A configurable tool to send on a yarp port the data retrieved from a joystick.
A configurable tool to send on a yarp port the data retrieved from a joystick.
Copyright (C) 2010 RobotCub Consortium
Author: Marco Randazzo
CopyPolicy: Released under the terms of the GNU GPL v2.0.
This module reads the axis data from a connected joystick and outputs them on a yarp port. The format of the output can be specified using a configuration file.
The only used parameter is the name of the configuration file. The configuration file name can be specified using –from file You can also use the –context option to change the current context (e.g. the directory where to search the configuration file).
The module creates the port /joystickCtrl:o used to transmit the joystick data. The output of the port consists in a sequence of <n> doubles (<n> depending on the number of axes specified in the configuration file) containing the readings. The port /joystickCtrl/axis:o contains the axis output only (raw data). The port /joystickCtrl/buttons:o contains the buttons output only (raw data).
A description of the available configuration options can be found in the example files located under joystickControl context.
Windows, Linux