::Vector &w, yarp::sig::Vector &dw, yarp::sig::Vector &ddp)
 Get the kinematic information of the i-th frame in the OneChainNewtonEuler associated to the current iDynChain, i.e.
void getFrameWrench (unsigned int i, yarp::sig::Vector &F, yarp::sig::Vector &Mu)
 Get the wrench information of the i-th frame in the OneChainNewtonEuler associated to the current iDynChain, i.e.
void getWrenchNewtonEuler (yarp::sig::Vector &F, yarp::sig::Vector &Mu)
 Calls the proper method to get wrench variables in OneChainNewtonEuler either in the base or in the final link.
virtual ~iDynChain ()
yarp::sig::Matrix computeGeoJacobian (const unsigned int iLinkN, const yarp::sig::Matrix &Pn)
 Compute the Jacobian from link 0 to iLinkN.
yarp::sig::Matrix computeGeoJacobian (const unsigned int iLinkN, const yarp::sig::Matrix &Pn, const yarp::sig::Matrix &_H0)
 Compute the Jacobian from link 0 to iLinkN.
yarp::sig::Matrix computeGeoJacobian (const yarp::sig::Matrix &Pn)
 Compute the Jacobian of the chain, from link 0 to N.
yarp::sig::Matrix computeGeoJacobian (const yarp::sig::Matrix &Pn, const yarp::sig::Matrix &_H0)
 Compute the Jacobian of the chain, from link 0 to N.
yarp::sig::Matrix getDenHart (unsigned int i)
 Return the Denavit-Hartenberg matrix of the i-th link in the chain.
yarp::sig::Matrix TESTING_computeCOMJacobian (const unsigned int iLink)
 Compute the Jacobian of the COM of link indexed iLink.
yarp::sig::Matrix TESTING_computeCOMJacobian (const unsigned int iLink, const yarp::sig::Matrix &Pn)
 Compute the Jacobian of the COM of link iLink (considering chain 0-iLink).
yarp::sig::Matrix TESTING_computeCOMJacobian (const unsigned int iLink, const yarp::sig::Matrix &Pn, const yarp::sig::Matrix &_H0)
 Compute the Jacobian of the COM of link iLink (considering chain 0-iLink).
yarp::sig::Matrix getCOM (unsigned int iLink)
 Return the COM matrix of the i-th link.
yarp::sig::Matrix getHCOM (unsigned int iLink)
 Return the H matrix until the COM of the i-th link.
yarp::sig::Matrix computeMassMatrix ()
 Compute the joint space mass matrix considering only the active joints.
yarp::sig::Matrix computeMassMatrix (const yarp::sig::Vector &q)
 Compute the joint space mass matrix considering only the active joints.
yarp::sig::Vector computeCcTorques ()
 Compute the torques due to centrifugal and coriolis effects considering only the active joints.
yarp::sig::Vector computeCcTorques (const yarp::sig::Vector &q, const yarp::sig::Vector &dq)
 Compute the torques due to centrifugal and coriolis effects considering only the active joints.
yarp::sig::Vector computeGravityTorques (const yarp::sig::Vector &ddp0)
 Compute the torques generated by gravity considering only the active joints.
yarp::sig::Vector computeGravityTorques (const yarp::sig::Vector &ddp0, const yarp::sig::Vector &q)
 Compute the torques generated by gravity considering only the active joints.
yarp::sig::Vector computeCcGravityTorques (const yarp::sig::Vector &ddp0)
 Compute the torques generated by gravity and centrifugal and coriolis forces, considering only the active joints.
yarp::sig::Vector computeCcGravityTorques (const yarp::sig::Vector &ddp0, const yarp::sig::Vector &q, const yarp::sig::Vector &dq)
 Compute the torques generated by gravity and centrifugal and coriolis forces, considering only the active joints.
- Public Member Functions inherited from iCub::iKin::iKinChain
 iKinChain ()
 Default constructor.
 iKinChain (const iKinChain &c)
 Creates a new Chain from an already existing Chain object.
iKinChainoperator= (const iKinChain &c)
 Copies a Chain object into the current one.
iKinChainoperator<< (iKinLink &l)
 Adds a Link at the bottom of the Chain.
iKinChainoperator-- (int)
 Removes a Link from the bottom of the Chain.
iKinLinkoperator[] (const unsigned int i)
 Returns a reference to the ith Link of the Chain.
iKinLinkoperator() (const unsigned int i)
 Returns a reference to the ith Link of the Chain considering only those Links related to DOF.
bool addLink (const unsigned int i, iKinLink &l)
 Adds a Link at the position ith within the Chain.
bool rmLink (const unsigned int i)
 Removes the ith Link from the Chain.
void pushLink (iKinLink &l)
 Adds a Link at the bottom of the Chain.
void clear ()
 Removes all Links.
void popLink ()
 Removes a Link from the bottom of the Chain.
bool blockLink (const unsigned int i, double Ang)
 Blocks the ith Link at the a certain value of its joint angle.
bool blockLink (const unsigned int i)
 Blocks the ith Link at the current value of its joint angle.
bool setBlockingValue (const unsigned int i, double Ang)
 Changes the value of the ith blocked Link.
bool releaseLink (const unsigned int i)
 Releases the ith Link.
bool isLinkBlocked (const unsigned int i)
 Queries whether the ith Link is blocked.
void setAllConstraints (bool _constrained)
 Sets the constraint status of all chain links.
void setConstraint (unsigned int i, bool _constrained)
 Sets the constraint status of ith link.
bool getConstraint (unsigned int i)
 Returns the constraint status of ith link.
void setAllLinkVerbosity (unsigned int _verbose)
 Sets the verbosity level of all Links belonging to the Chain.
void setVerbosity (unsigned int _verbose)
 Sets the verbosity level of the Chain.
unsigned int getVerbosity () const
 Returns the current Chain verbosity level.
unsigned int getN () const
 Returns the number of Links belonging to the Chain.
unsigned int getDOF () const
 Returns the current number of Chain's DOF.
yarp::sig::Matrix getH0 () const
 Returns H0, the rigid roto-translation matrix from the root reference frame to the 0th frame.
bool setH0 (const yarp::sig::Matrix &_H0)
 Sets H0, the rigid roto-translation matrix from the root reference frame to the 0th frame.
yarp::sig::Matrix getHN () const
 Returns HN, the rigid roto-translation matrix from the Nth frame to the end-effector.
bool setHN (const yarp::sig::Matrix &_HN)
 Sets HN, the rigid roto-translation matrix from the Nth frame to the end-effector.
yarp::sig::Vector setAng (const yarp::sig::Vector &q)
 Sets the free joint angles to values of q[i].
yarp::sig::Vector getAng ()
 Returns the current free joint angles values.
double setAng (const unsigned int i, double _Ang)
 Sets the ith joint angle.
double getAng (const unsigned int i)
 Returns the current angle of ith joint.
yarp::sig::Matrix getH (const unsigned int i, const bool allLink=false)
 Returns the rigid roto-translation matrix from the root reference frame to the ith frame in Denavit-Hartenberg notation.
yarp::sig::Matrix getH ()
 Returns the rigid roto-translation matrix from the root reference frame to the end-effector frame in Denavit-Hartenberg notation (HN is taken into account).
yarp::sig::Matrix getH (const yarp::sig::Vector &q)
 Returns the rigid roto-translation matrix from the root reference frame to the end-effector frame in Denavit-Hartenberg notation (HN is taken into account).
yarp::sig::Vector Pose (const unsigned int i, const bool axisRep=true)
 Returns the coordinates of ith Link.
yarp::sig::Vector Position (const unsigned int i)
 Returns the 3D position coordinates of ith Link.
yarp::sig::Vector EndEffPose (const bool axisRep=true)
 Returns the coordinates of end-effector.
yarp::sig::Vector EndEffPose (const yarp::sig::Vector &q, const bool axisRep=true)
 Returns the coordinates of end-effector computed in q.
yarp::sig::Vector EndEffPosition ()
 Returns the 3D coordinates of end-effector position.
yarp::sig::Vector EndEffPosition (const yarp::sig::Vector &q)
 Returns the 3D coordinates of end-effector position computed in q.
yarp::sig::Matrix AnaJacobian (const unsigned int i, unsigned int col)
 Returns the analitical Jacobian of the ith link.
yarp::sig::Matrix AnaJacobian (unsigned int col=3)
 Returns the analitical Jacobian of the end-effector.
yarp::sig::Matrix AnaJacobian (const yarp::sig::Vector &q, unsigned int col=3)
 Returns the analitical Jacobian of the end-effector computed in q.
yarp::sig::Matrix GeoJacobian (const unsigned int i)
 Returns the geometric Jacobian of the ith link.
yarp::sig::Matrix GeoJacobian ()
 Returns the geometric Jacobian of the end-effector.
yarp::sig::Matrix GeoJacobian (const yarp::sig::Vector &q)
 Returns the geometric Jacobian of the end-effector computed in q.
yarp::sig::Vector Hessian_ij (const unsigned int i, const unsigned int j)
 Returns the 6x1 vector \( \partial{^2}F\left(q\right)/\partial q_i \partial q_j, \) where \( F\left(q\right) \) is the forward kinematic function and \( \left(q_i,q_j\right) \) is the DOF couple.
void prepareForHessian ()
 Prepares computation for a successive call to fastHessian_ij().
yarp::sig::Vector fastHessian_ij (const unsigned int i, const unsigned int j)
 Returns the 6x1 vector \( \partial{^2}F\left(q\right)/\partial q_i \partial q_j, \) where \( F\left(q\right) \) is the forward kinematic function and \( \left(q_i,q_j\right) \) is the DOF couple.
yarp::sig::Vector Hessian_ij (const unsigned int lnk, const unsigned int i, const unsigned int j)
 Returns the 6x1 vector \( \partial{^2}F\left(q\right)/\partial q_i \partial q_j, \) where \( F\left(q\right) \) is the forward kinematic function and \( \left(q_i,q_j\right) \) is the couple of links.
void prepareForHessian (const unsigned int lnk)
 Prepares computation for a successive call to fastHessian_ij() (link version).
yarp::sig::Vector fastHessian_ij (const unsigned int lnk, const unsigned int i, const unsigned int j)
 Returns the 6x1 vector \( \partial{^2}F\left(q\right)/\partial q_i \partial q_j, \) where \( F\left(q\right) \) is the forward kinematic function and \( \left(q_i,q_j\right) \) is the couple of links.
yarp::sig::Matrix DJacobian (const yarp::sig::Vector &dq)
 Compute the time derivative of the geometric Jacobian.
yarp::sig::Matrix DJacobian (const unsigned int lnk, const yarp::sig::Vector &dq)
 Compute the time derivative of the geometric Jacobian (link version).
virtual ~iKinChain ()

Protected Member Functions

virtual void allocate (const std::string &_type)
 commented by Traversaro, 2 sept 2013 void iCubLegDynV2::allocate(const string &_type) { iDynLimb::allocate(_type);
- Protected Member Functions inherited from iCub::iDyn::iDynLimb
virtual void clone (const iDynLimb &limb)
virtual void dispose ()
iDynChainoperator= (const iDynChain &c)
iKin::iKinChainoperator<< (iKin::iKinLink &l)
iKin::iKinChainoperator-- (int)
iKin::iKinLinkoperator[] (const unsigned int i)
iKin::iKinLinkoperator() (const unsigned int i)
bool addLink (const unsigned int i, iKin::iKinLink &l)
bool rmLink (const unsigned int i)
void pushLink (iKin::iKinLink &l)
void clear ()
void popLink ()
void pushLink (iDynLink *pl)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from iCub::iDyn::iDynChain
virtual void clone (const iDynChain &c)
 Clone function.
virtual void build ()
 Build chains and lists.
iDynLinkrefLink (const unsigned int i)
 Returns a pointer to the ith iDynLink.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from iCub::iKin::iKinChain
virtual void clone (const iKinChain &c)
yarp::sig::Vector RotAng (const yarp::sig::Matrix &R)
yarp::sig::Vector dRotAng (const yarp::sig::Matrix &R, const yarp::sig::Matrix &dR)
yarp::sig::Vector d2RotAng (const yarp::sig::Matrix &R, const yarp::sig::Matrix &dRi, const yarp::sig::Matrix &dRj, const yarp::sig::Matrix &d2R)

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Attributes inherited from iCub::iDyn::iDynLimb
std::deque< iDynLink * > linkList
std::string type
bool configured
- Protected Attributes inherited from iCub::iDyn::iDynChain
ChainIterationMode iterateMode_kinematics
 specifies the 'direction' of recursive computation of kinematics variables (w,dw,d2p): FORWARD, BACKWARD
ChainIterationMode iterateMode_wrench
 specifies the 'direction' of recursive computation of wrenches (F,Mu): FORWARD, BACKWARD
yarp::sig::Vector curr_dq
 q vel
yarp::sig::Vector curr_ddq
 q acc
 pointer to OneChainNewtonEuler class, to be used for computing forces and torques
const yarp::sig::Vector zero0
- Protected Attributes inherited from iCub::iKin::iKinChain
unsigned int N
unsigned int DOF
unsigned int verbose
yarp::sig::Matrix H0
yarp::sig::Matrix HN
yarp::sig::Vector curr_q
std::deque< iKinLink * > allList
std::deque< iKinLink * > quickList
std::deque< unsigned int > hash
std::deque< unsigned int > hash_dof
yarp::sig::Matrix hess_J
yarp::sig::Matrix hess_Jlnk

Detailed Description

A class for defining the 6-DOF iCub Leg.

Definition at line 1491 of file iDyn.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ iCubLegDynV2() [1/3]

iCubLegDynV2::iCubLegDynV2 ( )

Default constructor.

Definition at line 2343 of file iDyn.cpp.

◆ iCubLegDynV2() [2/3]

iCubLegDynV2::iCubLegDynV2 ( const std::string &  _type,
const ChainComputationMode  _mode = KINFWD_WREBWD 


_typeis a string to discriminate between "left" and "right" leg

Definition at line 2349 of file iDyn.cpp.

◆ iCubLegDynV2() [3/3]

iCubLegDynV2::iCubLegDynV2 ( const iCubLegDyn leg)

Creates a new Leg from an already existing Leg object.

legis the Leg to be copied.

Definition at line 2355 of file iDyn.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ alignJointsBounds()

bool iCubLegDynV2::alignJointsBounds ( const std::deque< yarp::dev::IControlLimits * > &  lim)

Alignes the Leg joints bounds with current values set aboard the iCub.

limis the ordered list of control interfaces that allows to access the Leg limits.
true/false on success/failure.

Reimplemented from iCub::iDyn::iDynLimb.

Definition at line 2493 of file iDyn.cpp.

◆ allocate()

void iCubLegDynV2::allocate ( const std::string &  _type)

commented by Traversaro, 2 sept 2013 void iCubLegDynV2::allocate(const string &_type) { iDynLimb::allocate(_type);

Matrix H0(4,4); H0.eye();

#ifdef LEGS_NO_WEIGHT if(getType()="right") { create iDynLink from parameters calling pushLink(new iDynLink(mass,HC,I,A,D,alfa,offset,min,max)); m rcx rcy rcZ I1 I2 I3 I4 I5 I6 A D alpha offset
pushLink(new iDynLink(0, 80.4310e-6, -6.91643e-3, 2.30470e-3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, M_PI/2.0, M_PI/2.0, -44.0*CTRL_DEG2RAD, 132.0*CTRL_DEG2RAD)); pushLink(new iDynLink(0, -31.3229e-6, -1.09640e-3, 59.8624e-3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0, M_PI/2.0, M_PI/2.0, -17.0*CTRL_DEG2RAD, 119.0*CTRL_DEG2RAD)); pushLink(new iDynLink(0, 3.1143e-3, 60.0431e-3, -1.3437e-3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -0.0009175, 0.234545, -M_PI/2.0, -M_PI/2.0, -79.0*CTRL_DEG2RAD, 79.0*CTRL_DEG2RAD)); pushLink(new iDynLink(0, 124.3956e-3, -45.0091e-6, -6.2408e-3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -0.2005, 0.0, M_PI, M_PI/2.0, -125.0*CTRL_DEG2RAD, 23.0*CTRL_DEG2RAD)); pushLink(new iDynLink(0, -5.3995e-6, -0.858761e-3, -10.2169e-3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, M_PI/2.0, 0.0, -42.0*CTRL_DEG2RAD, 21.0*CTRL_DEG2RAD)); pushLink(new iDynLink(0, 32.41539-3, 613.9310e-6, 24.0690e-3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -0.0685, 0.0035, M_PI, 0.0, -24.0*CTRL_DEG2RAD, 24.0*CTRL_DEG2RAD));

} else { pushLink(new iDynLink(0, 80.4310e-6, -6.91643e-3, -2.30470e-3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, M_PI/2.0, M_PI/2.0, -44.0*CTRL_DEG2RAD, 132.0*CTRL_DEG2RAD)); pushLink(new iDynLink(0, 31.3229e-6, -1.09640e-3, -59.8624e-3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, M_PI/2.0, M_PI/2.0, -17.0*CTRL_DEG2RAD, 119.0*CTRL_DEG2RAD)); pushLink(new iDynLink(0, 3.1143e-3, 60.0431e-3, 1.3437e-3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -0.0009175, 0.234545, -M_PI/2.0, -M_PI/2.0, -79.0*CTRL_DEG2RAD, 79.0*CTRL_DEG2RAD)); pushLink(new iDynLink(0, 124.3956e-3, -45.0091e-6, 6.2408e-3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -0.2005, 0.0, M_PI, M_PI/2.0, -125.0*CTRL_DEG2RAD, 23.0*CTRL_DEG2RAD)); pushLink(new iDynLink(0, 5.3995e-6, -0.858761e-3, 10.2169e-3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, M_PI/2.0, 0.0, -42.0*CTRL_DEG2RAD, 21.0*CTRL_DEG2RAD)); pushLink(new iDynLink(0, 32.41539-3, -613.9310e-6, 24.0690e-3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -0.0685, 0.0035, M_PI, 0.0, -24.0*CTRL_DEG2RAD, 24.0*CTRL_DEG2RAD));

} #else if(getType()=="right") { create iDynLink from parameters calling pushLink(new iDynLink(mass,HC,I,A,D,alfa,offset,min,max));

    pushLink(new iDynLink(0.695,  80.4310e-6,  -6.91643e-3,  2.30470e-3,        4470.534e-6,    -22.209e-6,     -13.9712e-6,        3250.8524e-6,       -47.7629e-6,        4904.8747e-6,       0.0,        0.0,    M_PI/2.0,    M_PI/2.0,  -44.0*CTRL_DEG2RAD,     132.0*CTRL_DEG2RAD));
    pushLink(new iDynLink(0.982, -31.3229e-6,  -1.09640e-3,  59.8624e-3,         27271.4e-6,    -1.2116e-6,      11.5713e-6,          25364.6e-6,      -491.0806e-6,           4173.9e-6,       0.0,        0.0,    M_PI/2.0,    M_PI/2.0,  -17.0*CTRL_DEG2RAD,     119.0*CTRL_DEG2RAD));
    pushLink(new iDynLink(1.522,   3.1143e-3,   60.0431e-3,  -1.3437e-3,         45491.7e-6,  -940.9711e-6,     -53.7405e-6,          10040.0e-6,        -1203.0e-6,          45825.5e-6,   -0.0009175,    0.234545,   -M_PI/2.0,   -M_PI/2.0,  -79.0*CTRL_DEG2RAD,      79.0*CTRL_DEG2RAD));
    pushLink(new iDynLink(2.032, 124.3956e-3,  -45.0091e-6,  -6.2408e-3,         15455.9e-6,    -1390.3e-6,       3945.4e-6,          70277.0e-6,      -719.9501e-6,          65964.5e-6,      -0.2005,         0.0,        M_PI,    M_PI/2.0, -125.0*CTRL_DEG2RAD,      23.0*CTRL_DEG2RAD));
    pushLink(new iDynLink(0.643, -26.5892e-6,  -0.82253e-3, -10.2574e-3,        4765.926e-3,     9.7426e-6,     -26.8085e-6,           4093.5e-6,       353.7961e-6,           3668.8e-6,          0.0,         0.0,    M_PI/2.0,         0.0,  -42.0*CTRL_DEG2RAD,      21.0*CTRL_DEG2RAD));
    pushLink(new iDynLink(0.861, 32.41539e-3,  613.9310e-6,  24.0690e-3,         1584.66e-6,  14.357686e-6,    21.079452e-6,        2014.6957e-6,      17.241674e-6,        977.22556e-6,      -0.0685,      0.0035,        M_PI,         0.0,  -24.0*CTRL_DEG2RAD,      24.0*CTRL_DEG2RAD));


    pushLink(new iDynLink(0.695,   80.4310e-6,  -6.91643e-3, -2.30470e-3,       4470.534e-6,    -22.209e-6,      13.9712e-6,        3250.8524e-6,        47.7629e-6,        4904.8747e-6,       0.0,        0.0,    M_PI/2.0,    M_PI/2.0,  -44.0*CTRL_DEG2RAD,     132.0*CTRL_DEG2RAD));
    pushLink(new iDynLink(0.982,   31.3229e-6,  -1.09640e-3, -59.8624e-3,        27271.4e-6,     1.2116e-6,      11.5713e-6,          25364.6e-6,       491.0806e-6,           4173.9e-6,       0.0,        0.0,    M_PI/2.0,    M_PI/2.0,  -17.0*CTRL_DEG2RAD,     119.0*CTRL_DEG2RAD));
    pushLink(new iDynLink(1.522,    3.1143e-3,   60.0431e-3,   1.3437e-3,        45491.7e-6,  -940.9711e-6,      53.7405e-6,          10040.0e-6,         1203.0e-6,          45825.5e-6,   -0.0009175,    0.234545,   -M_PI/2.0,   -M_PI/2.0,  -79.0*CTRL_DEG2RAD,      79.0*CTRL_DEG2RAD));
    pushLink(new iDynLink(2.032,  124.3956e-3,  -45.0091e-6,   6.2408e-3,        15455.9e-6,    -1390.3e-6,      -3945.4e-6,          70277.0e-6,       719.9501e-6,          65964.5e-6,      -0.2005,         0.0,        M_PI,    M_PI/2.0, -125.0*CTRL_DEG2RAD,      23.0*CTRL_DEG2RAD));
    pushLink(new iDynLink(0.643,   26.5892e-6,  -0.82253e-3,  10.2574e-3,       4765.926e-3,     9.7426e-6,      26.8085e-6,           4093.5e-6,      -353.7961e-6,           3668.8e-6,          0.0,         0.0,    M_PI/2.0,         0.0,  -42.0*CTRL_DEG2RAD,      21.0*CTRL_DEG2RAD));
    pushLink(new iDynLink(0.861,   32.4154e-3, -613.9310e-6,  24.0690e-3,        1584.66e-6, -14.357866e-6,    21.079452e-6,        2014.6957e-6,     -17.241674e-6,        977.22556e-6,      -0.0685,      0.0035,        M_PI,         0.0,  -24.0*CTRL_DEG2RAD,      24.0*CTRL_DEG2RAD));



#ifdef NO_JOINT_COSTRAINTS this->setAllConstraints(false); #endif }

Reimplemented from iCub::iDyn::iDynLimb.

Definition at line 2428 of file iDyn.cpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: