▼Software | A container for all software in icub-main/src |
▼iCub modules | This is the list of iCub modules, i.e |
exampleModule | Place here a short description of the module, this will appear in the list of the modules |
actionsRenderingEngine | A module combining multiple libraries and modules from the iCub repository that allows to execute some basic and complex actions on objects placed on a table in front of the robot |
camCalib | Camera image calibration module |
cartesianInterfaceControl | Just an example of how to control the iCub arm in the operational space making use of the Cartesian Interface |
constantTimePositionService | A simple service that allows you to send constant time position commands to any of the robot ports |
gravityCompensator | Estimates the gravitational contribute to motors based on estimation of the robot dynamics |
iKinCartesianSolver | Just a container which runs the Cartesian Solver taking parameters from a configuration file |
iKinGazeCtrl | Gaze controller based on iKin |
objectsPropertiesCollector | Provides a on-line yarp-oriented database to collect properties of objects that are of interest for your specific application |
skinManager | This module reads the raw tactile sensor values, compensates for the (thermal) drift of the sensors (basically it is a high pass filter) and writes the compensated values on output ports |
Template Tracking with Particle Filter | This module expects a template from the following port /templatePFTracker/template/image:i in order to commence tracking |
velocityControl | Perform position control using a velocity control loop |
velocityObserver | Estimates the first and second derivatives of incoming data vector through a least-squares algorithm based on an adpative window |
wholeBodyDynamics | Estimates the external forces and torques acting at the end effector through a model based estimation of the robot dynamics |
motionCUT | Independent Motion Detector Version:1.0 |
▼Graphic User Interfaces | This is a list of Graphic User Interfaces |
canLoader | Use this application to download your firmware in DSP boards |
iCubGui | A gui that shows the full state of the robot |
iCubSkinGui | A gui to display the output of fingertip/skin tactile sensors |
▼Libraries | This is a list of static libraries |
actionPrimitives | Abstract layers for dealing with primitive actions (reach, grasp and more) |
►ctrlLib | Classes for control engineering: filtering, fitting, Kalman estimation, PIDs and more topics are expected to be covered :) |
Adaptive Window Polynomial Fitting Estimator | Implementation of polynomial fitting through a least-squares based algorithm on a adpative window (PDF) |
Clustering | Classes for clustering |
Filters | Classes for filtering |
Functions Encoding | Classes for encoding functions |
Kalman Estimation | Classes for Kalman estimation |
Maths | Collection of mathematical functions |
Minimum-Jerk Controller | Classes for Minimum-Jerk Control |
Neural Networks | Classes for neural networking |
Optimal Control | Class for optimal control based on Discrete Algebraic Riccati Equation (DARE) |
Outliers Detection | Classes for outliers detection |
PIDs | Classes for PIDs |
Tuning of Compensators | Classes for Compensators tuning |
iCubDev | A library that collects device interfaces |
►iDyn | Classes for forward-inverse kinematics and dynamics of serial-links chains of revolute joints and iCub limbs |
iDynBody | Classes for connecting multiple limbs and solve whole body dynamics |
IDynContact | Classes for external contact force/torque computation |
RecursiveNewtonEuler | Classes for force/torque computation using Newton-Euler recursive formulation, both in the forward/backward sense |
iDynInv | Classes for force/torque computation in a dynamic chain, where a single FT sensor is placed |
iDynTransform | Classes for FT sensor transformation |
►iKin | Classes for forward-inverse kinematics of serial-links chains of revolute joints and iCub limbs |
iKinFwd | <> |
iKinHlp | Helper class to deal with Cartesian Solver options |
iKinInv | Classes for inverse kinematics of serial-links chains and iCub limbs |
iKinIpOpt | Classes for inverse kinematics of serial-links chains and iCub limbs based on IpOpt |
iKinSlv | Classes for on-line solution of inverse kinematic of iCub limbs based on IPOPT |
►learningMachine | A library containing learning machines and data transformers (preprocessors) |
Learning Machines | A collection of machine learning algorithms |
Transformers | A collection of transformers (preprocessors) |
Modules | Modules to train and predict with learning machines and to use preprocessors |
►optimization | Tools designed to deal with optimization tasks |
Generic Algorithms | Algorithms of general utility |
►Finding Matrix Transformations | Given two sets of 3D points, the aim is to find out the matrix transformation between them |
Affine Transformations | Given two sets of 3D points, the aim is to find out the affine transformation matrix between them |
References Calibration | Given two sets of 3D points, the aim is to find out the roto-translation transformation matrix between them |
Training of Neural Networks | Training of neural networks using optimization methods |
►perceptiveModels | Abstract layers for dealing with perceptive models framework |
►Interfaces | A collection of abstract classes establishing the perceptive-based framework |
Models | Classes for distributing perceptive frameworks |
Nodes | Abstract classes for data processing |
Sensors | Classes for data acquisition |
►Implementations | Herein are grouped up all the perceptive models that rely on the framework |
springyFingers | An elastic model of the distal joints of the robot's fingers that enables to perceive contacts with external forces |
tactileFingers | A very simple wrapper that replace the springyFingers model with a perception based on the tactile sensors |
skinDynLib | Class representing a contact on the tactile sensor system (skin) of iCub |
rawValuesPublisher | Version:1.0 |
▼iCub YARP devices library | YARP devices contained in icub-main |
►Hardware YARP devices | YARP devices that provide access to the robot hardware |
dragonfly2 | The dragonfly2 framegrabber device driver can acquire RGB color images in 320x240 or 640x480 resolutions |
analogSensorEth | Driver for Ethernet communication with Force-Torque sensors, the Strain2 board |
eth2ems | Implements ICanBus interface < for a ems to can bus device |
Calibrator YARP devices | YARP devices that contain the routines for calibrating the robot at startup |
imuFilter | ImuFilter.h device driver for apply a filter to remove gyro bias |
▼Tools | This is a list of iCub basic tools |
emotioninterface | Emotion interface module: commands facial expressions |
canBusSniffer | A canbus sniffer |
canLoader | Use this application to download your firmware in DSP boards |
controlBoardDumper | A basic module for collecting data (position, current, applied voltage, pid errors, ...) from a controlBoard and sending them trough a yarp port |
Fingers PID Tuner | A module that provides tuning capabilities of the low-level PID controllers for the robot's fingers |
joystickCheck | This module is used to check if one joystick is currently used |
joystickCtrl | A configurable tool to send on a yarp port the data retrieved from a joystick |
simpleClient | A basic remote interface to a controller |
stereoCalib | Calibrate the iCub's stereo system (both intrinsics and extrinsics) |
wholeBodyPlayer | A module to replay the encoder data coming from yarpdataplayer (https://yarp.it/latest/group__yarpdataplayer.html) |
depth2kin | Stereo-Kinematics Calibration |
MotorTemperaturePublisher | Motor Temperature Detector and Publisher Version:1.0 |
▼Applications | The app directory stores directories which group sets of configuration files and scripts to run a certain group of modules together |
cartesianSolver | The Cartesian Solvers Launcher |
dumpControlboardData | This is the application used to launch different processes to dump control board data to files (positions, velocities, accelerations, voltages, currents, tracking errors) |
default | Place here default configuration files and scripts |
Stereo-Kinematics Calibration | Build online map to link the robot stereo vision to its kinematics structure |
faceExpressions | Start the face expression |
fingertipsPortScope | A collection of yarpscope instances used to display fingertips skin values |
iCubStartup | The iCub Launcher |
robotScripting | This application allows performing nice preprogrammed demonstrations with the robot |
iCubSkinGui | This is a basic visualization for the skin and in particular for the left and right hand which include the fingertips and the palms |
hostTransceiver | It is an example of how the embOBJ can operate as host trasceiver |
▼> | Version: |
iKinFwd | <> |
rpcIdl | Example to show idl usage |
Tutorial on the ActionPrimitives library | Example of grasping module based upon actionPrimitives library |
Online Tuning of P Controller | A tutorial on how to use ctrlLib library for online tuning of low-level P controllers |
Forward/Inverse Kinematics | Example |
Controller for a | Generic Kinematic Chain |
Example on Forward Kinematics of iCub limbs | A tutorial on how to use iKin library for forward kinematics of iCub limbs |
Example for iKin online Solver | A tutorial on how to use the iKin online solver |
imageProc | |
Relay | This tutorials shows how to write a process that reads data from a port and relays it to another one |
Calibration of Reference | Frames |
Tutorial on the perceptiveModels library | Example module for the use of perceptiveModels library |