Public Member Functions | List of all members
yarp::dev::embObjMotionControl Class Reference

embObjMotionControl : driver for iCub motor control boards EMS on a ETH bus. More...

#include <embObjMotionControl.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for yarp::dev::embObjMotionControl:

Public Member Functions

 embObjMotionControl ()
 ~embObjMotionControl ()
virtual bool open (yarp::os::Searchable &par)
virtual bool close ()
virtual bool initialised ()
virtual eth::iethresType_t type ()
virtual bool update (eOprotID32_t id32, double timestamp, void *rxdata)
virtual bool getEntityName (uint32_t entityId, std::string &entityName)
virtual bool setPidRaw (const PidControlTypeEnum &pidtype, int j, const Pid &pid) override
virtual bool setPidsRaw (const PidControlTypeEnum &pidtype, const Pid *pids) override
virtual bool setPidReferenceRaw (const PidControlTypeEnum &pidtype, int j, double ref) override
virtual bool setPidReferencesRaw (const PidControlTypeEnum &pidtype, const double *refs) override
virtual bool setPidErrorLimitRaw (const PidControlTypeEnum &pidtype, int j, double limit) override
virtual bool setPidErrorLimitsRaw (const PidControlTypeEnum &pidtype, const double *limits) override
virtual bool getPidErrorRaw (const PidControlTypeEnum &pidtype, int j, double *err) override
virtual bool getPidErrorsRaw (const PidControlTypeEnum &pidtype, double *errs) override
virtual bool getPidOutputRaw (const PidControlTypeEnum &pidtype, int j, double *out) override
virtual bool getPidOutputsRaw (const PidControlTypeEnum &pidtype, double *outs) override
virtual bool getPidRaw (const PidControlTypeEnum &pidtype, int j, Pid *pid) override
virtual bool getPidsRaw (const PidControlTypeEnum &pidtype, Pid *pids) override
virtual bool getPidReferenceRaw (const PidControlTypeEnum &pidtype, int j, double *ref) override
virtual bool getPidReferencesRaw (const PidControlTypeEnum &pidtype, double *refs) override
virtual bool getPidErrorLimitRaw (const PidControlTypeEnum &pidtype, int j, double *limit) override
virtual bool getPidErrorLimitsRaw (const PidControlTypeEnum &pidtype, double *limits) override
virtual bool resetPidRaw (const PidControlTypeEnum &pidtype, int j) override
virtual bool disablePidRaw (const PidControlTypeEnum &pidtype, int j) override
virtual bool enablePidRaw (const PidControlTypeEnum &pidtype, int j) override
virtual bool setPidOffsetRaw (const PidControlTypeEnum &pidtype, int j, double v) override
virtual bool isPidEnabledRaw (const PidControlTypeEnum &pidtype, int j, bool *enabled) override
virtual bool getAxes (int *ax) override
virtual bool positionMoveRaw (int j, double ref) override
virtual bool positionMoveRaw (const double *refs) override
virtual bool relativeMoveRaw (int j, double delta) override
virtual bool relativeMoveRaw (const double *deltas) override
virtual bool checkMotionDoneRaw (bool *flag) override
virtual bool checkMotionDoneRaw (int j, bool *flag) override
virtual bool setRefSpeedRaw (int j, double sp) override
virtual bool setRefSpeedsRaw (const double *spds) override
virtual bool setRefAccelerationRaw (int j, double acc) override
virtual bool setRefAccelerationsRaw (const double *accs) override
virtual bool getRefSpeedRaw (int j, double *ref) override
virtual bool getRefSpeedsRaw (double *spds) override
virtual bool getRefAccelerationRaw (int j, double *acc) override
virtual bool getRefAccelerationsRaw (double *accs) override
virtual bool stopRaw (int j) override
virtual bool stopRaw () override
virtual bool positionMoveRaw (const int n_joint, const int *joints, const double *refs) override
virtual bool relativeMoveRaw (const int n_joint, const int *joints, const double *deltas) override
virtual bool checkMotionDoneRaw (const int n_joint, const int *joints, bool *flags) override
virtual bool setRefSpeedsRaw (const int n_joint, const int *joints, const double *spds) override
virtual bool setRefAccelerationsRaw (const int n_joint, const int *joints, const double *accs) override
virtual bool getRefSpeedsRaw (const int n_joint, const int *joints, double *spds) override
virtual bool getRefAccelerationsRaw (const int n_joint, const int *joints, double *accs) override
virtual bool stopRaw (const int n_joint, const int *joints) override
virtual bool getTargetPositionRaw (const int joint, double *ref) override
virtual bool getTargetPositionsRaw (double *refs) override
virtual bool getTargetPositionsRaw (const int n_joint, const int *joints, double *refs) override
virtual bool velocityMoveRaw (int j, double sp) override
virtual bool velocityMoveRaw (const double *sp) override
virtual bool setCalibrationParametersRaw (int axis, const CalibrationParameters &params) override
virtual bool calibrateAxisWithParamsRaw (int axis, unsigned int type, double p1, double p2, double p3) override
virtual bool calibrationDoneRaw (int j) override
virtual bool getControlModeRaw (int j, int *v) override
virtual bool getControlModesRaw (int *v) override
virtual bool getControlModesRaw (const int n_joint, const int *joints, int *modes) override
virtual bool setControlModeRaw (const int j, const int mode) override
virtual bool setControlModesRaw (const int n_joint, const int *joints, int *modes) override
virtual bool setControlModesRaw (int *modes) override
virtual bool resetEncoderRaw (int j) override
virtual bool resetEncodersRaw () override
virtual bool setEncoderRaw (int j, double val) override
virtual bool setEncodersRaw (const double *vals) override
virtual bool getEncoderRaw (int j, double *v) override
virtual bool getEncodersRaw (double *encs) override
virtual bool getEncoderSpeedRaw (int j, double *sp) override
virtual bool getEncoderSpeedsRaw (double *spds) override
virtual bool getEncoderAccelerationRaw (int j, double *spds) override
virtual bool getEncoderAccelerationsRaw (double *accs) override
virtual bool getEncodersTimedRaw (double *encs, double *stamps) override
virtual bool getEncoderTimedRaw (int j, double *encs, double *stamp) override
virtual bool getNumberOfMotorEncodersRaw (int *num) override
virtual bool resetMotorEncoderRaw (int m) override
virtual bool resetMotorEncodersRaw () override
virtual bool setMotorEncoderRaw (int m, const double val) override
virtual bool setMotorEncodersRaw (const double *vals) override
virtual bool getMotorEncoderRaw (int m, double *v) override
virtual bool getMotorEncodersRaw (double *encs) override
virtual bool getMotorEncoderSpeedRaw (int m, double *sp) override
virtual bool getMotorEncoderSpeedsRaw (double *spds) override
virtual bool getMotorEncoderAccelerationRaw (int m, double *spds) override
virtual bool getMotorEncoderAccelerationsRaw (double *accs) override
virtual bool getMotorEncodersTimedRaw (double *encs, double *stamps) override
virtual bool getMotorEncoderTimedRaw (int m, double *encs, double *stamp) override
virtual bool getMotorEncoderCountsPerRevolutionRaw (int m, double *v) override
virtual bool setMotorEncoderCountsPerRevolutionRaw (int m, const double cpr) override
virtual bool getRemoteVariableRaw (std::string key, yarp::os::Bottle &val) override
virtual bool setRemoteVariableRaw (std::string key, const yarp::os::Bottle &val) override
virtual bool getRemoteVariablesListRaw (yarp::os::Bottle *listOfKeys) override
virtual bool getAxisNameRaw (int axis, std::string &name) override
virtual bool getJointTypeRaw (int axis, yarp::dev::JointTypeEnum &type) override
bool getRotorEncoderResolutionRaw (int m, double &rotres)
bool getJointEncoderResolutionRaw (int m, double &jntres)
bool getJointEncoderTypeRaw (int j, int &type)
bool getRotorEncoderTypeRaw (int j, int &type)
bool getKinematicMJRaw (int j, double &rotres)
bool getTemperatureSensorTypeRaw (int j, std::string &ret)
bool getHasTempSensorsRaw (int j, int &ret)
bool getHasHallSensorRaw (int j, int &ret)
bool getHasRotorEncoderRaw (int j, int &ret)
bool getHasRotorEncoderIndexRaw (int j, int &ret)
bool getMotorPolesRaw (int j, int &poles)
bool getRotorIndexOffsetRaw (int j, double &rotorOffset)
bool getTorqueControlFilterType (int j, int &type)
bool getRotorLimitsRaw (int j, double *rotorMin, double *rotorMax)
bool getWholeImpedanceRaw (int j, eOmc_impedance_t &imped)
virtual bool enableAmpRaw (int j) override
virtual bool disableAmpRaw (int j) override
virtual bool getCurrentsRaw (double *vals) override
virtual bool getCurrentRaw (int j, double *val) override
virtual bool setMaxCurrentRaw (int j, double val) override
virtual bool getMaxCurrentRaw (int j, double *val) override
virtual bool getAmpStatusRaw (int *st) override
virtual bool getAmpStatusRaw (int j, int *st) override
virtual bool getPWMRaw (int j, double *val) override
virtual bool getPWMLimitRaw (int j, double *val) override
virtual bool setPWMLimitRaw (int j, const double val) override
virtual bool getPowerSupplyVoltageRaw (int j, double *val) override
virtual yarp::dev::VAS_status getVirtualAnalogSensorStatus (int ch) override
virtual int getVirtualAnalogSensorChannels () override
virtual bool updateVirtualAnalogSensorMeasure (yarp::sig::Vector &fTorques) override
virtual bool updateVirtualAnalogSensorMeasure (int j, double &fTorque) override
virtual bool setLimitsRaw (int axis, double min, double max) override
virtual bool getLimitsRaw (int axis, double *min, double *max) override
virtual bool setVelLimitsRaw (int axis, double min, double max) override
virtual bool getVelLimitsRaw (int axis, double *min, double *max) override
virtual bool getTorqueRaw (int j, double *t) override
virtual bool getTorquesRaw (double *t) override
virtual bool getTorqueRangeRaw (int j, double *min, double *max) override
virtual bool getTorqueRangesRaw (double *min, double *max) override
virtual bool setRefTorquesRaw (const double *t) override
virtual bool setRefTorqueRaw (int j, double t) override
virtual bool setRefTorquesRaw (const int n_joint, const int *joints, const double *t) override
virtual bool getRefTorquesRaw (double *t) override
virtual bool getRefTorqueRaw (int j, double *t) override
virtual bool getMotorTorqueParamsRaw (int j, MotorTorqueParameters *params) override
virtual bool setMotorTorqueParamsRaw (int j, const MotorTorqueParameters params) override
virtual bool velocityMoveRaw (const int n_joint, const int *joints, const double *spds) override
virtual bool getRefVelocityRaw (const int joint, double *ref) override
virtual bool getRefVelocitiesRaw (double *refs) override
virtual bool getRefVelocitiesRaw (const int n_joint, const int *joints, double *refs) override
virtual bool getImpedanceRaw (int j, double *stiffness, double *damping) override
virtual bool setImpedanceRaw (int j, double stiffness, double damping) override
virtual bool setImpedanceOffsetRaw (int j, double offset) override
virtual bool getImpedanceOffsetRaw (int j, double *offset) override
virtual bool getCurrentImpedanceLimitRaw (int j, double *min_stiff, double *max_stiff, double *min_damp, double *max_damp) override
virtual bool setPositionRaw (int j, double ref) override
virtual bool setPositionsRaw (const int n_joint, const int *joints, const double *refs) override
virtual bool setPositionsRaw (const double *refs) override
virtual bool getRefPositionRaw (const int joint, double *ref) override
virtual bool getRefPositionsRaw (double *refs) override
virtual bool getRefPositionsRaw (const int n_joint, const int *joints, double *refs) override
virtual bool getInteractionModeRaw (int j, yarp::dev::InteractionModeEnum *_mode) override
virtual bool getInteractionModesRaw (int n_joints, int *joints, yarp::dev::InteractionModeEnum *modes) override
virtual bool getInteractionModesRaw (yarp::dev::InteractionModeEnum *modes) override
virtual bool setInteractionModeRaw (int j, yarp::dev::InteractionModeEnum _mode) override
virtual bool setInteractionModesRaw (int n_joints, int *joints, yarp::dev::InteractionModeEnum *modes) override
virtual bool setInteractionModesRaw (yarp::dev::InteractionModeEnum *modes) override
virtual bool getNumberOfMotorsRaw (int *num) override
virtual bool getTemperatureRaw (int m, double *val) override
virtual bool getTemperaturesRaw (double *vals) override
virtual bool getTemperatureLimitRaw (int m, double *temp) override
virtual bool setTemperatureLimitRaw (int m, const double temp) override
virtual bool getPeakCurrentRaw (int m, double *val) override
virtual bool setPeakCurrentRaw (int m, const double val) override
virtual bool getNominalCurrentRaw (int m, double *val) override
virtual bool setNominalCurrentRaw (int m, const double val) override
virtual bool getGearboxRatioRaw (int m, double *gearbox) override
virtual bool setRefDutyCycleRaw (int j, double v) override
virtual bool setRefDutyCyclesRaw (const double *v) override
virtual bool getRefDutyCycleRaw (int j, double *v) override
virtual bool getRefDutyCyclesRaw (double *v) override
virtual bool getDutyCycleRaw (int j, double *v) override
virtual bool getDutyCyclesRaw (double *v) override
virtual bool getCurrentRangeRaw (int j, double *min, double *max) override
virtual bool getCurrentRangesRaw (double *min, double *max) override
virtual bool setRefCurrentsRaw (const double *t) override
virtual bool setRefCurrentRaw (int j, double t) override
virtual bool setRefCurrentsRaw (const int n_joint, const int *joints, const double *t) override
virtual bool getRefCurrentsRaw (double *t) override
virtual bool getRefCurrentRaw (int j, double *t) override
virtual bool getLastJointFaultRaw (int j, int &fault, std::string &message) override
- Public Member Functions inherited from eth::IethResource
virtual ~IethResource ()
const char * stringOfType ()

Detailed Description

embObjMotionControl : driver for iCub motor control boards EMS on a ETH bus.

This device contains code which handles communication to the motor control boards (EMS) on the internal ethernet network of the ETH iCub. It converts requests from function calls into ETH bus messages for the motor control boards. A thread monitors the bus for incoming messages and dispatches replies to calling threads.

For the description of the parameters supported by this device, please check the template configuration file available in robotology/robots-configuration, i.e.;ebX-jA_B-mc.xml .

YARP device name

Definition at line 220 of file embObjMotionControl.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ embObjMotionControl()

embObjMotionControl::embObjMotionControl ( )

Definition at line 187 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ ~embObjMotionControl()

embObjMotionControl::~embObjMotionControl ( )

Definition at line 289 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ calibrateAxisWithParamsRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::calibrateAxisWithParamsRaw ( int  axis,
unsigned int  type,
double  p1,
double  p2,
double  p3 

Definition at line 2297 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ calibrationDoneRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::calibrationDoneRaw ( int  j)

Definition at line 2374 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ checkMotionDoneRaw() [1/3]

bool embObjMotionControl::checkMotionDoneRaw ( bool *  flag)

Definition at line 2510 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ checkMotionDoneRaw() [2/3]

bool embObjMotionControl::checkMotionDoneRaw ( const int  n_joint,
const int *  joints,
bool *  flags 

Definition at line 2664 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ checkMotionDoneRaw() [3/3]

bool embObjMotionControl::checkMotionDoneRaw ( int  j,
bool *  flag 

Definition at line 2492 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ close()

bool embObjMotionControl::close ( void  )

Definition at line 1494 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ disableAmpRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::disableAmpRaw ( int  j)

Definition at line 3173 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ disablePidRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::disablePidRaw ( const PidControlTypeEnum &  pidtype,
int  j 

Definition at line 2049 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ enableAmpRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::enableAmpRaw ( int  j)

Definition at line 3168 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ enablePidRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::enablePidRaw ( const PidControlTypeEnum &  pidtype,
int  j 

Definition at line 2054 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getAmpStatusRaw() [1/2]

bool embObjMotionControl::getAmpStatusRaw ( int *  st)

Definition at line 3242 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getAmpStatusRaw() [2/2]

bool embObjMotionControl::getAmpStatusRaw ( int  j,
int *  st 

Definition at line 3235 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getAxes()

bool embObjMotionControl::getAxes ( int *  ax)

Definition at line 2429 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getAxisNameRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getAxisNameRaw ( int  axis,
std::string &  name 

Definition at line 3507 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getControlModeRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getControlModeRaw ( int  j,
int *  v 

Definition at line 2752 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getControlModesRaw() [1/2]

bool embObjMotionControl::getControlModesRaw ( const int  n_joint,
const int *  joints,
int *  modes 

Definition at line 2776 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getControlModesRaw() [2/2]

bool embObjMotionControl::getControlModesRaw ( int *  v)

Definition at line 2766 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getCurrentImpedanceLimitRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getCurrentImpedanceLimitRaw ( int  j,
double *  min_stiff,
double *  max_stiff,
double *  min_damp,
double *  max_damp 

Definition at line 4235 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getCurrentRangeRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getCurrentRangeRaw ( int  j,
double *  min,
double *  max 

Definition at line 5254 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getCurrentRangesRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getCurrentRangesRaw ( double *  min,
double *  max 

Definition at line 5264 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getCurrentRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getCurrentRaw ( int  j,
double *  val 

Definition at line 3178 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getCurrentsRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getCurrentsRaw ( double *  vals)

Definition at line 3188 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getDutyCycleRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getDutyCycleRaw ( int  j,
double *  v 

Definition at line 5223 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getDutyCyclesRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getDutyCyclesRaw ( double *  v)

Definition at line 5242 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getEncoderAccelerationRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getEncoderAccelerationRaw ( int  j,
double *  spds 

Definition at line 2984 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getEncoderAccelerationsRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getEncoderAccelerationsRaw ( double *  accs)

Definition at line 2997 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getEncoderRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getEncoderRaw ( int  j,
double *  v 

Definition at line 2929 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getEncoderSpeedRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getEncoderSpeedRaw ( int  j,
double *  sp 

Definition at line 2960 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getEncoderSpeedsRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getEncoderSpeedsRaw ( double *  spds)

Definition at line 2974 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getEncodersRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getEncodersRaw ( double *  encs)

Definition at line 2949 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getEncodersTimedRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getEncodersTimedRaw ( double *  encs,
double *  stamps 

Definition at line 3009 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getEncoderTimedRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getEncoderTimedRaw ( int  j,
double *  encs,
double *  stamp 

Definition at line 3018 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getEntityName()

bool embObjMotionControl::getEntityName ( uint32_t  entityId,
std::string &  entityName 

Reimplemented from eth::IethResource.

Definition at line 1701 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getGearboxRatioRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getGearboxRatioRaw ( int  m,
double *  gearbox 

Definition at line 3301 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getHasHallSensorRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getHasHallSensorRaw ( int  j,
int &  ret 

Definition at line 3436 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getHasRotorEncoderIndexRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getHasRotorEncoderIndexRaw ( int  j,
int &  ret 

Definition at line 3464 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getHasRotorEncoderRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getHasRotorEncoderRaw ( int  j,
int &  ret 

Definition at line 3450 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getHasTempSensorsRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getHasTempSensorsRaw ( int  j,
int &  ret 

Definition at line 3422 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getImpedanceOffsetRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getImpedanceOffsetRaw ( int  j,
double *  offset 

Definition at line 4224 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getImpedanceRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getImpedanceRaw ( int  j,
double *  stiffness,
double *  damping 

Definition at line 4148 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getInteractionModeRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getInteractionModeRaw ( int  j,
yarp::dev::InteractionModeEnum *  _mode 

Definition at line 4582 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getInteractionModesRaw() [1/2]

bool embObjMotionControl::getInteractionModesRaw ( int  n_joints,
int *  joints,
yarp::dev::InteractionModeEnum *  modes 

Definition at line 4599 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getInteractionModesRaw() [2/2]

bool embObjMotionControl::getInteractionModesRaw ( yarp::dev::InteractionModeEnum *  modes)

Definition at line 4610 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getJointEncoderResolutionRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getJointEncoderResolutionRaw ( int  m,
double &  jntres 

Definition at line 3354 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getJointEncoderTypeRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getJointEncoderTypeRaw ( int  j,
int &  type 

Definition at line 3368 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getJointTypeRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getJointTypeRaw ( int  axis,
yarp::dev::JointTypeEnum &  type 

Definition at line 3521 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getKinematicMJRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getKinematicMJRaw ( int  j,
double &  rotres 

Definition at line 3396 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getLastJointFaultRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getLastJointFaultRaw ( int  j,
int &  fault,
std::string &  message 

Definition at line 5514 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getLimitsRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getLimitsRaw ( int  axis,
double *  min,
double *  max 

Definition at line 3287 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getMaxCurrentRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getMaxCurrentRaw ( int  j,
double *  val 

Definition at line 3217 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getMotorEncoderAccelerationRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getMotorEncoderAccelerationRaw ( int  m,
double *  spds 

Definition at line 3121 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getMotorEncoderAccelerationsRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getMotorEncoderAccelerationsRaw ( double *  accs)

Definition at line 3138 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getMotorEncoderCountsPerRevolutionRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getMotorEncoderCountsPerRevolutionRaw ( int  m,
double *  v 

Definition at line 3049 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getMotorEncoderRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getMotorEncoderRaw ( int  m,
double *  v 

Definition at line 3064 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getMotorEncoderSpeedRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getMotorEncoderSpeedRaw ( int  m,
double *  sp 

Definition at line 3094 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getMotorEncoderSpeedsRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getMotorEncoderSpeedsRaw ( double *  spds)

Definition at line 3111 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getMotorEncodersRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getMotorEncodersRaw ( double *  encs)

Definition at line 3083 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getMotorEncodersTimedRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getMotorEncodersTimedRaw ( double *  encs,
double *  stamps 

Definition at line 3148 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getMotorEncoderTimedRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getMotorEncoderTimedRaw ( int  m,
double *  encs,
double *  stamp 

Definition at line 3157 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getMotorPolesRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getMotorPolesRaw ( int  j,
int &  poles 

Definition at line 3478 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getMotorTorqueParamsRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getMotorTorqueParamsRaw ( int  j,
MotorTorqueParameters *  params 

Definition at line 4244 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getNominalCurrentRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getNominalCurrentRaw ( int  m,
double *  val 

Definition at line 4940 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getNumberOfMotorEncodersRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getNumberOfMotorEncodersRaw ( int *  num)

Definition at line 3028 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getNumberOfMotorsRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getNumberOfMotorsRaw ( int *  num)

Definition at line 4828 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getPeakCurrentRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getPeakCurrentRaw ( int  m,
double *  val 

Definition at line 4900 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getPidErrorLimitRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getPidErrorLimitRaw ( const PidControlTypeEnum &  pidtype,
int  j,
double *  limit 

Definition at line 2034 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getPidErrorLimitsRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getPidErrorLimitsRaw ( const PidControlTypeEnum &  pidtype,
double *  limits 

Definition at line 2039 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getPidErrorRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getPidErrorRaw ( const PidControlTypeEnum &  pidtype,
int  j,
double *  err 

Definition at line 1819 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getPidErrorsRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getPidErrorsRaw ( const PidControlTypeEnum &  pidtype,
double *  errs 

Definition at line 1883 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getPidOutputRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getPidOutputRaw ( const PidControlTypeEnum &  pidtype,
int  j,
double *  out 

Definition at line 4774 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getPidOutputsRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getPidOutputsRaw ( const PidControlTypeEnum &  pidtype,
double *  outs 

Definition at line 4813 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getPidRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getPidRaw ( const PidControlTypeEnum &  pidtype,
int  j,
Pid *  pid 

Definition at line 1740 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getPidReferenceRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getPidReferenceRaw ( const PidControlTypeEnum &  pidtype,
int  j,
double *  ref 

Definition at line 1968 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getPidReferencesRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getPidReferencesRaw ( const PidControlTypeEnum &  pidtype,
double *  refs 

Definition at line 2021 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getPidsRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getPidsRaw ( const PidControlTypeEnum &  pidtype,
Pid *  pids 

Definition at line 1942 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getPowerSupplyVoltageRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getPowerSupplyVoltageRaw ( int  j,
double *  val 

Definition at line 5033 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getPWMLimitRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getPWMLimitRaw ( int  j,
double *  val 

Definition at line 5001 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getPWMRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getPWMRaw ( int  j,
double *  val 

Definition at line 4982 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getRefAccelerationRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getRefAccelerationRaw ( int  j,
double *  acc 

Definition at line 2608 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getRefAccelerationsRaw() [1/2]

bool embObjMotionControl::getRefAccelerationsRaw ( const int  n_joint,
const int *  joints,
double *  accs 

Definition at line 2728 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getRefAccelerationsRaw() [2/2]

bool embObjMotionControl::getRefAccelerationsRaw ( double *  accs)

Definition at line 2614 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getRefCurrentRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getRefCurrentRaw ( int  j,
double *  t 

Definition at line 5322 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getRefCurrentsRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getRefCurrentsRaw ( double *  t)

Definition at line 5306 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getRefDutyCycleRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getRefDutyCycleRaw ( int  j,
double *  v 

Definition at line 5188 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getRefDutyCyclesRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getRefDutyCyclesRaw ( double *  v)

Definition at line 5207 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getRefPositionRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getRefPositionRaw ( const int  joint,
double *  ref 

Definition at line 4524 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getRefPositionsRaw() [1/2]

bool embObjMotionControl::getRefPositionsRaw ( const int  n_joint,
const int *  joints,
double *  refs 

Definition at line 4568 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getRefPositionsRaw() [2/2]

bool embObjMotionControl::getRefPositionsRaw ( double *  refs)

Definition at line 4547 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getRefSpeedRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getRefSpeedRaw ( int  j,
double *  ref 

Definition at line 2590 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getRefSpeedsRaw() [1/2]

bool embObjMotionControl::getRefSpeedsRaw ( const int  n_joint,
const int *  joints,
double *  spds 

Definition at line 2718 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getRefSpeedsRaw() [2/2]

bool embObjMotionControl::getRefSpeedsRaw ( double *  spds)

Definition at line 2602 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getRefTorqueRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getRefTorqueRaw ( int  j,
double *  t 

Definition at line 4079 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getRefTorquesRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getRefTorquesRaw ( double *  t)

Definition at line 4071 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getRefVelocitiesRaw() [1/2]

bool embObjMotionControl::getRefVelocitiesRaw ( const int  n_joint,
const int *  joints,
double *  refs 

Definition at line 4506 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getRefVelocitiesRaw() [2/2]

bool embObjMotionControl::getRefVelocitiesRaw ( double *  refs)

Definition at line 4481 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getRefVelocityRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getRefVelocityRaw ( const int  joint,
double *  ref 

Definition at line 4458 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getRemoteVariableRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getRemoteVariableRaw ( std::string  key,
yarp::os::Bottle &  val 

Definition at line 3549 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getRemoteVariablesListRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getRemoteVariablesListRaw ( yarp::os::Bottle *  listOfKeys)

Definition at line 3900 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getRotorEncoderResolutionRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getRotorEncoderResolutionRaw ( int  m,
double &  rotres 

Definition at line 3340 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getRotorEncoderTypeRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getRotorEncoderTypeRaw ( int  j,
int &  type 

Definition at line 3382 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getRotorIndexOffsetRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getRotorIndexOffsetRaw ( int  j,
double &  rotorOffset 

Definition at line 3493 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getRotorLimitsRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getRotorLimitsRaw ( int  j,
double *  rotorMin,
double *  rotorMax 

Definition at line 3315 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getTargetPositionRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getTargetPositionRaw ( const int  joint,
double *  ref 

Definition at line 4413 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getTargetPositionsRaw() [1/2]

bool embObjMotionControl::getTargetPositionsRaw ( const int  n_joint,
const int *  joints,
double *  refs 

Definition at line 4448 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getTargetPositionsRaw() [2/2]

bool embObjMotionControl::getTargetPositionsRaw ( double *  refs)

Definition at line 4438 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getTemperatureLimitRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getTemperatureLimitRaw ( int  m,
double *  temp 

Definition at line 4873 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getTemperatureRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getTemperatureRaw ( int  m,
double *  val 

Definition at line 4834 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getTemperatureSensorTypeRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getTemperatureSensorTypeRaw ( int  j,
std::string &  ret 

Definition at line 3402 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getTemperaturesRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getTemperaturesRaw ( double *  vals)

Definition at line 4863 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getTorqueControlFilterType()

bool embObjMotionControl::getTorqueControlFilterType ( int  j,
int &  type 

Definition at line 3327 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getTorqueRangeRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getTorqueRangeRaw ( int  j,
double *  min,
double *  max 

Definition at line 4033 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getTorqueRangesRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getTorqueRangesRaw ( double *  min,
double *  max 

Definition at line 4038 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getTorqueRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getTorqueRaw ( int  j,
double *  t 

Definition at line 4016 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getTorquesRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getTorquesRaw ( double *  t)

Definition at line 4025 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getVelLimitsRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getVelLimitsRaw ( int  axis,
double *  min,
double *  max 

Definition at line 3950 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getVirtualAnalogSensorChannels()

int embObjMotionControl::getVirtualAnalogSensorChannels ( )

Definition at line 3977 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getVirtualAnalogSensorStatus()

yarp::dev::VAS_status embObjMotionControl::getVirtualAnalogSensorStatus ( int  ch)

Definition at line 3972 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ getWholeImpedanceRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::getWholeImpedanceRaw ( int  j,
eOmc_impedance_t &  imped 

Definition at line 4161 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ initialised()

bool embObjMotionControl::initialised ( )

Implements eth::IethResource.

Definition at line 309 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ isPidEnabledRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::isPidEnabledRaw ( const PidControlTypeEnum &  pidtype,
int  j,
bool *  enabled 

Definition at line 4823 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ open()

bool embObjMotionControl::open ( yarp::os::Searchable &  par)

Definition at line 341 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ positionMoveRaw() [1/3]

bool embObjMotionControl::positionMoveRaw ( const double *  refs)

Definition at line 2470 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ positionMoveRaw() [2/3]

bool embObjMotionControl::positionMoveRaw ( const int  n_joint,
const int *  joints,
const double *  refs 

Definition at line 2644 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ positionMoveRaw() [3/3]

bool embObjMotionControl::positionMoveRaw ( int  j,
double  ref 

Definition at line 2436 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ relativeMoveRaw() [1/3]

bool embObjMotionControl::relativeMoveRaw ( const double *  deltas)

Definition at line 2486 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ relativeMoveRaw() [2/3]

bool embObjMotionControl::relativeMoveRaw ( const int  n_joint,
const int *  joints,
const double *  deltas 

Definition at line 2654 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ relativeMoveRaw() [3/3]

bool embObjMotionControl::relativeMoveRaw ( int  j,
double  delta 

Definition at line 2481 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ resetEncoderRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::resetEncoderRaw ( int  j)

Definition at line 2919 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ resetEncodersRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::resetEncodersRaw ( )

Definition at line 2924 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ resetMotorEncoderRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::resetMotorEncoderRaw ( int  m)

Definition at line 3054 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ resetMotorEncodersRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::resetMotorEncodersRaw ( )

Definition at line 3059 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ resetPidRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::resetPidRaw ( const PidControlTypeEnum &  pidtype,
int  j 

Definition at line 2044 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ setCalibrationParametersRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::setCalibrationParametersRaw ( int  axis,
const CalibrationParameters &  params 

Definition at line 2122 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ setControlModeRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::setControlModeRaw ( const int  j,
const int  mode 

Definition at line 2791 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ setControlModesRaw() [1/2]

bool embObjMotionControl::setControlModesRaw ( const int  n_joint,
const int *  joints,
int *  modes 

Definition at line 2827 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ setControlModesRaw() [2/2]

bool embObjMotionControl::setControlModesRaw ( int *  modes)

Definition at line 2865 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ setEncoderRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::setEncoderRaw ( int  j,
double  val 

Definition at line 2909 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ setEncodersRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::setEncodersRaw ( const double *  vals)

Definition at line 2914 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ setImpedanceOffsetRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::setImpedanceOffsetRaw ( int  j,
double  offset 

Definition at line 4202 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ setImpedanceRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::setImpedanceRaw ( int  j,
double  stiffness,
double  damping 

Definition at line 4177 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ setInteractionModeRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::setInteractionModeRaw ( int  j,
yarp::dev::InteractionModeEnum  _mode 

Definition at line 4622 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ setInteractionModesRaw() [1/2]

bool embObjMotionControl::setInteractionModesRaw ( int  n_joints,
int *  joints,
yarp::dev::InteractionModeEnum *  modes 

Definition at line 4662 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ setInteractionModesRaw() [2/2]

bool embObjMotionControl::setInteractionModesRaw ( yarp::dev::InteractionModeEnum *  modes)

Definition at line 4716 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ setLimitsRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::setLimitsRaw ( int  axis,
double  min,
double  max 

Definition at line 3268 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ setMaxCurrentRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::setMaxCurrentRaw ( int  j,
double  val 

Definition at line 3198 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ setMotorEncoderCountsPerRevolutionRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::setMotorEncoderCountsPerRevolutionRaw ( int  m,
const double  cpr 

Definition at line 3044 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ setMotorEncoderRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::setMotorEncoderRaw ( int  m,
const double  val 

Definition at line 3034 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ setMotorEncodersRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::setMotorEncodersRaw ( const double *  vals)

Definition at line 3039 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ setMotorTorqueParamsRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::setMotorTorqueParamsRaw ( int  j,
const MotorTorqueParameters  params 

Definition at line 4268 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ setNominalCurrentRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::setNominalCurrentRaw ( int  m,
const double  val 

Definition at line 4956 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ setPeakCurrentRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::setPeakCurrentRaw ( int  m,
const double  val 

Definition at line 4916 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ setPidErrorLimitRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::setPidErrorLimitRaw ( const PidControlTypeEnum &  pidtype,
int  j,
double  limit 

Definition at line 1807 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ setPidErrorLimitsRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::setPidErrorLimitsRaw ( const PidControlTypeEnum &  pidtype,
const double *  limits 

Definition at line 1813 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ setPidOffsetRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::setPidOffsetRaw ( const PidControlTypeEnum &  pidtype,
int  j,
double  v 

Definition at line 2059 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ setPidRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::setPidRaw ( const PidControlTypeEnum &  pidtype,
int  j,
const Pid &  pid 

Definition at line 1716 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ setPidReferenceRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::setPidReferenceRaw ( const PidControlTypeEnum &  pidtype,
int  j,
double  ref 

Definition at line 1792 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ setPidReferencesRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::setPidReferencesRaw ( const PidControlTypeEnum &  pidtype,
const double *  refs 

Definition at line 1797 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ setPidsRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::setPidsRaw ( const PidControlTypeEnum &  pidtype,
const Pid *  pids 

Definition at line 1782 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ setPositionRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::setPositionRaw ( int  j,
double  ref 

Definition at line 4367 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ setPositionsRaw() [1/2]

bool embObjMotionControl::setPositionsRaw ( const double *  refs)

Definition at line 4402 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ setPositionsRaw() [2/2]

bool embObjMotionControl::setPositionsRaw ( const int  n_joint,
const int *  joints,
const double *  refs 

Definition at line 4392 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ setPWMLimitRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::setPWMLimitRaw ( int  j,
const double  val 

Definition at line 5021 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ setRefAccelerationRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::setRefAccelerationRaw ( int  j,
double  acc 

Definition at line 2547 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ setRefAccelerationsRaw() [1/2]

bool embObjMotionControl::setRefAccelerationsRaw ( const double *  accs)

Definition at line 2568 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ setRefAccelerationsRaw() [2/2]

bool embObjMotionControl::setRefAccelerationsRaw ( const int  n_joint,
const int *  joints,
const double *  accs 

Definition at line 2708 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ setRefCurrentRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::setRefCurrentRaw ( int  j,
double  t 

Definition at line 5284 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ setRefCurrentsRaw() [1/2]

bool embObjMotionControl::setRefCurrentsRaw ( const double *  t)

Definition at line 5274 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ setRefCurrentsRaw() [2/2]

bool embObjMotionControl::setRefCurrentsRaw ( const int  n_joint,
const int *  joints,
const double *  t 

Definition at line 5296 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ setRefDutyCycleRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::setRefDutyCycleRaw ( int  j,
double  v 

Definition at line 5166 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ setRefDutyCyclesRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::setRefDutyCyclesRaw ( const double *  v)

Definition at line 5178 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ setRefSpeedRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::setRefSpeedRaw ( int  j,
double  sp 

Definition at line 2527 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ setRefSpeedsRaw() [1/2]

bool embObjMotionControl::setRefSpeedsRaw ( const double *  spds)

Definition at line 2536 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ setRefSpeedsRaw() [2/2]

bool embObjMotionControl::setRefSpeedsRaw ( const int  n_joint,
const int *  joints,
const double *  spds 

Definition at line 2698 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ setRefTorqueRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::setRefTorqueRaw ( int  j,
double  t 

Definition at line 4051 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ setRefTorquesRaw() [1/2]

bool embObjMotionControl::setRefTorquesRaw ( const double *  t)

Definition at line 4043 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ setRefTorquesRaw() [2/2]

bool embObjMotionControl::setRefTorquesRaw ( const int  n_joint,
const int *  joints,
const double *  t 

Definition at line 4061 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ setRemoteVariableRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::setRemoteVariableRaw ( std::string  key,
const yarp::os::Bottle &  val 

Definition at line 3845 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ setTemperatureLimitRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::setTemperatureLimitRaw ( int  m,
const double  temp 

Definition at line 4892 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ setVelLimitsRaw()

bool embObjMotionControl::setVelLimitsRaw ( int  axis,
double  min,
double  max 

Definition at line 3945 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ stopRaw() [1/3]

bool embObjMotionControl::stopRaw ( )

Definition at line 2629 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ stopRaw() [2/3]

bool embObjMotionControl::stopRaw ( const int  n_joint,
const int *  joints 

Definition at line 2738 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ stopRaw() [3/3]

bool embObjMotionControl::stopRaw ( int  j)

Definition at line 2620 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ type()

eth::iethresType_t embObjMotionControl::type ( )

Implements eth::IethResource.

Definition at line 1560 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ update()

bool embObjMotionControl::update ( eOprotID32_t  id32,
double  timestamp,
void *  rxdata 

Implements eth::IethResource.

Definition at line 1565 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ updateVirtualAnalogSensorMeasure() [1/2]

bool embObjMotionControl::updateVirtualAnalogSensorMeasure ( int  j,
double &  fTorque 

Definition at line 3993 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ updateVirtualAnalogSensorMeasure() [2/2]

bool embObjMotionControl::updateVirtualAnalogSensorMeasure ( yarp::sig::Vector &  fTorques)

Definition at line 3982 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ velocityMoveRaw() [1/3]

bool embObjMotionControl::velocityMoveRaw ( const double *  sp)

Definition at line 2102 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ velocityMoveRaw() [2/3]

bool embObjMotionControl::velocityMoveRaw ( const int  n_joint,
const int *  joints,
const double *  spds 

Definition at line 4296 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

◆ velocityMoveRaw() [3/3]

bool embObjMotionControl::velocityMoveRaw ( int  j,
double  sp 

Definition at line 2068 of file embObjMotionControl.cpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: