This is the list of iCub modules, i.e. More...
Modules | |
exampleModule | |
Place here a short description of the module, this will appear in the list of the modules. | |
actionsRenderingEngine | |
A module combining multiple libraries and modules from the iCub repository that allows to execute some basic and complex actions on objects placed on a table in front of the robot. | |
camCalib | |
Camera image calibration module. | |
cartesianInterfaceControl | |
Just an example of how to control the iCub arm in the operational space making use of the Cartesian Interface. | |
constantTimePositionService | |
A simple service that allows you to send constant time position commands to any of the robot ports. | |
gravityCompensator | |
Estimates the gravitational contribute to motors based on estimation of the robot dynamics. | |
iKinCartesianSolver | |
Just a container which runs the Cartesian Solver taking parameters from a configuration file. | |
iKinGazeCtrl | |
Gaze controller based on iKin. | |
objectsPropertiesCollector | |
Provides a on-line yarp-oriented database to collect properties of objects that are of interest for your specific application. | |
skinManager | |
This module reads the raw tactile sensor values, compensates for the (thermal) drift of the sensors (basically it is a high pass filter) and writes the compensated values on output ports. | |
Template Tracking with Particle Filter | |
This module expects a template from the following port /templatePFTracker/template/image:i in order to commence tracking. | |
velocityControl | |
Perform position control using a velocity control loop. | |
velocityObserver | |
Estimates the first and second derivatives of incoming data vector through a least-squares algorithm based on an adpative window. | |
wholeBodyDynamics | |
Estimates the external forces and torques acting at the end effector through a model based estimation of the robot dynamics. | |
motionCUT | |
Independent Motion Detector Version:1.0. | |
This is the list of iCub modules, i.e.
executables in the icub-main/src directory. To add your own module to this list, just add a comment like the following anywhere in your source code (replacing "your_module_name" with the name of your module):
/** * * \defgroup icub_your_module_name your_module_name * @ingroup icub_module * */
For convenience, try to keep the module name the same as the directory it is placed in. If you've a good reason to do something different, of course you can do that too.
(This page can be edited at src/doc/groups.dox)