No Matches
Here is a list of all topics with brief descriptions:
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 SoftwareA container for all software in icub-main/src
 iCub modulesThis is the list of iCub modules, i.e
 exampleModulePlace here a short description of the module, this will appear in the list of the modules
 actionsRenderingEngineA module combining multiple libraries and modules from the iCub repository that allows to execute some basic and complex actions on objects placed on a table in front of the robot
 camCalibCamera image calibration module
 cartesianInterfaceControlJust an example of how to control the iCub arm in the operational space making use of the Cartesian Interface
 constantTimePositionServiceA simple service that allows you to send constant time position commands to any of the robot ports
 gravityCompensatorEstimates the gravitational contribute to motors based on estimation of the robot dynamics
 iKinCartesianSolverJust a container which runs the Cartesian Solver taking parameters from a configuration file
 iKinGazeCtrlGaze controller based on iKin
 objectsPropertiesCollectorProvides a on-line yarp-oriented database to collect properties of objects that are of interest for your specific application
 skinManagerThis module reads the raw tactile sensor values, compensates for the (thermal) drift of the sensors (basically it is a high pass filter) and writes the compensated values on output ports
 Template Tracking with Particle FilterThis module expects a template from the following port /templatePFTracker/template/image:i in order to commence tracking
 velocityControlPerform position control using a velocity control loop
 velocityObserverEstimates the first and second derivatives of incoming data vector through a least-squares algorithm based on an adpative window
 wholeBodyDynamicsEstimates the external forces and torques acting at the end effector through a model based estimation of the robot dynamics
 motionCUTIndependent Motion Detector Version:1.0
 Graphic User InterfacesThis is a list of Graphic User Interfaces
 canLoaderUse this application to download your firmware in DSP boards
 iCubGuiA gui that shows the full state of the robot
 iCubSkinGuiA gui to display the output of fingertip/skin tactile sensors
 LibrariesThis is a list of static libraries
 actionPrimitivesAbstract layers for dealing with primitive actions (reach, grasp and more)
 ctrlLibClasses for control engineering: filtering, fitting, Kalman estimation, PIDs and more topics are expected to be covered :)
 iCubDevA library that collects device interfaces
 iDynClasses for forward-inverse kinematics and dynamics of serial-links chains of revolute joints and iCub limbs
 iKinClasses for forward-inverse kinematics of serial-links chains of revolute joints and iCub limbs
 learningMachineA library containing learning machines and data transformers (preprocessors)
 optimizationTools designed to deal with optimization tasks
 perceptiveModelsAbstract layers for dealing with perceptive models framework
 skinDynLibClass representing a contact on the tactile sensor system (skin) of iCub
 iCub YARP devices libraryYARP devices contained in icub-main
 Hardware YARP devicesYARP devices that provide access to the robot hardware
 Calibrator YARP devicesYARP devices that contain the routines for calibrating the robot at startup
 imuFilterImuFilter.h device driver for apply a filter to remove gyro bias
 ToolsThis is a list of iCub basic tools
 emotioninterfaceEmotion interface module: commands facial expressions
 canBusSnifferA canbus sniffer
 canLoaderUse this application to download your firmware in DSP boards
 controlBoardDumperA basic module for collecting data (position, current, applied voltage, pid errors, ...) from a controlBoard and sending them trough a yarp port
 Fingers PID TunerA module that provides tuning capabilities of the low-level PID controllers for the robot's fingers
 joystickCheckThis module is used to check if one joystick is currently used
 joystickCtrlA configurable tool to send on a yarp port the data retrieved from a joystick
 simpleClientA basic remote interface to a controller
 stereoCalibCalibrate the iCub's stereo system (both intrinsics and extrinsics)
 wholeBodyPlayerA module to replay the encoder data coming from yarpdataplayer (
 depth2kinStereo-Kinematics Calibration
 MotorTemperaturePublisherMotor Temperature Detector and Publisher Version:1.0
 ApplicationsThe app directory stores directories which group sets of configuration files and scripts to run a certain group of modules together
 cartesianSolverThe Cartesian Solvers Launcher
 dumpControlboardDataThis is the application used to launch different processes to dump control board data to files (positions, velocities, accelerations, voltages, currents, tracking errors)
 defaultPlace here default configuration files and scripts
 Stereo-Kinematics CalibrationBuild online map to link the robot stereo vision to its kinematics structure
 faceExpressionsStart the face expression
 fingertipsPortScopeA collection of yarpscope instances used to display fingertips skin values
 iCubStartupThe iCub Launcher
 robotScriptingThis application allows performing nice preprogrammed demonstrations with the robot
 iCubSkinGuiThis is a basic visualization for the skin and in particular for the left and right hand which include the fingertips and the palms
 hostTransceiverIt is an example of how the embOBJ can operate as host trasceiver
 rpcIdlExample to show idl usage
 Tutorial on the ActionPrimitives libraryExample of grasping module based upon actionPrimitives library
 Online Tuning of P ControllerA tutorial on how to use ctrlLib library for online tuning of low-level P controllers
 Forward/Inverse KinematicsExample
 Controller for aGeneric Kinematic Chain
 Example on Forward Kinematics of iCub limbsA tutorial on how to use iKin library for forward kinematics of iCub limbs
 Example for iKin online SolverA tutorial on how to use the iKin online solver
 RelayThis tutorials shows how to write a process that reads data from a port and relays it to another one
 Calibration of ReferenceFrames
 Tutorial on the perceptiveModels libraryExample module for the use of perceptiveModels library