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Classes for connecting multiple limbs and solve whole body dynamics. More...

+ Collaboration diagram for iDynBody:


class  iCub::iDyn::RigidBodyTransformation
 A class for setting a rigid body transformation between iDynLimb and iDynNode. More...
class  iCub::iDyn::iDynNode
 A class for connecting two or mutiple limbs and exchanging kinematic and wrench information between limbs. More...
class  iCub::iDyn::iDynSensorNode
 A class for connecting two or mutiple limbs and exchanging kinematic and wrench information between limbs, when one or multiple limbs have FT sensors. More...
class  iCub::iDyn::iDynSensorTorsoNode
 A class for connecting a central-up limb, a left and right limb of the iCub, and exchanging kinematic and wrench information between limbs, when both left/right limb have FT sensors and the central-up one use the kinematic and wrench information coming from a inertial measurements or another iDynSensorNode. More...
class  iCub::iDyn::iCubUpperTorso
 A class for connecting head, left and right arm of the iCub, and exchanging kinematic and wrench information between limbs, when both arms have FT sensors and the head use the inertial sensor. More...
class  iCub::iDyn::iCubLowerTorso
 A class for connecting torso, left and right leg of the iCub, and exchanging kinematic and wrench information between limbs, when both legs have FT sensors and the torso use the kinematic and wrench information coming from UpperTorso. More...
class  iCub::iDyn::iCubWholeBody
 A class for connecting UpperTorso and LowerTorso of the iCub, then getting the WholeBody in the dynamic framework. More...

Detailed Description

Classes for connecting multiple limbs and solve whole body dynamics.

SI units adopted: meters for lengths and radians for angles.



iDynNode represents a virtual node where multiple limbs are connected, and exchange kinematic and wrench information. The mutual exchange bewteen node and limb (full duplex) is managed used a RigidBodyTransformation class, containing the roto-translational matrix which describes the connection. Multiple limbs can be attached to the Node. A connection is defined also by the flows of kinematic and wrench variables: from limb to node (RBT_NODE_IN) or from limb to node (RBT_NODE_OUT).

Tested OS


Release status: this library is currently under development! Date: first draft 06/2010
Serena Ivaldi, Matteo Fumagalli

Copyright (C) 2010 RobotCub Consortium CopyPolicy: Released under the terms of the GNU GPL v2.0.