
Place here a short description of the module, this will appear in the list of the modules.

+ Collaboration diagram for exampleModule:

Place here a short description of the module, this will appear in the list of the modules.


This module is not implemented, it is only a template for writing the documentation of modules.

Place here a description of your module. You might want to use a list as in:

The module does:

You might find it convenient to include an image:


List here dependencies. Often these are just YARP libraries.


Provide a comprehensive list of the parameters you can pass to the module. For example:

–file mymodule.ini: configuration file to use

Ports Accessed

This is important. List here ports accessed by the module. This is useful to build a list of dependencies between modules.

Ports Created

Provide the list of ports created by the module. Separate them in input and output ports, specify expected data format.


Output ports:

Input ports:

Input Data Files

If your module expect data from a file, say so.

Output Data Files

If your module writes data to a file, say so.

Configuration Files

If parameters to your module can be passed through a txt file, describe it here.

For example: The module requires a description of the robot through the parameter –file.

The file consists in a few sections:

name myModule
rate 20

name determines the name of the module

rate specifies the rate (ms) of the thread


Tested OS

Specify the operating systems on which the module was tested Example:

Linux and Windows.

Example Instantiation of the Module

Provide here a typical example of use of your module. Example:

myModule –from module.ini

your name

Copyright (C) 2008 RobotCub Consortium

CopyPolicy: Released under the terms of the GNU GPL v2.0.

This file can be edited at src/myModule/main.cpp.