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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123456]
 CiCub::action::ActionPrimitivesCallbackClass for defining routines to be called when action is completed
 CiCub::action::ActionPrimitivesWayPointStruct for defining way points used for movements in the operational space
 CiCub::ctrl::AWPolyElementBasic element for adaptive polynomial fitting
 CiCub::ctrl::AWPolyEstimatorAdaptive window polynomial fitting
 Ccan_string2< T >
 Cyarp::dev::CanBusMotionControlParametersThe PlxCan motion controller device driver
 CiCub::iKin::CartesianHelperHelper class providing useful methods to deal with Cartesian Solver options
 CiCub::ctrl::ClusteringAbstract class for clustering
 CiCub::learningmachine::merge::DataSelectorThe DataSelector is an interface for an object that selects data from one or more DataSources
 Cstd::deque< T >STL class
 CiCub::skin::diagnostics::DetectedErrorThe detected error
 CiCub::learningmachine::DispatcherManagerThe DispatcherManager provides a YARP-based configuration interface for the EventDispatcher
 Cyarp::dev::EsdMessageSnifferParametersA container class to pass parameters to the open() method of the device driver
 CiCub::perception::EventCallbackAn abstract class that provides basic events handling
 CiCub::learningmachine::EventDispatcherThe EventDispatcher manages the relation between the various instances of IEventListeners and IEvents
 CiCub::learningmachine::FactoryT< K, T >A template class for the factory pattern
 CiCub::ctrl::ff2LayNNFeed-Forward 2 layers Neural Network
 CiCub::learningmachine::FileReaderT< T >Template class that supports reading lines of a file to object instances using a fromString(char* line) method (e.g
 CFingerParametersParameters from
 CiCub::ctrl::FunctionEncoderAbstract class to deal with function encoding
 CiCub::ctrl::helperPIDHelper class providing useful methods to deal with pid options
 CICalibToolInterface to calibrate and project input image based on camera's internal parameters and projection mode
 Cyarp::dev::IClientLoggerInterface for a client that logs status messages to a server
 CiCub::skinDynLib::iCubSkinClass that collects a set of skinParts
 CiCub::iDyn::iCubWholeBodyA class for connecting UpperTorso and LowerTorso of the iCub, then getting the WholeBody in the dynamic framework
 Cyarp::dev::IDebugInterfaceDebug Interface
 CiCub::iDyn::iDynInvSensorA class for computing force/moment of a sensor placed anywhere in a kinematic chain; its position in the chain is defined wrt a certain link in the chain; this class can be useful to estimate the FT measurements of the sensor
 CiCub::iDyn::iDynNodeA class for connecting two or mutiple limbs and exchanging kinematic and wrench information between limbs
 CiCub::contrib::IEmotionInterfaceInterface for the Facial Expressions
 Cyarp::dev::IFactoryInterfaceInterface for a factory device; a device that can create objects
 CiCub::ctrl::IFilterInterface for the filters implemented in iCub::crtl
 CiCub::iDyn::iFrameOnLinkA Base class for defining the FT sensor over a generic link of a kinematic chain inherited by iKinLimb
 CiCub::iDyn::iGenericFrameA Base class for defining the Transformation of a Wrench from a frame to another
 CiCub::iKin::iKinChainA Base class for defining a Serial Link Chain
 CiCub::iKin::iKinCtrlAbstract class for inverting chain's kinematics
 CiCub::iKin::iKinIpOptMinClass for inverting chain's kinematics based on IpOpt lib
 CiCub::iKin::iKinIterateCallbackClass for defining iteration callback
 CiCub::iKin::iKinLimbVersionA class for defining the versions of the iCub limbs
 CiCub::iKin::iKinLinIneqConstrClass for defining Linear Inequality Constraints of the form lB <= C*q <= uB for the nonlinear problem NLP
 CiCub::iKin::iKinLinkA Base class for defining a Link with standard Denavit-Hartenberg convention
 CiCub::learningmachine::IMachineProcessorGeneric abstract class for machine based processors
 CiCub::ctrl::IntegratorA class for defining a saturated integrator based on Tustin formula: \( 1/s => T_s/2*(z+1)/(z-1) \)
 CiCub::learningmachine::IScalerThe IScaler is a linear scaler based scaler
 Cyarp::dev::IServerLoggerInterface for a server that logs status messages
 CiCub::learningmachine::ITransformProcessorGeneric abstract class for transformer based processors
 CiCub::ctrl::KalmanClassic Kalman estimator
 Cstd::list< T >STL class
 CiCub::optimization::MatrixTransformationWithMatchedPointsA class interface to deal with the problem of determining the matrix transformation between two sets of matching 3D points
 CiCub::ctrl::minJerkBaseGenBase class for minimum jerk generators
 CiCub::ctrl::minJerkVelCtrlAbstract class for minimum-jerk controllers with velocity commands
 CiCub::perception::ModelAn abstract class that provides basic methods for interfacing with the data acquisition
 CiCub::perception::NodeAn abstract class that exposes the basic methods for the handling of data acquired through the attached sensors
 CiCub::iDyn::OneChainNewtonEulerA class for computing forces and torques in a iDynChain
 CiCub::iDyn::OneLinkNewtonEulerA base class for computing forces and torques in a serial link chain
 CiCub::ctrl::OnlineDCMotorEstimatorOnline DC Motor Parameters Estimator
 CiCub::ctrl::OutliersDetectionAbstract class for outliers detection
 CiCub::learningmachine::merge::PortSourceThe PortSource collects data from a source port and caches the most recent Bottle of data
 CQCPBarDataHolds the data of one single data point (one bar) for QCPBars
 CQCPColorGradientDefines a color gradient for use with e.g
 CQCPColorMapDataHolds the two-dimensional data of a QCPColorMap plottable
 CQCPCurveDataHolds the data of one single data point for QCPCurve
 CQCPDataHolds the data of one single data point for QCPGraph
 CQCPItemAnchorAn anchor of an item to which positions can be attached to
 CQCPLineEndingHandles the different ending decorations for line-like items
 CQCPRangeRepresents the range an axis is encompassing
 CQCPScatterStyleRepresents the visual appearance of scatter points
 CiCub::ctrl::RiccatiClassic Riccati recursive formula for optimal control in a LQ problem
 CiCub::iDyn::RigidBodyTransformationA class for setting a rigid body transformation between iDynLimb and iDynNode
 CiCub::perception::SensorAn abstract class that exposes the basic methods for sensors handling
 CiCub::skin::diagnostics::SkinErrorCodeEnum to provide intelligible error codes for the skin
 CiCub::learningmachine::merge::SourceListThe SourceList manages a map of PortSource objects
 CiCub::skinDynLib::TaxelClass that encloses everything relate to a Taxel, i.e
 Cstd::vector< T >STL class