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Estimates the external forces and torques acting at the end effector through a model based estimation of the robot dynamics.

+ Collaboration diagram for wholeBodyDynamics:

Estimates the external forces and torques acting at the end effector through a model based estimation of the robot dynamics.

Matteo Fumagalli, Marco Randazzo


This module estimates the external wrench acting at the end effector of the iCub limbs, through a model based compensation of the 6-axis force/torque (FT) sensor's measurements, which are acquired through an input YARP port and provides them to an output YARP ports. The estimation is perfomed relying on rigid body dynamics using CAD parameters. The intrinsic offsets of the sensors, which are due to the stresses generated during mounting, are defined by the first FT data. In the future it will also be given the possibility to set the offsets of the sensors. The model of the sensor measurements considers a fixed base, with z-axis pointing upwards. The estimation of the external wrench applied at the end-effector of the limb has the same orientation of the fixed base frame. For further information about the use of this module and of the iCub force control interface, please refer to the force control page:



–robot name


–rate r


Ports Accessed

The port the service is listening to.

Ports Created

Input Data Files


Output Data Files


Configuration Files


Tested OS

Linux and Windows.

Example Instantiation of the Module

By launching the following command:

Matteo Fumagalli

This file can be edited at src/wholeBodyDynamics/main.cpp.