C_3f_matx_t | |
C_3f_vect_t | |
C_4f_vect_t | |
C__attribute__ | |
C_C2_ | |
C_C5_ | |
C_C8_ | |
C_CB_ | |
C_CC_ | |
C_CE_ | |
C_CF_ | |
C_DF_ | |
►Ceth::AbstractEthResource | |
►Ceth::EthResource | |
CEthResource_Mock | |
CEthResource_Mock | |
Ceth::FakeEthResource | |
CiCub::action::ActionPrimitives::Action | |
Caction_class | |
Caction_struct | |
CActionItem | |
►CiCub::action::ActionPrimitivesCallback | Class for defining routines to be called when action is completed |
CiCub::action::liftAndGraspCallback | |
CiCub::action::touchCallback | |
CiCub::action::ActionPrimitivesWayPoint | Struct for defining way points used for movements in the operational space |
CActions | |
CActionsRenderingEngine | |
Cstrain::regulation::Analog | |
Cstrain::regulation::Analog1 | |
Cscripting.App | |
Cscripting.appEntry | |
Cscripting.ApplicationDescriptor | |
Ceth::theNVmanager::Impl::askTransaction | |
CDiagnostic::LowLevel::AuxEmbeddedInfo | |
CiCub::ctrl::AWPolyElement | Basic element for adaptive polynomial fitting |
►CiCub::ctrl::AWPolyEstimator | Adaptive window polynomial fitting |
CiCub::ctrl::AWLinEstimator | Adaptive window linear fitting to estimate the first derivative |
CiCub::ctrl::AWQuadEstimator | Adaptive window quadratic fitting to estimate the second derivative |
CaxisImpedanceHelper | |
Cyarp::dev::eomc::axisInfo_t | |
CaxisPositionDirectHelper | |
CaxisTorqueHelper | |
CBatteryInfo | |
CBCastBufferElement | |
CBCastElement | |
Cyarp::dev::eomc::behaviour_flags_t | |
Cyarp::dev::embObjDevPrivData::behFlags | |
CBlob | |
Ceth::parser::boardActions | |
Ceth::parser::boardData | |
CBoardInfo | |
CboardInfo2_t | |
CboardInfo_t | |
CBoardList | |
Ceth::parser::boardProperties | |
Ceth::parser::boardSettings | |
►Cyarp::os::BufferedPort | |
CCamCalibPort | Camera Calibration Port class |
CCamCalibPort | Camera Calibration Port class |
CCartesianCtrlCommandPort | |
CCartesianEventHandler | |
CDataBaseModifyPort | |
CDisparityProcessor | |
CGazeEventHandler | |
CHeadEncoderPort | |
CImuPort | |
CRawValuesStreamingDataInputPort | |
CReplayPort | |
CTBR_CanBackDoor | |
CTorsoEncoderPort | |
CdataCollector | |
CfakeMotorDeviceClient::StatePort | |
CiCub::iKin::InputPort | |
CiCub::perception::Port | |
CinPort | |
CxdPort | |
CBVH | |
►CBVHNode | |
►CBVHNodeDH | |
►CBVHNodeEND | |
CBVHNodeForceTorque | |
CQCPAxisPainterPrivate::CachedLabel | |
►CCalibrator | |
CLSSVMCalibrator | |
CMatrixCalibrator | |
CCalibToolFactories | |
►CCalibToolFactory | |
CCalibToolFactoryOf< T > | |
CCalibToolFactoryOf< T > | |
CCalibToolFactoryOf< T > | |
CCamera | |
Ccan_protocol_info | |
Ccan_string2< T > | |
Ccan_string_eth | |
Ccan_string_generic | |
CCanBatteryData | |
Cyarp::dev::CanBusMotionControlParameters | The PlxCan motion controller device driver |
CCanBusResources | |
CCanFrame | |
►Cyarp::dev::CanMessage | |
CEthCanMessage | |
Cyarp::dev::Cfw2CanMessage | |
Cyarp::dev::EsdCanMessage | |
Cyarp::dev::FakeCanMessage | |
Cyarp::dev::PlxCanMessage | |
Cyarp::dev::SocketCanMessage | |
CCanMonitor | |
CCanPacket | |
CCanPkt_t | |
CCanPktFrame_t | |
CCanPktHeader_t | |
CCanRequest | |
CCanSocket | |
►CiCub::iKin::CartesianHelper | Helper class providing useful methods to deal with Cartesian Solver options |
CClientCartesianController | clientcartesiancontroller : implements the client part of the Cartesian Interface |
CServerCartesianController | servercartesiancontroller : implements the server part of the Cartesian Interface |
►CiCub::iKin::CartesianSolver | Abstract class defining the core of on-line solvers |
CCustomCartesianSolver | |
CfakeRobotCartesianSolver | This class inherits from the CartesianSolver super-class implementing the solver |
CiCub::iKin::iCubArmCartesianSolver | Derived class which implements the on-line solver for the chain torso+arm |
CiCub::iKin::iCubLegCartesianSolver | Derived class which implements the on-line solver for the leg chain |
CcDownloader | |
Cstrain::amplifier::PGA308::Impl::CFG0register | |
Cstrain::amplifier::PGA308::Impl::CFG1register | |
Cstrain::amplifier::PGA308::Impl::CFG2register | |
►CiCub::ctrl::Clustering | Abstract class for clustering |
CiCub::ctrl::DBSCAN | Data clustering based on DBSCAN algorithm |
CCMTComm | |
CiCub::ctrl::Code | Code |
CiCub::skinManager::Compensator | |
CDataBase::Condition | |
Cembot::tools::Histogram::Config | |
Cembot::tools::PeriodValidator::Config | |
Cembot::tools::RoundTripValidator::Config | |
Ceth::EthMonitorPresence::Config | |
Cmced::mcEventDownsampler::Config | |
CstrainInterface::Config | |
CGazeModule::Context | |
CServerCartesianController::Context | |
CControlBoardHelper2 | |
Cyarp::dev::eomc::couplingInfo_t | |
Ceth::theNVmanager::Impl::Data | |
Cdata_3DM_GX3_t | |
CiCub::ctrl::dbscan::Data_t | |
►CiCub::learningmachine::merge::DataSelector | The DataSelector is an interface for an object that selects data from one or more DataSources |
►CiCub::learningmachine::merge::CompositeSelector | The composite selector groups other data selectors |
CiCub::learningmachine::merge::RootSelector | The RootSelector is entry point for a format bottle |
CiCub::learningmachine::merge::IndexSelector | The IndexSelector selects the components at specified indices from the source |
CiCub::learningmachine::test::Dataset | |
Cyarp::dev::CanBusMotionControlParameters::DebugParameters | |
►CDiagnostic::LowLevel::DefaultParser | |
CDiagnostic::LowLevel::AnalogSensorParser | |
CDiagnostic::LowLevel::ConfigParser | |
CDiagnostic::LowLevel::EthMonitorParser | |
CDiagnostic::LowLevel::HwErrorParser | |
CDiagnostic::LowLevel::InertialSensorParser | |
CDiagnostic::LowLevel::MotionControlParser | |
CDiagnostic::LowLevel::SkinParser | |
CDiagnostic::LowLevel::SysParser | |
►Cstd::deque< T > | STL class |
CiCub::action::ActionPrimitives::ActionsQueue | |
CiCub::skin::diagnostics::DetectedError | The detected error |
►CDeviceDriver | |
CBcbBattery | |
CBmsBattery | |
CCanBusAnalogSensor | canbusanalogsensor : driver for CAN communication with IIT's analog sensor boards, including the MAIS and STRAIN boards |
CCanBusFtSensor | canbusftsensor : driver for CAN communication with IIT's analog sensor boards, including the MAIS and STRAIN boards |
CCanBusInertialMTB | canbusinertialmtb : driver for CAN communication with inertial sensors (accelerometers, gyroscopes) mounted on MTB boards |
►Cyarp::dev::DeviceDriver | |
CCanBusSkin | |
CCanBusVirtualAnalogSensor | |
CClientCartesianController | clientcartesiancontroller : implements the client part of the Cartesian Interface |
CClientGazeController | clientgazecontroller : implements the client part of the the Gaze Control Interface |
CCouplingICubEye | Coupling law from https://icub-tech-iit.github.io/documentation/icub_kinematics/icub-vergence-version/icub-vergence-version/ |
CCouplingICubHandMk2 | TBD |
CEmbObjSkin | |
CFakeRawValuesPublisher | |
CRawValuesPublisherClient | |
CRawValuesPublisherServer | |
CServerCartesianController | servercartesiancontroller : implements the server part of the Cartesian Interface |
CTBR_AnalogSensor | |
CfakeMotorDeviceClient | This class implements the client part of the fake motor device driver |
CfakeMotorDeviceServer | This class implements the server part of the fake motor device driver |
CskinWrapper | |
Cyarp::dev::CanBusAccessPoint | sharedcan : implements ICanBus interface for multiple access from a single access can driver (for example cfw2can) |
Cyarp::dev::CanBusMotionControl | canbusmotioncontrol : driver for motor control boards on a CAN bus |
Cyarp::dev::Cfw2Can | cfw2can : driver implementing the yarp::dev::ICanBus interface for a cfw2 can bus device (cfw2 pc104 card) |
►Cyarp::dev::DragonflyDeviceDriver2 | Dragonfly2 and dragonfly2raw device driver implementation |
Cyarp::dev::DragonflyDeviceDriver2Raw | dragonfly2raw : framegrabber device driver that can acquire raw format images in 640x480 resolution |
Cyarp::dev::DragonflyDeviceDriver2Rgb | dragonfly2 : framegrabber device driver that can acquire RGB color images in 320x240 or 640x480 resolutions |
Cyarp::dev::EsdCan | ecan : implements yarp::dev::ICanBus for a esd can bus board |
Cyarp::dev::EsdMessageSniffer | The EsdMessageSniffer device driver |
Cyarp::dev::FakeCan | fakecan : implements yarp::dev::ICanBus for a software (fake) can bus board |
►Cyarp::dev::PassThroughInertial | |
Cyarp::dev::ImuFilter | |
Cyarp::dev::PlxCan | pcan : implements yarp::dev::ICanBus for a "plx based" can bus device (cfw pc104 card) |
Cyarp::dev::SocketCan | socketcan : implements yarp::dev::ICanBus for a linux socketcan |
Cyarp::dev::XSensMTx | xsensmtx : driver for XSens's MTx IMU unit |
►Cyarp::dev::embObjBattery | |
CembObjCanBatterysensor_Mock | |
Cyarp::dev::embObjFTsensor | |
Cyarp::dev::embObjIMU | |
Cyarp::dev::embObjMais | |
Cyarp::dev::embObjMotionControl | embObjMotionControl : driver for iCub motor control boards EMS on a ETH bus |
►Cyarp::dev::embObjMultipleFTsensors | |
CembObjMultipleFTsensor_Mock | |
Cyarp::dev::embObjPOS | |
Cyarp::dev::imu3DM_GX3 | Driver for 3DM_GX3 IMU unit from MicroStrain |
Cyarp::dev::imuST_M1 | imuST_M1 : driver for 3DM_GX3 IMU unit from MicroStrain |
Cyarp::dev::parametricCalibrator | parametricCalibrator : implement calibration routines for the iCub arm(s) (version 1.2) |
Cyarp::dev::parametricCalibratorEth | parametricCalibrator : implement calibration routines for the iCub arm(s) (version 1.2) |
Cstrain::regulation::Digital | |
Cstrain::amplifier::DiscreteParams | |
CiCub::learningmachine::DispatcherManager | The DispatcherManager provides a YARP-based configuration interface for the EventDispatcher |
CDragger | |
CDriverDescriptor | |
CDSocket | |
Cscripting.EditWindow | |
CTools::Emb_PeriodicEventVerifier | Tools::Emb_PeriodicEventVerifier |
CTools::Emb_RensponseTimingVerifier | Tools::Emb_RensponseTimingVerifier |
CDiagnostic::EmbeddedInfo | |
►Cyarp::dev::embObjDevPrivData | |
CembObjDevPrivData_Mock | |
CembObjDevPrivData_Mock | |
Cyarp::dev::eo_ftsens_privData | |
Cyarp::dev::eo_imu_privData | |
Cyarp::dev::eomc::encoder_t | |
CDiagnostic::LowLevel::EntityNameProvider | |
CiCub::ctrl::dbscan::Epsilon_neighbours_t | |
Cyarp::dev::EsdMessageSnifferParameters | A container class to pass parameters to the open() method of the device driver |
CEsdResources | |
CEthBoard | |
CEthBoardList | |
Ceth::EthBoards | |
CethCounters_total | |
CEthMaintainer | |
Ceth::EthMonitorPresence | |
CEthUpdater | |
CiCub::perception::EventCallback | An abstract class that provides basic events handling |
CiCub::learningmachine::EventDispatcher | The EventDispatcher manages the relation between the various instances of IEventListeners and IEvents |
Cstrain::amplifier::Example_strain2_ampl_regs_t | |
CExchangeData | |
CexchangeData | |
Cexpected_values_handler_class | |
CEyeAligner | |
CiCub::learningmachine::FactoryT< K, T > | A template class for the factory pattern |
CFEAT_ip_addr | |
►CiCub::ctrl::ff2LayNN | Feed-Forward 2 layers Neural Network |
►CiCub::ctrl::ff2LayNN_tansig_purelin | Feed-Forward 2 layers Neural Network with a tansig function for the hidden nodes and a purelin for the output nodes |
CiCub::optimization::ff2LayNNTrain_tansig_purelin | Class to deal with training of Feed-Forward 2 layers Neural Network with a tansig function for the hidden nodes and a purelin for the output nodes |
►CiCub::optimization::ff2LayNNTrain | Class to deal with training of Feed-Forward 2 layers Neural Network using IpOpt |
CiCub::optimization::ff2LayNNTrain_tansig_purelin | Class to deal with training of Feed-Forward 2 layers Neural Network with a tansig function for the hidden nodes and a purelin for the output nodes |
CiCub::learningmachine::FileReaderT< T > | Template class that supports reading lines of a file to object instances using a fromString(char* line) method (e.g |
CFingerParameters | Parameters from https://icub-tech-iit.github.io/documentation/hands/hands_mk5_coupling |
Cfirmware_info | |
CfirmwareVersionHelper | |
Cyarp::dev::eomc::focBasedSpecificInfo_t | |
CForceArrow | |
CFtData | |
CFtInfo | |
Cstrain::regulation::FullRegulation | |
Cstrain::regulation::FullRegulation1 | |
►CiCub::ctrl::FunctionEncoder | Abstract class to deal with function encoding |
CiCub::ctrl::WaveletEncoder | Encode any given function as a set of wavelet coefficients |
►CGazeComponent | |
CController | |
CEyePinvRefGen | |
CLocalizer | |
CSolver | |
Cstrain::amplifier::PGA308::Impl::GDACregister | |
►CGetData | |
CGetAccs | |
CGetControlModes | |
CGetCurrs | |
CGetEncs | |
CGetInteractionModes | |
CGetMotAccs | |
CGetMotEncs | |
CGetMotPwm | |
CGetMotSpeeds | |
CGetOuts | |
CGetPidRefs | |
CGetPosErrs | |
CGetSpeeds | |
CGetTemps | |
CGetTrqErrs | |
CGetTrqRefs | |
CGetTrqs | |
►CGuiObj | |
CTrajectoryObj | |
CVisionObj | |
CiCub::action::ActionPrimitives::HandWayPoint | |
►CiCub::ctrl::helperPID | Helper class providing useful methods to deal with pid options |
CiCub::ctrl::parallelPID | General structure of parallel (non-interactive) PID |
CiCub::ctrl::seriesPID | General structure of series (interactive) PID |
Cembot::tools::Histogram | |
CPARTICLEThread::histogram | |
ChostAddr_t | |
Ceth::HostTransceiver | |
►CIAmplifierControlRaw | |
Cyarp::dev::CanBusMotionControl | canbusmotioncontrol : driver for motor control boards on a CAN bus |
Cyarp::dev::EsdMessageSniffer | The EsdMessageSniffer device driver |
Cyarp::dev::embObjMotionControl | embObjMotionControl : driver for iCub motor control boards EMS on a ETH bus |
►Cyarp::dev::IAnalogSensor | |
CCanBusAnalogSensor | canbusanalogsensor : driver for CAN communication with IIT's analog sensor boards, including the MAIS and STRAIN boards |
CCanBusInertialMTB | canbusinertialmtb : driver for CAN communication with inertial sensors (accelerometers, gyroscopes) mounted on MTB boards |
CCanBusSkin | |
CEmbObjSkin | |
CTBR_AnalogSensor | |
Cyarp::dev::embObjPOS | |
►CIAxisInfoRaw | |
Cyarp::dev::CanBusMotionControl | canbusmotioncontrol : driver for motor control boards on a CAN bus |
Cyarp::dev::embObjMotionControl | embObjMotionControl : driver for iCub motor control boards EMS on a ETH bus |
►Cyarp::dev::IBattery | |
CBcbBattery | |
CBmsBattery | |
Cyarp::dev::embObjBattery | |
►CICalibrator | |
Cyarp::dev::parametricCalibrator | parametricCalibrator : implement calibration routines for the iCub arm(s) (version 1.2) |
Cyarp::dev::parametricCalibratorEth | parametricCalibrator : implement calibration routines for the iCub arm(s) (version 1.2) |
►CICalibTool | Interface to calibrate and project input image based on camera's internal parameters and projection mode
CPinholeCalibTool | Class to calibrate input image based on camera's internal parameters
Configuration: See PinholeCalibTool::configure |
CPinholeCalibTool | Class to calibrate input image based on camera's internal parameters
Configuration: See PinholeCalibTool::configure |
CPinholeCalibTool | Class to calibrate input image based on camera's internal parameters
Configuration: See PinholeCalibTool::configure |
CSphericalCalibTool | Interface to calibrate and spherically project input image
CSphericalCalibTool | Interface to calibrate and spherically project input image
CSphericalCalibTool | Interface to calibrate and spherically project input image
►CICanBufferFactory | |
Cyarp::dev::CanBusAccessPoint | sharedcan : implements ICanBus interface for multiple access from a single access can driver (for example cfw2can) |
►CICanBus | |
Cyarp::dev::CanBusAccessPoint | sharedcan : implements ICanBus interface for multiple access from a single access can driver (for example cfw2can) |
Cyarp::dev::Cfw2Can | cfw2can : driver implementing the yarp::dev::ICanBus interface for a cfw2 can bus device (cfw2 pc104 card) |
Cyarp::dev::EsdCan | ecan : implements yarp::dev::ICanBus for a esd can bus board |
Cyarp::dev::FakeCan | fakecan : implements yarp::dev::ICanBus for a software (fake) can bus board |
Cyarp::dev::PlxCan | pcan : implements yarp::dev::ICanBus for a "plx based" can bus device (cfw pc104 card) |
Cyarp::dev::SocketCan | socketcan : implements yarp::dev::ICanBus for a linux socketcan |
►CICanBusErrors | |
Cyarp::dev::PlxCan | pcan : implements yarp::dev::ICanBus for a "plx based" can bus device (cfw pc104 card) |
►Cyarp::dev::ICartesianControl | |
CClientCartesianController | clientcartesiancontroller : implements the client part of the Cartesian Interface |
CServerCartesianController | servercartesiancontroller : implements the server part of the Cartesian Interface |
►Cyarp::dev::IClientLogger | Interface for a client that logs status messages to a server |
Cyarp::dev::CanBusMotionControl | canbusmotioncontrol : driver for motor control boards on a CAN bus |
►CIControlCalibrationRaw | |
Cyarp::dev::CanBusMotionControl | canbusmotioncontrol : driver for motor control boards on a CAN bus |
Cyarp::dev::embObjMotionControl | embObjMotionControl : driver for iCub motor control boards EMS on a ETH bus |
►Cyarp::dev::IControlLimits | |
CfakeMotorDeviceClient | This class implements the client part of the fake motor device driver |
CfakeMotorDeviceServer | This class implements the server part of the fake motor device driver |
►CIControlLimitsRaw | |
Cyarp::dev::CanBusMotionControl | canbusmotioncontrol : driver for motor control boards on a CAN bus |
Cyarp::dev::embObjMotionControl | embObjMotionControl : driver for iCub motor control boards EMS on a ETH bus |
►CIControlModeRaw | |
Cyarp::dev::CanBusMotionControl | canbusmotioncontrol : driver for motor control boards on a CAN bus |
Cyarp::dev::embObjMotionControl | embObjMotionControl : driver for iCub motor control boards EMS on a ETH bus |
CiCubMesh | |
CiCub::skinDynLib::iCubSkin | Class that collects a set of skinParts |
CiCubStatus | |
CiCub::iDyn::iCubWholeBody | A class for connecting UpperTorso and LowerTorso of the iCub, then getting the WholeBody in the dynamic framework |
►CICurrentControlRaw | |
Cyarp::dev::CanBusMotionControl | canbusmotioncontrol : driver for motor control boards on a CAN bus |
Cyarp::dev::embObjMotionControl | embObjMotionControl : driver for iCub motor control boards EMS on a ETH bus |
►Cyarp::dev::IDebugInterface | Debug Interface |
Cyarp::dev::ImplementDebugInterface | |
Cyarp::dev::IDebugInterfaceRaw | |
►Cyarp::dev::IDeviceDriverParams | |
►CCouplingICubEye_ParamsParser | This class is the parameters parser for class CouplingICubEye |
CCouplingICubEye | Coupling law from https://icub-tech-iit.github.io/documentation/icub_kinematics/icub-vergence-version/icub-vergence-version/ |
►CCouplingICubHandMk2_ParamsParser | This class is the parameters parser for class CouplingICubHandMk2 |
CCouplingICubHandMk2 | TBD |
►CFakeRawValuesPublisher_ParamsParser | This class is the parameters parser for class FakeRawValuesPublisher |
CFakeRawValuesPublisher | |
►CRawValuesPublisherClient_ParamsParser | This class is the parameters parser for class RawValuesPublisherClient |
CRawValuesPublisherClient | |
►CRawValuesPublisherServer_ParamsParser | This class is the parameters parser for class RawValuesPublisherServer |
CRawValuesPublisherServer | |
►CiDriver | |
CcDriver | |
CeDriver | |
►CiDriver2 | |
CcDriver2 | |
CeDriver2 | |
►CiCub::iDyn::iDynInvSensor | A class for computing force/moment of a sensor placed anywhere in a kinematic chain; its position in the chain is defined wrt a certain link in the chain; this class can be useful to estimate the FT measurements of the sensor |
CiCub::iDyn::iDynInvSensorArm | A class for computing force/moment of the FT sensor placed in the middle of the iCub's left or right arm |
CiCub::iDyn::iDynInvSensorArmNoTorso | A class for computing force/moment of the FT sensor placed in the middle of the iCub's left or right arm |
CiCub::iDyn::iDynInvSensorLeg | A class for computing force/moment of the FT sensor placed in the middle of the iCub's left or right leg |
►CiCub::iDyn::iDynSensor | A class for computing forces and torques in a iDynChain, when a force/torque sensor is placed in the middle of the kinematic chain and it is the only available sensor for measuring forces and moments; the sensor position in the chain must be set; the computation of joint forces, moments and torques is performed by an Inverse Newton-Euler method |
CiCub::iDyn::iDynContactSolver | This solver uses a modified version of the Newton-Euler algorithm to estimate both the external and internal forces/moments of a single kinematic chain |
CiCub::iDyn::iDynSensorArm | A class for computing joint force/moment/torque of an iCub arm (left/right) given the FT measurements of the sensor placed in the middle of the arm |
CiCub::iDyn::iDynSensorArmNoTorso | A class for computing joint force/moment/torque of an iCub arm (left/right) given the FT measurements of the sensor placed in the middle of the arm |
CiCub::iDyn::iDynSensorLeg | A class for computing joint force/moment/torque of an iCub leg (left/right) given the FT measurements of the sensor placed in the middle of the leg |
►CiCub::iDyn::iDynNode | A class for connecting two or mutiple limbs and exchanging kinematic and wrench information between limbs |
CUpTorso | |
►CiCub::iDyn::iDynSensorNode | A class for connecting two or mutiple limbs and exchanging kinematic and wrench information between limbs, when one or multiple limbs have FT sensors |
►CiCub::iDyn::iDynSensorTorsoNode | A class for connecting a central-up limb, a left and right limb of the iCub, and exchanging kinematic and wrench information between limbs, when both left/right limb have FT sensors and the central-up one use the kinematic and wrench information coming from a inertial measurements or another iDynSensorNode |
CiCub::iDyn::iCubLowerTorso | A class for connecting torso, left and right leg of the iCub, and exchanging kinematic and wrench information between limbs, when both legs have FT sensors and the torso use the kinematic and wrench information coming from UpperTorso |
CiCub::iDyn::iCubUpperTorso | A class for connecting head, left and right arm of the iCub, and exchanging kinematic and wrench information between limbs, when both arms have FT sensors and the head use the inertial sensor |
►CiCub::contrib::IEmotionInterface | Interface for the Facial Expressions |
CiCub::contrib::EmotionInterfaceModule | EmotionInterface Module class |
►Cyarp::dev::IEncoderArrays | |
Cyarp::dev::embObjMais | |
►Cyarp::dev::IEncoders | |
CfakeMotorDeviceClient | This class implements the client part of the fake motor device driver |
CfakeMotorDeviceServer | This class implements the server part of the fake motor device driver |
►CIEncodersRaw | |
Cyarp::dev::EsdMessageSniffer | The EsdMessageSniffer device driver |
►CIEncodersTimedRaw | |
Cyarp::dev::CanBusMotionControl | canbusmotioncontrol : driver for motor control boards on a CAN bus |
Cyarp::dev::embObjMotionControl | embObjMotionControl : driver for iCub motor control boards EMS on a ETH bus |
►Ceth::IethResource | |
CEmbObjSkin | |
Cyarp::dev::embObjBattery | |
Cyarp::dev::embObjFTsensor | |
Cyarp::dev::embObjIMU | |
Cyarp::dev::embObjMais | |
Cyarp::dev::embObjMotionControl | embObjMotionControl : driver for iCub motor control boards EMS on a ETH bus |
Cyarp::dev::embObjMultipleFTsensors | |
Cyarp::dev::embObjPOS | |
►CiCub::learningmachine::IEvent | |
CiCub::learningmachine::PredictEvent | |
CiCub::learningmachine::TrainEvent | A TrainEvent is raised when the machine handles a training sample |
►CiCub::learningmachine::IEventListener | |
►CiCub::learningmachine::IPortEventListener | The abstract base class for EventListeners that output to a port |
CiCub::learningmachine::PredictEventListener | |
CiCub::learningmachine::TrainEventListener | |
►Cyarp::dev::IFactoryInterface | Interface for a factory device; a device that can create objects |
Cyarp::dev::CanBusMotionControl | canbusmotioncontrol : driver for motor control boards on a CAN bus |
►CiCub::ctrl::IFilter | Interface for the filters implemented in iCub::crtl |
CiCub::ctrl::Filter | IIR and FIR |
CiCub::ctrl::FirstOrderLowPassFilter | First order low pass filter implementing the transfer function H(s) = \frac{1}{1+\tau s} |
CiCub::ctrl::MedianFilter | Median Filter |
CiCub::ctrl::RateLimiter | Rate Limiter |
►CIFrameGrabberControls | |
Cyarp::dev::DragonflyDeviceDriver2 | Dragonfly2 and dragonfly2raw device driver implementation |
►Cyarp::dev::IFrameGrabberControlsDC1394 | |
CCFWCamera_DR2_2 | |
CCFWCamera_DR2_2 | |
Cyarp::dev::DragonflyDeviceDriver2 | Dragonfly2 and dragonfly2raw device driver implementation |
►CIFrameGrabberImage | |
Cyarp::dev::DragonflyDeviceDriver2Rgb | dragonfly2 : framegrabber device driver that can acquire RGB color images in 320x240 or 640x480 resolutions |
►CIFrameGrabberImageRaw | |
Cyarp::dev::DragonflyDeviceDriver2Raw | dragonfly2raw : framegrabber device driver that can acquire raw format images in 640x480 resolution |
Cyarp::dev::DragonflyDeviceDriver2Rgb | dragonfly2 : framegrabber device driver that can acquire RGB color images in 320x240 or 640x480 resolutions |
CiCub::iDyn::iFrameOnLink | A Base class for defining the FT sensor over a generic link of a kinematic chain inherited by iKinLimb |
►Cstrain::amplifier::IFregs | |
Cstrain::amplifier::PGA308::Registers | |
CiCub::iDyn::iFTransformation | |
►Cyarp::dev::IGazeControl | |
CClientGazeController | clientgazecontroller : implements the client part of the the Gaze Control Interface |
CiCub::iDyn::iGenericFrame | A Base class for defining the Transformation of a Wrench from a frame to another |
►Cyarp::dev::IGenericSensor | |
Cyarp::dev::XSensMTx | xsensmtx : driver for XSens's MTx IMU unit |
Cyarp::dev::imu3DM_GX3 | Driver for 3DM_GX3 IMU unit from MicroStrain |
Cyarp::dev::imuST_M1 | imuST_M1 : driver for 3DM_GX3 IMU unit from MicroStrain |
CIiCubFeature | |
►CIImpedanceControlRaw | |
Cyarp::dev::CanBusMotionControl | canbusmotioncontrol : driver for motor control boards on a CAN bus |
Cyarp::dev::embObjMotionControl | embObjMotionControl : driver for iCub motor control boards EMS on a ETH bus |
►CIInteractionModeRaw | |
Cyarp::dev::CanBusMotionControl | canbusmotioncontrol : driver for motor control boards on a CAN bus |
Cyarp::dev::embObjMotionControl | embObjMotionControl : driver for iCub motor control boards EMS on a ETH bus |
►CIJointFaultRaw | |
Cyarp::dev::embObjMotionControl | embObjMotionControl : driver for iCub motor control boards EMS on a ETH bus |
►CiCub::iKin::iKinChain | A Base class for defining a Serial Link Chain |
►CiCub::iDyn::iDynChain | A Base class for defining a Serial Link Chain, using dynamics and kinematics |
►CiCub::iDyn::iDynLimb | A class for defining a generic Limb within the iDyn framework |
CiCub::iDyn::iCubArmDyn | A class for defining the 7-DOF iCub Arm in the iDyn framework |
CiCub::iDyn::iCubArmNoTorsoDyn | A class for defining the 7-DOF iCub Arm in the iDyn framework |
CiCub::iDyn::iCubLegDyn | A class for defining the 6-DOF iCub Leg |
CiCub::iDyn::iCubLegDynV2 | A class for defining the 6-DOF iCub Leg |
CiCub::iDyn::iCubNeckInertialDyn | A class for defining the 3-DOF Inertia Sensor Kinematics |
CiCub::iDyn::iCubNeckInertialDynV2 | A class for defining the 3-DOF Inertia Sensor Kinematics (V2 HEAD) |
CiCub::iDyn::iCubTorsoDyn | A class for defining the 3-DOF iCub Torso in the iDyn framework |
►CiCub::iKin::iKinLimb | A class for defining generic Limb |
CgenericRightArm | |
CiCub::iKin::iCubArm | A class for defining the iCub Arm |
►CiCub::iKin::iCubEye | A class for defining the iCub Eye |
CiCub::iKin::iCubEyeNeckRef | A class for defining the iCub Eye with the root reference frame attached to the neck |
CiCub::iKin::iCubHeadCenter | A class for describing the kinematic of the straight line coming out from the point located between the eyes |
CiCub::iKin::iCubFinger | A class for defining the iCub Finger |
CiCub::iKin::iCubInertialSensor | A class for defining the Inertia Sensor Kinematics of the iCub |
CiCub::iKin::iCubInertialSensorWaist | A class for defining the Kinematics of the Inertial Sensor mounted in the iCub's Waist |
CiCub::iKin::iCubLeg | A class for defining the iCub Leg |
CiCub::iKin::iCubTorso | A class for defining the iCub Torso |
►CiCub::iKin::iKinCtrl | Abstract class for inverting chain's kinematics |
►CiCub::iKin::LMCtrl | A class derived from iKinCtrl implementing the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm: |
CiCub::iKin::LMCtrl_GPM | A class derived from LMCtrl implementing the Gradient Projection Method according to the paper available here |
CiCub::iKin::MultiRefMinJerkCtrl | A class derived from iKinCtrl implementing the multi-referential approach |
►CiCub::iKin::SteepCtrl | A class derived from iKinCtrl implementing two standard algorithms based on steepest descent qdot=-Kp*grad |
CiCub::iKin::VarKpSteepCtrl | A class derived from SteepCtrl implementing the variable gain algorithm |
►CiCub::iKin::iKinIpOptMin | Class for inverting chain's kinematics based on IpOpt lib |
CGazeIpOptMin | |
►CiCub::iKin::iKinIterateCallback | Class for defining iteration callback |
CiCub::iKin::SolverCallback | |
CiCub::iKin::iKinLimbVersion | A class for defining the versions of the iCub limbs |
►CiCub::iKin::iKinLinIneqConstr | Class for defining Linear Inequality Constraints of the form lB <= C*q <= uB for the nonlinear problem NLP |
CGenericLinIneqConstr | |
CiCub::iKin::iCubAdditionalArmConstraints | Class for dealing with additional iCub arm's constraints |
►CiCub::iKin::iKinLink | A Base class for defining a Link with standard Denavit-Hartenberg convention |
CiCub::iDyn::iDynLink | A base class for defining a Link with standard Denavit-Hartenberg convention, providing kinematic and dynamic information |
►CiCub::learningmachine::IMachineProcessor | Generic abstract class for machine based processors |
CiCub::learningmachine::PredictProcessor | Reply processor helper class for predictions |
CiCub::learningmachine::TrainProcessor | Port processor helper class for incoming training samples |
►CIMotorEncodersRaw | |
Cyarp::dev::CanBusMotionControl | canbusmotioncontrol : driver for motor control boards on a CAN bus |
Cyarp::dev::embObjMotionControl | embObjMotionControl : driver for iCub motor control boards EMS on a ETH bus |
►CIMotorRaw | |
Cyarp::dev::CanBusMotionControl | canbusmotioncontrol : driver for motor control boards on a CAN bus |
Cyarp::dev::embObjMotionControl | embObjMotionControl : driver for iCub motor control boards EMS on a ETH bus |
CImpedanceLimits | |
Cyarp::dev::eomc::impedanceLimits_t | |
Cyarp::dev::CanBusMotionControlParameters::ImpedanceParameters | |
Cyarp::dev::eomc::impedanceParameters_t | |
Cembot::tools::Histogram::Impl | |
Cembot::tools::PeriodValidator::Impl | |
Cembot::tools::RoundTripValidator::Impl | |
Ceth::theNVmanager::Impl | |
Cstrain::amplifier::PGA308::Impl | |
CTools::Emb_PeriodicEventVerifier::Impl | |
CTools::Emb_RensponseTimingVerifier::Impl | |
►CImplementAmplifierControl | |
Cyarp::dev::CanBusMotionControl | canbusmotioncontrol : driver for motor control boards on a CAN bus |
Cyarp::dev::EsdMessageSniffer | The EsdMessageSniffer device driver |
Cyarp::dev::embObjMotionControl | embObjMotionControl : driver for iCub motor control boards EMS on a ETH bus |
►CImplementAxisInfo | |
Cyarp::dev::CanBusMotionControl | canbusmotioncontrol : driver for motor control boards on a CAN bus |
Cyarp::dev::embObjMotionControl | embObjMotionControl : driver for iCub motor control boards EMS on a ETH bus |
►Cyarp::dev::ImplementCanBufferFactory | |
CeDriver | |
Cyarp::dev::Cfw2Can | cfw2can : driver implementing the yarp::dev::ICanBus interface for a cfw2 can bus device (cfw2 pc104 card) |
Cyarp::dev::EsdCan | ecan : implements yarp::dev::ICanBus for a esd can bus board |
Cyarp::dev::FakeCan | fakecan : implements yarp::dev::ICanBus for a software (fake) can bus board |
Cyarp::dev::PlxCan | pcan : implements yarp::dev::ICanBus for a "plx based" can bus device (cfw pc104 card) |
Cyarp::dev::SocketCan | socketcan : implements yarp::dev::ICanBus for a linux socketcan |
►CImplementControlCalibration | |
Cyarp::dev::CanBusMotionControl | canbusmotioncontrol : driver for motor control boards on a CAN bus |
Cyarp::dev::embObjMotionControl | embObjMotionControl : driver for iCub motor control boards EMS on a ETH bus |
►CImplementControlLimits | |
Cyarp::dev::CanBusMotionControl | canbusmotioncontrol : driver for motor control boards on a CAN bus |
Cyarp::dev::embObjMotionControl | embObjMotionControl : driver for iCub motor control boards EMS on a ETH bus |
►CImplementControlMode | |
Cyarp::dev::CanBusMotionControl | canbusmotioncontrol : driver for motor control boards on a CAN bus |
Cyarp::dev::embObjMotionControl | embObjMotionControl : driver for iCub motor control boards EMS on a ETH bus |
►CImplementCurrentControl | |
Cyarp::dev::CanBusMotionControl | canbusmotioncontrol : driver for motor control boards on a CAN bus |
Cyarp::dev::embObjMotionControl | embObjMotionControl : driver for iCub motor control boards EMS on a ETH bus |
►CImplementEncoders | |
Cyarp::dev::EsdMessageSniffer | The EsdMessageSniffer device driver |
►CImplementEncodersTimed | |
Cyarp::dev::CanBusMotionControl | canbusmotioncontrol : driver for motor control boards on a CAN bus |
Cyarp::dev::embObjMotionControl | embObjMotionControl : driver for iCub motor control boards EMS on a ETH bus |
►CImplementImpedanceControl | |
Cyarp::dev::CanBusMotionControl | canbusmotioncontrol : driver for motor control boards on a CAN bus |
Cyarp::dev::embObjMotionControl | embObjMotionControl : driver for iCub motor control boards EMS on a ETH bus |
►CImplementInteractionMode | |
Cyarp::dev::CanBusMotionControl | canbusmotioncontrol : driver for motor control boards on a CAN bus |
Cyarp::dev::embObjMotionControl | embObjMotionControl : driver for iCub motor control boards EMS on a ETH bus |
►Cyarp::dev::ImplementJointCoupling | |
CCouplingICubEye | Coupling law from https://icub-tech-iit.github.io/documentation/icub_kinematics/icub-vergence-version/icub-vergence-version/ |
CCouplingICubHandMk2 | TBD |
►CImplementJointFault | |
Cyarp::dev::embObjMotionControl | embObjMotionControl : driver for iCub motor control boards EMS on a ETH bus |
►CImplementMotor | |
Cyarp::dev::CanBusMotionControl | canbusmotioncontrol : driver for motor control boards on a CAN bus |
Cyarp::dev::embObjMotionControl | embObjMotionControl : driver for iCub motor control boards EMS on a ETH bus |
►CImplementMotorEncoders | |
Cyarp::dev::CanBusMotionControl | canbusmotioncontrol : driver for motor control boards on a CAN bus |
Cyarp::dev::embObjMotionControl | embObjMotionControl : driver for iCub motor control boards EMS on a ETH bus |
►CImplementPidControl | |
Cyarp::dev::CanBusMotionControl | canbusmotioncontrol : driver for motor control boards on a CAN bus |
Cyarp::dev::EsdMessageSniffer | The EsdMessageSniffer device driver |
Cyarp::dev::embObjMotionControl | embObjMotionControl : driver for iCub motor control boards EMS on a ETH bus |
►CImplementPositionControl | |
Cyarp::dev::CanBusMotionControl | canbusmotioncontrol : driver for motor control boards on a CAN bus |
Cyarp::dev::embObjMotionControl | embObjMotionControl : driver for iCub motor control boards EMS on a ETH bus |
►CImplementPositionDirect | |
Cyarp::dev::CanBusMotionControl | canbusmotioncontrol : driver for motor control boards on a CAN bus |
Cyarp::dev::embObjMotionControl | embObjMotionControl : driver for iCub motor control boards EMS on a ETH bus |
►CImplementPWMControl | |
Cyarp::dev::CanBusMotionControl | canbusmotioncontrol : driver for motor control boards on a CAN bus |
Cyarp::dev::embObjMotionControl | embObjMotionControl : driver for iCub motor control boards EMS on a ETH bus |
►CImplementRemoteVariables | |
Cyarp::dev::CanBusMotionControl | canbusmotioncontrol : driver for motor control boards on a CAN bus |
Cyarp::dev::embObjMotionControl | embObjMotionControl : driver for iCub motor control boards EMS on a ETH bus |
►CImplementTorqueControl | |
Cyarp::dev::CanBusMotionControl | canbusmotioncontrol : driver for motor control boards on a CAN bus |
Cyarp::dev::embObjMotionControl | embObjMotionControl : driver for iCub motor control boards EMS on a ETH bus |
►CImplementVelocityControl | |
Cyarp::dev::CanBusMotionControl | canbusmotioncontrol : driver for motor control boards on a CAN bus |
Cyarp::dev::embObjMotionControl | embObjMotionControl : driver for iCub motor control boards EMS on a ETH bus |
Cimu_cmd_t | |
CimuConvFactors_t | |
►Cyarp::dev::IMultipleWrapper | |
CRawValuesPublisherServer | |
CServerCartesianController | servercartesiancontroller : implements the server part of the Cartesian Interface |
CskinWrapper | |
Cyarp::dev::PassThroughInertial | |
CDiagnostic::LowLevel::InfoFormatter | |
CInitializer | |
CiCub::ctrl::Integrator | A class for defining a saturated integrator based on Tustin formula: \( 1/s => T_s/2*(z+1)/(z-1) \) |
Ceth::interfaceInfo_t | |
►Cyarp::dev::IOrientationSensors | |
Cyarp::dev::PassThroughInertial | |
Cyarp::dev::XSensMTx | xsensmtx : driver for XSens's MTx IMU unit |
Cyarp::dev::embObjIMU | |
►CIPidControlRaw | |
Cyarp::dev::CanBusMotionControl | canbusmotioncontrol : driver for motor control boards on a CAN bus |
Cyarp::dev::EsdMessageSniffer | The EsdMessageSniffer device driver |
Cyarp::dev::embObjMotionControl | embObjMotionControl : driver for iCub motor control boards EMS on a ETH bus |
►CIPositionControlRaw | |
Cyarp::dev::CanBusMotionControl | canbusmotioncontrol : driver for motor control boards on a CAN bus |
Cyarp::dev::embObjMotionControl | embObjMotionControl : driver for iCub motor control boards EMS on a ETH bus |
►CIPositionDirectRaw | |
Cyarp::dev::CanBusMotionControl | canbusmotioncontrol : driver for motor control boards on a CAN bus |
Cyarp::dev::embObjMotionControl | embObjMotionControl : driver for iCub motor control boards EMS on a ETH bus |
►CIPreciselyTimed | |
Cyarp::dev::CanBusMotionControl | canbusmotioncontrol : driver for motor control boards on a CAN bus |
Cyarp::dev::DragonflyDeviceDriver2 | Dragonfly2 and dragonfly2raw device driver implementation |
►Cyarp::dev::IPreciselyTimed | |
Cyarp::dev::XSensMTx | xsensmtx : driver for XSens's MTx IMU unit |
Cyarp::dev::imu3DM_GX3 | Driver for 3DM_GX3 IMU unit from MicroStrain |
Cyarp::dev::imuST_M1 | imuST_M1 : driver for 3DM_GX3 IMU unit from MicroStrain |
►CIPWMControlRaw | |
Cyarp::dev::CanBusMotionControl | canbusmotioncontrol : driver for motor control boards on a CAN bus |
Cyarp::dev::embObjMotionControl | embObjMotionControl : driver for iCub motor control boards EMS on a ETH bus |
►CiCub::debugLibrary::IRawValuesPublisher | |
CFakeRawValuesPublisher | |
CRawValuesPublisherClient | |
Cyarp::dev::embObjMotionControl | embObjMotionControl : driver for iCub motor control boards EMS on a ETH bus |
►CIRemoteCalibrator | |
Cyarp::dev::parametricCalibrator | parametricCalibrator : implement calibration routines for the iCub arm(s) (version 1.2) |
Cyarp::dev::parametricCalibratorEth | parametricCalibrator : implement calibration routines for the iCub arm(s) (version 1.2) |
►CIRemoteVariablesRaw | |
Cyarp::dev::CanBusMotionControl | canbusmotioncontrol : driver for motor control boards on a CAN bus |
Cyarp::dev::embObjMotionControl | embObjMotionControl : driver for iCub motor control boards EMS on a ETH bus |
►Cyarp::dev::IRgbVisualParams | |
CCFWCamera_DR2_2 | |
Cyarp::dev::DragonflyDeviceDriver2 | Dragonfly2 and dragonfly2raw device driver implementation |
►CiCub::learningmachine::IScaler | The IScaler is a linear scaler based scaler |
CiCub::learningmachine::FixedRangeScaler | A class that implements preprocessing based on a fixed range of outputs to a fixed range of outputs |
CiCub::learningmachine::LinearScaler | A class that implements linear scaling as a preprocessing step |
CiCub::learningmachine::Normalizer | A class that implements normalization as a preprocessing step |
CiCub::learningmachine::NullScaler | The NullScaler is a scaler that does nothing, the output of the transform function is equal to its input |
CiCub::learningmachine::Standardizer | A class that implements standardization as a preprocessing step |
Cyarp::dev::IServerLogger | Interface for a server that logs status messages |
►Cyarp::dev::ISixAxisForceTorqueSensors | |
CCanBusFtSensor | canbusftsensor : driver for CAN communication with IIT's analog sensor boards, including the MAIS and STRAIN boards |
Cyarp::dev::embObjFTsensor | |
Cyarp::dev::embObjMultipleFTsensors | |
CDataBase::Item | |
►Cyarp::dev::eomc::ITemperatureSensor | |
Cyarp::dev::eomc::TemperatureSensorNONE | |
Cyarp::dev::eomc::TemperatureSensorPT100 | |
Cyarp::dev::eomc::TemperatureSensorPT1000 | |
►Cyarp::dev::ITemperatureSensors | |
Cyarp::dev::embObjFTsensor | |
Cyarp::dev::embObjMultipleFTsensors | |
►Cyarp::dev::IThreeAxisGyroscopes | |
Cyarp::dev::PassThroughInertial | |
Cyarp::dev::XSensMTx | xsensmtx : driver for XSens's MTx IMU unit |
Cyarp::dev::embObjIMU | |
►Cyarp::dev::IThreeAxisLinearAccelerometers | |
Cyarp::dev::PassThroughInertial | |
Cyarp::dev::XSensMTx | xsensmtx : driver for XSens's MTx IMU unit |
Cyarp::dev::embObjIMU | |
►Cyarp::dev::IThreeAxisMagnetometers | |
Cyarp::dev::PassThroughInertial | |
Cyarp::dev::XSensMTx | xsensmtx : driver for XSens's MTx IMU unit |
Cyarp::dev::embObjIMU | |
►CITorqueControlRaw | |
Cyarp::dev::CanBusMotionControl | canbusmotioncontrol : driver for motor control boards on a CAN bus |
Cyarp::dev::embObjMotionControl | embObjMotionControl : driver for iCub motor control boards EMS on a ETH bus |
CITransceiver | |
►CiCub::learningmachine::ITransformProcessor | Generic abstract class for transformer based processors |
CiCub::learningmachine::TransformPredictProcessor | Reply processor helper class for predictions |
CiCub::learningmachine::TransformTrainProcessor | Port processor helper class for incoming training samples |
►Cyarp::dev::IVelocityControl | |
CfakeMotorDeviceClient | This class implements the client part of the fake motor device driver |
CfakeMotorDeviceServer | This class implements the server part of the fake motor device driver |
►CIVelocityControlRaw | |
Cyarp::dev::CanBusMotionControl | canbusmotioncontrol : driver for motor control boards on a CAN bus |
Cyarp::dev::embObjMotionControl | embObjMotionControl : driver for iCub motor control boards EMS on a ETH bus |
►Cyarp::dev::IVirtualAnalogSensor | |
CCanBusVirtualAnalogSensor | |
Cyarp::dev::embObjMotionControl | embObjMotionControl : driver for iCub motor control boards EMS on a ETH bus |
Cyarp::dev::eomc::jointLimits_t | |
Cyarp::dev::eomc::jointsetsInfo_t | |
Cyarp::dev::eomc::JointsSet | |
CiCub::ctrl::Kalman | Classic Kalman estimator |
Cyarp::dev::eomc::kalmanFilterParams_t | |
►CiCub::learningmachine::Kernel | |
CiCub::learningmachine::RBFKernel | |
►Cstd::list< T > | STL class |
CBoards | |
CMsgList | |
CThreadFifo | |
CLocallyWeightedExperts | |
Cyarp::dev::eomc::lugreParameters_t | |
Cstrain::dsp::q15::matrix | |
►CiCub::optimization::MatrixTransformationWithMatchedPoints | A class interface to deal with the problem of determining the matrix transformation between two sets of matching 3D points |
CiCub::optimization::AffinityWithMatchedPoints | A class that deals with the problem of determining the affine transformation matrix A between two sets of matching 3D points employing IpOpt |
CiCub::optimization::CalibReferenceWithMatchedPoints | A class that deals with the problem of determining the roto-translation matrix H and scaling factors S between two sets of matching 3D points employing IpOpt |
CMCdiagnostics | |
Cmced::mcEventDownsampler | |
CmeasureConvFactors | |
►CiCub::ctrl::minJerkBaseGen | Base class for minimum jerk generators |
CiCub::ctrl::minJerkRefGen | Generator of position, velocity and acceleration references that are approximately minimum jerk |
CiCub::ctrl::minJerkTrajGen | Generator of approximately minimum jerk trajectories |
►CiCub::ctrl::minJerkVelCtrl | Abstract class for minimum-jerk controllers with velocity commands |
CiCub::ctrl::minJerkVelCtrlForIdealPlant | Implements a minimum-jerk controller with velocity commands in the assumption that the plant can be modelled as a pure integrator 1/s |
CiCub::ctrl::minJerkVelCtrlForNonIdealPlant | Implements a minimum-jerk controller with velocity commands assuming a non ideal plant represented with a pure integrator followed by a system with one zero and two poles (real or underdamped), such that the overall transfer function is (1/s)*(Kp*(1+Tz*s)/(1+2*Zeta*Tw*s+(Tw*s)^2)) |
CiCub::ctrl::ff2LayNN::minmax | |
►CiCub::perception::Model | An abstract class that provides basic methods for interfacing with the data acquisition |
CiCub::perception::SpringyFingersModel | A class that provides the user with a suitable framework to deal with the elastic approach for the problem of detecting contacts of fingers with external forces |
CiCub::perception::TactileFingersModel | A class that provides a mesaure of contact detection for each finger relying on tactile sensors |
Cyarp::dev::eomc::motorCurrentLimits_t | |
CMTBInertialBoardInfo | |
►CiCub::perception::Node | An abstract class that exposes the basic methods for the handling of data acquired through the attached sensors |
CiCub::perception::SpringyFinger | An implementation of the Node class that represents the springy finger |
CiCub::perception::TactileFinger | An implementation of the Node class that represents the tactile finger |
CiCub::ctrl::dbscan::Node_t | |
CObjectsManager | |
CiCub::iDyn::OneChainNewtonEuler | A class for computing forces and torques in a iDynChain |
►CiCub::iDyn::OneLinkNewtonEuler | A base class for computing forces and torques in a serial link chain |
CiCub::iDyn::BaseLinkNewtonEuler | A class for setting a virtual base link: this is useful to initialize the forward phase of Newton-Euler's method, by setting w, dw, ddp; H is an identity matrix, while ddpC=ddp; Note that this is a virtual link, since there's no iDynLink attached: it is just necessary to make the recursive Newton-Euler computations |
CiCub::iDyn::FinalLinkNewtonEuler | A class for setting a virtual final link: this is useful to initialize the backward phase of Newton-Euler's method, by setting F, Mu; H is an identity matrix, while ddpC=ddp; Note that this is a virtual link, since there's no iDynLink attached: it is just necessary to make the recursive Newton-Euler computations |
►CiCub::iDyn::SensorLinkNewtonEuler | A class for setting a virtual sensor link |
CiCub::iDyn::iCubArmSensorLink | A class for setting a virtual sensor link on the iCub arm, for the arm FT sensor |
CiCub::iDyn::iCubLegSensorLink | A class for setting a virtual sensor link on the iCub leg, for the leg FT sensor |
CiCub::ctrl::OnlineDCMotorEstimator | Online DC Motor Parameters Estimator |
►CiCub::ctrl::OutliersDetection | Abstract class for outliers detection |
CiCub::ctrl::ModifiedThompsonTau | Perform modified Thompson tau technique for outlier detection |
Cyarp::dev::eomc::Parser | |
CCouplingICubEye_ParamsParser::parser_version_type | |
CCouplingICubHandMk2_ParamsParser::parser_version_type | |
CFakeRawValuesPublisher_ParamsParser::parser_version_type | |
CRawValuesPublisherClient_ParamsParser::parser_version_type | |
CRawValuesPublisherServer_ParamsParser::parser_version_type | |
CiCub::iKin::PartDescriptor | |
CPARTICLEThread::particle | |
Ceth::parser::pc104Data | |
►Cyarp::os::PeriodicThread | |
CCanBusSkin | |
CCanBusVirtualAnalogSensor | |
CControlThread | |
CController | |
CController | |
CCtrlThread | |
CCtrlThread | |
CDataBase | |
CEyePinvRefGen | |
CFakeBoard | |
CLocalizer | |
CMotorThread | |
CPARTICLEManager | |
CRawValuesPublisherServer | |
CServerCartesianController | servercartesiancontroller : implements the server part of the Cartesian Interface |
CSharedCanBus | |
CSkinMeshThreadCan | |
CSkinMeshThreadPort | |
CSnifferThread | |
CSnifferThread | |
CSnifferThread | |
CSolver | |
CSolver | |
CVisuoThread | |
CWorkingThread | |
CWorkingThread | |
CbatteryReaderThread | |
CboardDumperThread | |
CdataFilter | |
Ceth::EthReceiver | |
Ceth::EthSender | |
CfakeMotorDeviceServer | This class implements the server part of the fake motor device driver |
CgravityCompensatorThread | |
►CiCub::action::ActionPrimitives | The base class defining actions |
►CiCub::action::ActionPrimitivesLayer1 | A derived class defining a first abstraction layer on top of actionPrimitives father class |
CiCub::action::ActionPrimitivesLayer2 | A class that inherits from ActionPrimitivesLayer1 and integrates the force-torque sensing in order to stop the limb while reaching as soon as a contact with external objects is detected |
CiCub::action::ArmWavingMonitor | |
CiCub::action::ArmWayPoints | |
CiCub::ctrl::OnlineCompensatorDesign | Online Compensator Design |
CiCub::ctrl::OnlineStictionEstimator | Online Stiction Estimator |
CiCub::iKin::CartesianSolver | Abstract class defining the core of on-line solvers |
CiCub::skinManager::CompensationThread | |
CiCub::skinManager::SkinDiagnosticsReadThread | |
CinverseDynamics | |
CpositionDirectControlThread | |
CvelControlThread | |
Cyarp::dev::CanBusMotionControl | canbusmotioncontrol : driver for motor control boards on a CAN bus |
Cyarp::dev::ImuFilter | |
Cyarp::dev::imu3DM_GX3 | Driver for 3DM_GX3 IMU unit from MicroStrain |
Cyarp::dev::imuST_M1 | imuST_M1 : driver for 3DM_GX3 IMU unit from MicroStrain |
Cembot::tools::PeriodValidator | |
Cstrain::amplifier::PGA308 | |
►Cyarp::dev::eomc::Pid_Algorithm | |
Cyarp::dev::eomc::Pid_Algorithm_simple | |
CTuner::PidData | |
►Cyarp::dev::eomc::PidInfo | |
Cyarp::dev::eomc::TrqPidInfo | |
CPointingFar | |
►Cyarp::os::Portable | |
CiCub::learningmachine::PortableT< IMachineLearner > | |
CiCub::learningmachine::PortableT< ITransformer > | |
CIRpcServer_add_int_helper | |
CIRpcServer_get_answer_helper | |
CIRpcServer_is_running_helper | |
CIRpcServer_set_answer_helper | |
CIRpcServer_start_helper | |
CIRpcServer_stop_helper | |
CiCub::RawValuesPublisherMetadata_getMetadata_helper | |
►CiCub::learningmachine::IMachineLearner | A generalized interface for a learning machine for offline and online learning machines (e.g |
CiCub::learningmachine::DatasetRecorder | This 'machine learner' demonstrates how the IMachineLearner interface can be used to easily record samples to a file |
►CiCub::learningmachine::IFixedSizeLearner | An generalized interface for a learning machine with a fixed domain and codomain size |
CiCub::learningmachine::DummyLearner | This dummy machine learner demonstrates how the IMachineLearner interface can be used in practice |
CiCub::learningmachine::LSSVMLearner | This is basic implementation of the LSSVM algorithms |
CiCub::learningmachine::LinearGPRLearner | Standard linear Bayesian regression or, equivalently, Gaussian Process Regression with a linear covariance function |
CiCub::learningmachine::RLSLearner | Recursive Regularized Least Squares (a.k.a |
►CiCub::learningmachine::ITransformer | A class that provides a preprocessing interface, which can be used to preprocess the data samples that have been received by the MachineLearner |
►CiCub::learningmachine::IFixedSizeTransformer | An generalized interface for an ITransformer with a fixed domain and codomain size |
CiCub::learningmachine::RandomFeature | Implementation of Random Feature preprocessing |
CiCub::learningmachine::ScaleTransformer | The ScaleTransformer is a ITransformer that supports element-based scaling transformations |
CiCub::learningmachine::SparseSpectrumFeature | Implementation of Sparse Spectrum preprocessing |
CiCub::learningmachine::PortableT< T > | A templated portable class intended to wrap abstract base classes |
CiCub::learningmachine::Prediction | A class that represents a prediction result |
►CiCub::skinDynLib::dynContact | Class representing an external contact acting on a link of the robot body |
CiCub::skinDynLib::skinContact | Class representing an external contact acting on the iCub' skin |
CiCub::skinDynLib::dynContactList | Class representing a list of external contacts |
CiCub::skinDynLib::skinContactList | Class representing a list of external contacts acting on the iCub' skin |
►CPortReader | |
CARE_PortReader | |
►Cyarp::os::PortReader | |
CCartesianCtrlRpcProcessor | |
CRpcProcessor | |
CfakeMotorDeviceServer | This class implements the server part of the fake motor device driver |
CiCub::iKin::RpcProcessor | |
CiCub::learningmachine::PredictProcessor | Reply processor helper class for predictions |
CiCub::learningmachine::TransformPredictProcessor | Reply processor helper class for predictions |
►CPortReport | |
CObjectPropertiesCollectorPort | |
CiCub::contrib::EmotionInitReport | |
CiCub::learningmachine::merge::PortSource | The PortSource collects data from a source port and caches the most recent Bottle of data |
►Cyarp::os::PortWriter | |
CPointReq::Editor | |
Cyarp::dev::PositionMaps | |
CEthMaintainer::progData_t | |
Ceth::AbstractEthResource::Properties | |
►CQCheckBox | |
CSelectionCheckBox | |
►CQComboBox | |
CCustomComboBox | |
CQCPAxisPainterPrivate | |
CQCPBarData | Holds the data of one single data point (one bar) for QCPBars |
CQCPColorGradient | Defines a color gradient for use with e.g |
CQCPColorMapData | Holds the two-dimensional data of a QCPColorMap plottable |
CQCPCurveData | Holds the data of one single data point for QCPCurve |
CQCPData | Holds the data of one single data point for QCPGraph |
►CQCPItemAnchor | An anchor of an item to which positions can be attached to |
CQCPItemPosition | Manages the position of an item |
CQCPLineEnding | Handles the different ending decorations for line-like items |
CQCPRange | Represents the range an axis is encompassing |
CQCPScatterStyle | Represents the visual appearance of scatter points |
►CQDialog | |
CChangeAddressDialog | |
CChangeInfoDialog | |
CLoadingWidget | |
CLoadingWidget | |
CSettingsDialog | |
CStrainCalibGui | |
►CQGLWidget | |
CAnimationView | |
►CQMainWindow | |
CCalibrationWindow | |
CMainWindow | |
CMainWindow | |
CMainWindow | |
Cqavimator | |
►CQObject | |
►CCustomTreeWidgetItem | |
CCanTreeWidgetItem | |
CEthTreeWidgetItem | |
CFirmwareUpdaterCore | |
CQCPLayer | A layer that may contain objects, to control the rendering order |
►CQCPLayerable | Base class for all drawable objects |
►CQCPAbstractItem | The abstract base class for all items in a plot |
CQCPItemBracket | A bracket for referencing/highlighting certain parts in the plot |
CQCPItemCurve | A curved line from one point to another |
CQCPItemEllipse | An ellipse |
CQCPItemLine | A line from one point to another |
CQCPItemPixmap | An arbitrary pixmap |
CQCPItemRect | A rectangle |
CQCPItemStraightLine | A straight line that spans infinitely in both directions |
CQCPItemText | A text label |
CQCPItemTracer | Item that sticks to QCPGraph data points |
►CQCPAbstractPlottable | The abstract base class for all data representing objects in a plot |
CQCPBars | A plottable representing a bar chart in a plot |
CQCPColorMap | A plottable representing a two-dimensional color map in a plot |
CQCPCurve | A plottable representing a parametric curve in a plot |
CQCPGraph | A plottable representing a graph in a plot |
CQCPStatisticalBox | A plottable representing a single statistical box in a plot |
CQCPAxis | Manages a single axis inside a QCustomPlot |
CQCPGrid | Responsible for drawing the grid of a QCPAxis |
►CQCPLayoutElement | The abstract base class for all objects that form the layout system |
►CQCPAbstractLegendItem | The abstract base class for all entries in a QCPLegend |
CQCPPlottableLegendItem | A legend item representing a plottable with an icon and the plottable name |
►CQCPAxisRect | Holds multiple axes and arranges them in a rectangular shape |
CQCPColorScaleAxisRectPrivate | |
CQCPColorScale | A color scale for use with color coding data such as QCPColorMap |
►CQCPLayout | The abstract base class for layouts |
►CQCPLayoutGrid | A layout that arranges child elements in a grid |
CQCPLegend | Manages a legend inside a QCustomPlot |
CQCPLayoutInset | A layout that places child elements aligned to the border or arbitrarily positioned |
CQCPPlotTitle | A layout element displaying a plot title text |
CQCPMarginGroup | A margin group allows synchronization of margin sides if working with multiple layout elements |
►CQPainter | |
CQCPPainter | QPainter subclass used internally |
►CQQmlExtensionPlugin | |
CQtICubSkinGuiPluginPlugin | |
►CQQuickPaintedItem | |
CQtICubSkinGuiPlugin | |
►CQSpinBox | |
CCustomSpinBox | |
►CQThread | |
CDC1394Thread | |
CPortThread | |
►CQTreeWidgetItem | |
CCustomTreeWidgetItem | |
►CQWidget | |
►CDC1394SliderBase | |
CDC1394Slider | |
CDC1394SliderWB | |
CQCustomPlot | The central class of the library |
CReplayer | |
CRequestsQueue | |
►CRFModule | |
CActionsRenderingEngineModule | |
►Cyarp::os::RFModule | |
CBoardTransceiver | |
CCalibModule | |
CCamCalibModule | Camera Calibration Module class |
CCamCalibModule | Camera Calibration Module class |
CCamCalibModule | Camera Calibration Module class |
CClientModule | This class implements the client |
CCtrlModule | |
CCtrlModule | |
CCtrlModule | |
CDumpModule | |
CExampleModule | |
CExampleModule | |
CFakeRawDataPublisherTester | |
CGazeModule | |
CImageSplitter | |
CLauncher | This container class launches the server part of the fake motor device in order to simulate a robot called "fake_robot" wiht the part "fake_part" composed of three actuated rotational joints |
CMotorTemperaturePublisher | |
CProcessModule | |
CServerModule | This class launches the server |
CSolverModule | |
CSolverModule | |
CTunerModule | |
CVelControlModule | |
CVelControlModule | |
CWholeBodyPlayerModule | |
CgravityModuleCompensator | |
CiCub::contrib::EmotionInterfaceModule | EmotionInterface Module class |
►CiCub::learningmachine::IMachineLearnerModule | An abstract base module for the machine learning YARP interface |
►CiCub::learningmachine::PredictModule | A module for predictions |
CiCub::learningmachine::TrainModule | A module for training |
CiCub::learningmachine::TransformModule | A module for transforming vectors |
CiCub::learningmachine::merge::MergeModule | The MergeModule merges data from several input ports into a single output port |
CiCub::learningmachine::test::MachineLearnerTestModule | The MachineLearnerTestModule is used to feed datasets loaded from a file to the learning machines and transformers |
CiCub::skinManager::skinManager | |
CobjectsPropertiesCollectorModule | |
CscriptModule | |
CscriptModule | |
CstereoCalibModule | |
CvelObserver | |
CwholeBodyDynamics | |
CiCub::ctrl::Riccati | Classic Riccati recursive formula for optimal control in a LQ problem |
CiCub::iDyn::RigidBodyTransformation | A class for setting a rigid body transformation between iDynLimb and iDynNode |
CrobotDriver | |
Cyarp::dev::eomc::rotorLimits_t | |
Cembot::tools::RoundTripValidator | |
►CRpcClient | |
CObjectPropertiesCollectorPort | |
CsBoard | |
CscriptPosPort | |
►CiCub::perception::Sensor | An abstract class that exposes the basic methods for sensors handling |
CiCub::perception::SensorEncoderArrays | This class implements the reading of encoders through MultipleAnalogSensors (MAS) interfaces |
CiCub::perception::SensorEncoders | This class implements the reading of joints encoders |
CiCub::perception::SensorPort | This class implements the reading of a value from a port |
CsensorInfo_t | |
Cyarp::dev::SensorsData | |
CservAnalogPOScalibration_t | |
CservAnalogPOSspecific_t | |
CservAnalogSensor_t | |
CservAScollector_t | |
CservASproperties_t | |
CservASsettings_t | |
CservASstrainSettings_t | |
CservBoard_t | |
CservCanBoard_t | |
CservConfigFTsensor_t | |
CservConfigImu_t | |
CservConfigMais_t | |
CservConfigMC_t | |
CservConfigPOS_t | |
CservConfigPSC_t | |
CservConfigSkin_t | |
CservConfigStrain_t | |
CServiceParser | |
►CServiceParserCanBattery | |
CServiceParserCanBattery_mock | |
►CServiceParserMultipleFt | |
CServiceParserMultipleFt_mock | |
CservMC_actuator_t | |
CservMC_encoder_t | |
CservMCcollector_t | |
CservMCproperties_t | |
CservMCsettings_t | |
CservSKcollector_t | |
CservSKproperties_t | |
Cstrain::regulation::Set | |
Cstrain::regulation::Set1 | |
CSettings | |
Cstrain::amplifier::PGA308::Impl::SFTCregister | |
CSharedCanBusManager | |
Csigned_elem_class | |
CiCub::skinDynLib::Skin_2_Body | |
CiCub::skinDynLib::Skin_2_Link | |
CSkinBoardCfgParam | |
CSkinConfig | |
CSkinConfigReader | |
CiCub::skin::diagnostics::SkinErrorCode | Enum to provide intelligible error codes for the skin |
►CiCub::skinDynLib::skinPartBase | |
CiCub::skinDynLib::skinPart | Class that encloses everything relate to a skinPart |
CSkinPatchInfo | |
CSkinTriangleCfgParam | |
CSmithPredictor | |
Cpython_imaging.SobelFilter | |
CiCub::learningmachine::merge::SourceList | The SourceList manages a map of PortSource objects |
CCalibrator::SpatialCompetence | |
CSpecialSkinBoardCfgParam | |
CSpecialSkinTriangleCfgParam | |
CspeedEstimationHelper | |
CSpeedEstimationParameters | |
►Cyarp::os::Stat | |
CStatExt | |
CStats | |
Cembot::tools::Histogram::Impl::Status | |
CStereoTracker | |
Cstrain2_ampl_regs_t | |
CcDownloader::strain_value_t | |
CstrainInterface | |
CSubtitlesManager | |
CTaskRefVelTargetGenerator | |
CiCub::skinDynLib::Taxel | Class that encloses everything relate to a Taxel, i.e |
CTBR_AnalogData | |
CTemperatureData | |
Cyarp::dev::eomc::TemperatureFilter | |
Cyarp::dev::eomc::temperatureLimits_t | |
CTemplateStruct | |
Ceth::TheEthManager | |
Ceth::theNVmanager | |
►Cyarp::os::Thread | |
CProcessThread | |
CVelocityThread | |
CXSensMTxResources | |
CstereoCalibThread | |
CxdPort | |
Cyarp::dev::EsdMessageSniffer | The EsdMessageSniffer device driver |
CThreadId | |
CThreadPool2 | |
CThreadTable2 | |
CQCPAxisPainterPrivate::TickLabelData | |
CDiagnostic::TimeOfInfo | |
Ctimeofmessage_t | |
Cyarp::dev::eomc::timeouts_t | |
CtmpStructROPframeHeader_t | |
►CIpopt::TNLP | |
CEyeAlignerNLP | |
CHeadCenter_NLP | |
CPointingFarNLP | |
CiCub::optimization::AffinityWithMatchedPointsNLP | |
►CiCub::optimization::CalibReferenceWithMatchedPointsNLP | |
CiCub::optimization::CalibReferenceWithScalarScaledMatchedPointsNLP | |
CiCub::optimization::CalibReferenceWithScaledMatchedPointsNLP | |
CiCub::optimization::ff2LayNNTrainNLP | |
CiKin_NLP | |
►CTouchSensor | |
CFingertip | |
CFingertip2L | |
CFingertip2R | |
CFingertip3L | |
CFingertip3R | |
CFingertip4L | |
CFingertip4R | |
CFingertipMID | |
CPalmL | |
CPalmR | |
CQuad16 | |
CTriangle | |
CTriangle_10pad | |
CfakePalm | |
Cstrain::amplifier::PGA308::Impl::TransferFunctionConfig | |
CTuner | |
►Cyarp::os::TypedReaderCallback | |
CiCub::learningmachine::TrainProcessor | Port processor helper class for incoming training samples |
CiCub::learningmachine::TransformTrainProcessor | Port processor helper class for incoming training samples |
Cunsigned_elem_class | |
Cembot::tools::Histogram::Values | |
►Cstd::vector< T > | STL class |
CiCub::skinDynLib::dynContactList | Class representing a list of external contacts |
CiCub::skinDynLib::skinContactList | Class representing a list of external contacts acting on the iCub' skin |
CiCub::iDyn::version_tag | |
Cyarp::dev::eomc::Watchdog | |
Cstrain::amplifier::WideParams | |
►Cyarp::os::Wire | |
►CIRpcServer | IRpcServer Interface for an example module |
CRpcServerImpl | |
CPointReq::Editor | |
►Cdepth2kin_IDL | Depth2kin_IDL IDL Interface to depth2kin services |
CCalibModule | |
►CfingersTuner_IDL | FingersTuner_IDL IDL Interface to Fingers PID Tuner services |
CTunerModule | |
►CiCub::RawValuesPublisherMetadata | |
CRawValuesPublisherServer | |
►Cyarp::os::idl::WirePortable | |
CPointReq | PointReq IDL structure to send/receive points |
CiCub::RawValuesPublisherMetadata_getMetadata_helper::Command | |
CiCub::RawValuesPublisherMetadata_getMetadata_helper::Reply | |
CiCub::rawValuesDataVectorsMap | RawValuesDataVectorsMap IDL struct of a map of vectors to store the raw value data sent by the device |
CiCub::rawValuesKeyMetadata | |
CiCub::rawValuesKeyMetadataMap | |
Cpython_simworld_control.WorldController | |
CXSensMTxParameters | |
Cstrain::amplifier::PGA308::Impl::ZDACregister | |
►CPeriodicThread | |
CBmsBattery | |
CBroadcastingThread | |
CCanBusAnalogSensor | canbusanalogsensor : driver for CAN communication with IIT's analog sensor boards, including the MAIS and STRAIN boards |
CCanBusFtSensor | canbusftsensor : driver for CAN communication with IIT's analog sensor boards, including the MAIS and STRAIN boards |
CCanBusInertialMTB | canbusinertialmtb : driver for CAN communication with inertial sensors (accelerometers, gyroscopes) mounted on MTB boards |
►CVector | |
CStereoTarget | |