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A gui to display the output of fingertip/skin tactile sensors.

+ Collaboration diagram for iCubSkinGui:

A gui to display the output of fingertip/skin tactile sensors.


The application is used to graphically display the output of the iCub fingertip/skin tactile sensors. This application can be used in two different modalities, CAN mode and YARP mode. If used in CAN mode, the application reads sensor data directly from the CAN bus.

If used in "YARP" mode,the application requires a yarp port connection to the iCubInterface output.


YARP libraries.



iCubSkinGui <–from filename.ini> <–useCan>

You can use the –from parameter (optional) to specify a .ini configuration file.

If no configuration file is specified, then $ICUB_ROOT/app/iCubSkinDemo/lefthand.ini is used.

You can use the –useCan parameter (optional) to ask the application to read sensor data directly from the CAN bus (the CAN parameters must be specified in the configuration file). Otherwise the application opens an input yarp ports and waits for a yarp connection with a stream of sensory data.

Ports Accessed


Ports Created

This application can be used in two different modalities, CAN mode and YARP mode.

If used in CAN mode, this application does not create any input port, and the data are directly obtained from the CAN bus.

If used in YARP mode, this application creates the port:


where <robotPart> correspondes to the value of the parameter robotPart contained in the .ini configuration file.

For example, if $ICUB_ROOT/app/iCubSkinDemo/lefthand.ini is used, the module creates the port /skinGui/left_hand:i. The port must be afterwards connected to the output port corresponding to the skin output in iCubInterface.


yarp connect /icub/skin/lefthand /skinGui/left_hand:i

yarp connect /icub/skin/righthand /skinGui/right_hand:i

Input Data Files

No input files are required by this application.

Output Data Files

No output files are generated by this application.

Configuration Files

The application uses configuration files (e.g. lefthand.ini) located in $ICUB_ROOT/app/iCubSkinDemo. You can select the configuration file used by the application using:

–from <filename>.

If the –from parameter is not specified, $ICUB_ROOT/app/iCubSkinDemo/lefthand.ini is used as default.

Tested OS

Linux and Windows.

Example Instantiation of the Module


iCubSkinGui –from lefthand.ini

iCubSkinGui –from righthand.ini

iCubSkinGui –from lefthand.ini –useCan

iCubSkinGui –from righthand.ini –useCan

Alessandro Scalzo, Lorenzo Natale, Marco Randazzo

Copyright (C) 2009 RobotCub Consortium

CopyPolicy: Released under the terms of the GNU GPL v2.0.

This file can be edited at /src/gui/iCubSkinGui/src/main.cpp.