Here is a list of all functions with links to the classes they belong to:
- l -
- L() : iCub::ctrl::Riccati
- label() : QCPAxis, QCPColorScale
- labelColor() : QCPAxis
- labelFont() : QCPAxis
- labelPadding() : QCPAxis
- labelSelectionBox() : QCPAxisPainterPrivate
- latchUncontrolledJoints() : iCub::iKin::CartesianSolver
- layer() : QCPLayerable, QCustomPlot
- layerableAt() : QCustomPlot
- layerChanged() : QCPLayerable
- layerCount() : QCustomPlot
- layout() : QCPLayoutElement
- layoutElementAt() : QCustomPlot
- left() : QCPAxisRect
- legendClick() : QCustomPlot
- legendDoubleClick() : QCustomPlot
- legendRemoved() : QCustomPlot
- length() : QCPItemBracket, QCPLineEnding
- levelCount() : QCPColorGradient
- liftAndGraspCallback() : iCub::action::liftAndGraspCallback
- limitSpeed() : positionDirectControlThread, velControlThread
- limitTorsoPitch() : CtrlThread
- LinearGPRLearner() : iCub::learningmachine::LinearGPRLearner
- LinearScaler() : iCub::learningmachine::LinearScaler
- lineStyle() : QCPCurve, QCPGraph
- listMotionOngoingEvents() : Controller, ServerCartesianController
- LMCtrl() : iCub::iKin::LMCtrl
- LMCtrl_GPM() : iCub::iKin::LMCtrl_GPM
- load() : CalibModule, DataBase, depth2kin_IDL, eth::theNVmanager::Impl::askTransaction, strain2_ampl_regs_t, strain::amplifier::DiscreteParams, strain::amplifier::Example_strain2_ampl_regs_t, strain::amplifier::IFregs, strain::amplifier::PGA308::Impl, strain::amplifier::PGA308::Impl::TransferFunctionConfig, strain::amplifier::PGA308, strain::amplifier::PGA308::Registers, strain::amplifier::WideParams, strain::dsp::q15::matrix
- load_default() : strainInterface::Config
- load_step1() : strain::amplifier::PGA308::Impl
- loadBootMemory() : yarp::dev::CanBusMotionControl
- loadCalibrationFile() : CalibrationWindow
- loadCommandFile() : iCub::learningmachine::IMachineLearnerModule
- loadDefaultDone() : DC1394Thread
- loadDefualt() : DC1394Thread
- loadFormat() : iCub::learningmachine::merge::CompositeSelector, iCub::learningmachine::merge::IndexSelector
- loadIndices() : iCub::learningmachine::merge::IndexSelector
- loading() : CalibrationWindow
- LoadingWidget() : LoadingWidget
- loadPreset() : QCPColorGradient
- Localizer() : Localizer
- lock() : DataBase, eth::theNVmanager::Impl::Data, iCub::iKin::CartesianSolver, MsgList, xdPort
- lockActions() : iCub::action::ActionPrimitives
- log() : CalibModule, depth2kin_IDL, yarp::dev::IServerLogger
- logger() : CalibrationWindow
- look() : Controller, MotorThread
- lookAtAbsAngles() : ClientGazeController
- lookAtAbsAnglesSync() : ClientGazeController
- lookAtFixationPoint() : ClientGazeController
- lookAtFixationPointSync() : ClientGazeController
- lookAtHand() : MotorThread
- lookAtMonoPixel() : ClientGazeController
- lookAtMonoPixelSync() : ClientGazeController
- lookAtMonoPixelWithVergence() : ClientGazeController
- lookAtMonoPixelWithVergenceSync() : ClientGazeController
- lookAtRelAngles() : ClientGazeController
- lookAtRelAnglesSync() : ClientGazeController
- lookAtStereoPixels() : ClientGazeController
- lookAtStereoPixelsSync() : ClientGazeController
- lowerEnding() : QCPAxis
- lowerFillBasePoint() : QCPGraph
- lowerQuartile() : QCPStatisticalBox
- LSSVMCalibrator() : LSSVMCalibrator
- LSSVMLearner() : iCub::learningmachine::LSSVMLearner