namespace iCub
- namespace iKin
namespace iDynTree
namespace details
- struct calculate_byte_size
- struct calculate_byte_size<ElementType, dynamic_extent>
- struct calculate_subspan_type
- class extent_type
- class extent_type<dynamic_extent>
- struct is_allowed_element_type_conversion
- struct is_allowed_extent_conversion
- struct is_span
- struct is_span_oracle
- struct is_span_oracle<iDynTree::Span<ElementType, Extent>>
- struct is_std_array
- struct is_std_array_oracle
- struct is_std_array_oracle<std::array<ElementType, Extent>>
- class span_iterator
namespace MatrixViewInternal
- struct has_IsRowMajor has_
IsRowMajor is used to build a type-dependent expression that check if an element has IsRowMajor argument. - struct has_IsRowMajor<T, SpanUtils::void_t<decltype(T::IsRowMajor)>> has_
IsRowMajor is used to build a type-dependent expression that check if an element has IsRowMajor argument.
- struct has_IsRowMajor has_
namespace optimalcontrol
namespace integrators
- class CollocationHessianIndex
- class FixedStepIntegrator
- class ForwardEuler
- class ImplicitTrapezoidal
- class Integrator The Integrator base class.
- class IntegratorInfo Class containing infos about the implemented integrator.
- class IntegratorInfoData
- class RK4
- class SolutionElement Output of the integrator at a specific time.
- class Constraint The Constraint virtual class definition.
- class ConstraintsGroup Class grouping constraints associated with a TimeRange.
- class ControlledDynamicalSystem The ControlledDynamicalSystem class allows to easily connect a DynamicalSystem with a Controller.
- class Controller Class describing a generic controller.
- class Cost The Cost virtual class definition.
- class DynamicalSystem DynamicalSystem base class.
- class L2NormCost
- class LinearConstraint
- class LinearCost
- class LinearMPC
- class LinearSystem
- class MPC
- class MultiBodySystem
- class MultipleShootingSolver
- struct NonZero
- class OptimalControlProblem
- class OptimalControlSolver
- class QuadraticCost
- class QuadraticLikeCost
- class SparsityStructure
- class SystemLineariser
- class TimeInvariantObject
- class TimeRange
- class TimeVaryingObject
namespace integrators
namespace optimization
- class AlglibInterface
- class IpoptInterface
- class OptimizationProblem
- class OptimizationProblemInfo
- class OptimizationProblemInfoData
- class Optimizer
- class OsqpInterface
- struct OsqpSettings
- class WorhpInterface
namespace SpanUtils
- struct has_data_method
- struct has_data_method<T, void_t<decltype(std::declval<T>().data())>>
- struct has_size_method
- struct has_size_method<T, void_t<decltype(std::declval<T>().size())>>
- struct is_element_defined
- struct is_element_defined<T, void_t<typename T::element_type>>
- struct is_value_defined
- struct is_value_defined<T, void_t<typename T::value_type>>
- struct make_void
- class AccelerometerSensor Interface to the Accelerometer class.
- class AccelerometerSensorHelper final
- struct ApproximateSolidShapesWithPrimitiveShapeOptions
- struct ArticulatedBodyAlgorithmInternalBuffers Structure of buffers required by ArticulatedBodyAlgorithm.
- class ArticulatedBodyInertia Class representing an Articulated Body Inertia.
- struct AttitudeEstimatorState
- class AttitudeMahonyFilter explicit passive complementary filter on quaternion groups described in the paper Non-linear complementary filters on SO3 groups
- struct AttitudeMahonyFilterParameters set up the quaternion EKF
- class AttitudeQuaternionEKF Quaternion based Discrete Extended Kalman Filter fusing IMU measurements, to give estimates of orientation, angular velocity and gyroscope bias.
- struct AttitudeQuaternionEKFParameters set up the quaternion EKF
- class Axis Class representing an axis (a directed line) in space.
- struct BerdyDynamicVariable
- class BerdyHelper Helper class for computing Berdy matrices.
- struct BerdyOptions Options of the BerdyHelper class.
- struct BerdySensor Structure which describes the essential information about a sensor used in berdy A sensor is identified by the pair (type, id)
- class BerdySparseMAPSolver
- class BipedFootContactClassifier
- class BoundingBoxProjectionConstraint BoundingBoxProjectionConstraint helper.
- class Box Box, i.e.
- class ClassicalAcc Class representing a classical 6D acceleration, i.e.
- class ColorViz Basic structure to encode color information.
- class ContactStateMachine Contact State Machine class for binary contact state detection Contains a Schmitt Trigger device for updating the contact states using the contact normal force acting on the contact link and Determines contact transitions using simple binary switching logic.
- class ContactWrench A wrench excerted on a link due to an external contact.
- class ConvexHullProjectionConstraint ConvexHullProjectionConstraint helper.
- class CubicSpline
- class Cylinder
- class DHChain Simple representation of a chain described with Denavit-Hartenberg Parameters.
- struct DHLink Structure representing the four DH parameters of a link in a Chain.
- class Direction Class representing the coordinates of a direction in the 3D space.
- class DiscreteExtendedKalmanFilterHelper class implementation of discrete EKF with additive Gaussian noise
- class DiscreteKalmanFilterHelper Discrete Kalman Filter with additive Gaussian noise.
- class DOFSpatialForceArray Class for storing a vector of spatial force vectors, one for each dof in a model.
- class DOFSpatialMotionArray Class for storing a vector of spatial motion vectors, one for each (internal) dof in a model.
- struct DualSpace Helper structure for dual space definition.
- struct DualSpace<SpatialForceVector>
- struct DualSpace<SpatialMotionVector>
- class Dummy
- struct estimateExternalWrenchesBuffers
- class ExternalMesh
- class ExtWrenchesAndJointTorquesEstimator Estimator for external wrenches and joint torques using internal F/T sensors.
- class FixedJoint Class representing a fixed joint, i.e.
- class ForceTorqueSensorElement
- class ForceTorqueSensorHelper final
- struct ForwardDynamicsLinearizationInternalBuffers Structure containing the internal buffers used by the ForwardDynamicsLinearization function.
- class FrameFreeFloatingJacobian Jacobian of the 6D frame velocity.
- class FreeFloatingAcc Class representing the accelerations of a Free Floating robot.
- class FreeFloatingGeneralizedTorques
- class FreeFloatingMassMatrix Class representing the mass matrix of a Free Floating robot.
- class FreeFloatingPos Class representing the position of a Free Floating robot.
- class FreeFloatingStateLinearization
- class FreeFloatingVel
- struct GeodesicL2MeanOptions Struct containing the options for geodesicL2MeanRotation and geodesicL2WeightedMeanRotation.
- class GeometryElement
- class GeomVector3
- class GravityCompensationHelper Class computing the gravity compensation torques using accelerometer measurements.
- class GyroscopeSensor Interface to the Gyroscope class.
- class GyroscopeSensorHelper final
- class IAttitudeEstimator for attitude estimator classes
- class ICamera Interface to manipulate the camera parameters.
- class ICameraAnimator Interface to animate the camera and control it via the mouse.
- class iDynTreeLinkAndFrame Identifier for a link and frame couple in an iDynTree model.
- class IEnvironment Interface to manipulate the elements in the enviroment (background, root frame, reference lines)
- class IFrameVisualization Interface to the visualization of frames.
- class IJetsVisualization Interface to the visualization of jets attached to a model.
- class IJoint Interface (i.e.
- class iKinLimbImported iKinLimb class to extract a iKinLimb from iDynTree structures.
- class ILabel The interface to add a label in the visualizer.
- class ILight Interface to a light visualization.
- class IModelVisualization Interface to the visualization of a model istance.
- struct IndexRange Simple structure describing a range of rows or columns in a vector or a matrix.
- class InertialElement
- class InverseKinematics NLP-based Inverse kinematics.
- struct is_sparsematrix
- struct is_sparsematrix<iDynTree::SparseMatrix<ordering>>
- class IShapeVisualization Interface to the visualization of generic solid shapes.
- class ITexture The interface for an object that can be used as an additional target for the renderer.
- class ITexturesHandler
- class IVectorsVisualization Interface to the visualization of vectors.
- class JointDOFsDoubleArray Class for storing a vector of scalar values, one for each internal coordinate in a model.
class JointElement
- struct JointDynamicsParams
- struct JointInfo
- struct Limits
- class JointPosDoubleArray Class for storing a vector of scalar values, one for each internal position coordinate in a model.
- class JointSensor Interface for Sensor that are associated to a Joint.
- class KinDynComputations High level stateful class wrapping several kinematics and dynamics algorithms.
- class Link Class that represents a link.
- class LinkAccArray Class for storing a vector of spatial accelerations, one for each link in a model.
- class LinkArticulatedBodyInertias Class for storing a vector of ArticulatedBodyInertias objects , one for each link in a model.
- class LinkContactWrenches A set of ContactWrench for each link, representing all the contacts between the model and the external environment.
- class LinkElement
- class LinkInertias Class for storing a vector of SpatialInertia objects , one for each link in a model.
- class LinkPositions
- class LinkSensor Interface for Sensor that are associated to a Link.
- class LinkTraversalsCache Link traversal cache, store a traversal for each link in the model.
- class LinkUnknownWrenchContacts A set of UnknownWrenchContact for each link, representing all the contacts between the model and the external environment whose wrench is unkwnon.
- class LinkVelArray Class for storing a vector of twists, one for each link in a model.
- class LinkWrenches Vector of wrenches connected in some way to the link of a model.
- class Material
class MaterialElement
- struct MaterialInfo
- class MatrixDynSize Class providing a simple form of matrix with dynamic size.
- class MatrixFixSize Class providing a simple form of matrix with dynamic size.
- class MatrixView MatrixView implements a view interface of Matrices.
- class MeshcatVisualizer MeshcatVisualizer is an iDynTree-based wrapper to the meshcat-cpp visualizer.
- class Model Class that represents a generic multibody model.
- class ModelCalibrationHelper Helper class to load a model, modify its parameters based on calibration, and save it again to file.
- class ModelExporter Helper class to export a model to the supported textual formats.
- struct ModelExporterOptions Options for the iDynTree exporter.
- class ModelLoader Helper class to load a model from a generic format.
- struct ModelParserOptions Options for the iDynTree parser.
- class ModelSolidShapes
- class MomentumFreeFloatingJacobian Jacobian of the 6D momentum.
- class MovableJointImpl Base template for implementation of non-fixed joints.
- struct Neighbor
- class OriginElement
- class PixelViz Basic structure to encode pixel information.
- class Polygon Class representing a 2D Polygon expressed in the 3D space.
- class Polygon2D Class representing a 2D Polygon expressed in the 2D space.
- class Position Class representation the coordinates of the Position of a point with respect to another point.
- class PrismaticJoint Class representing a prismatic joint, i.e.
- class RevoluteJoint Class representing a revolute joint, i.e.
- class RigidBodyInertiaNonLinearParametrization
- class RobotElement
- class Rotation Class representation the rotation of an orientation frame with respect to a reference orientation frame, expressed as a Rotation matrix.
- class RotationalInertia Class providing the coordinates for a 3d inertia matrix.
- struct SchmittParams struct to hold schmitt trigger device parameters
- class SchmittTrigger Schmitt Trigger class for binary state detection This device is used to obtain a binary state (ON/OFF) at some time instant depending on a value inputted to the device.
- class Sensor Interface for Sensor classes in iDynTree .
class SensorElement
- struct SensorInfo
- class SensorHelper
class SensorsList Structure representing a group of sensors associated with an UndirectedTree.
- class ConstIterator
- class ConstTypedIterator
- class Iterator
- class TypedIterator
- class SensorsMeasurements A list of measurements associated with a SensorsList .
- class SimpleLeggedOdometry A simple legged odometry for a legged robot.
- class SixAxisForceTorqueSensor A six axis force torque sensor class implementation of the Sensor.
- class skinDynLibConversionsHelper Helper for conversion between iDynTree data structures and skinDynLib data structures.
- class skinDynLibLinkID Identifier for a link and a body frame in skinDynLib.
- class SolidShape
class Span
- struct KnownNotNull
- class storage_type
- class subspan_selector
class SparseMatrix Sparse Matrix class.
- class ConstIterator
class Iterator
- class TripletRef
- class SpatialAcc Class representing a spatial acceleration, i.e.
- class SpatialForceVector Class providing the raw coordinates for any spatial force vector, (i.e.
- class SpatialForceWrtMotionDerivative Class representing the derivative of a spatial force vector with respect to a spatial motion vector.
- class SpatialInertia Class representing a six dimensional inertia.
- class SpatialMomentum Class representing a spatial momentum, i.e.
- class SpatialMotionForceVectorT_traits Traits class for SpatialMotionVector and SpatialForceVector classes.
- class SpatialMotionForceVectorT_traits<SpatialForceVector>
- class SpatialMotionForceVectorT_traits<SpatialMotionVector>
- class SpatialMotionVector Class providing the coordinates for any motion spatial vector (i.e.
- class SpatialMotionWrtMotionDerivative Class representing the derivative of a spatial motion vector with respect to another spatial motion vector.
- class SpatialVector
- class Sphere
- class SubModelDecomposition Class representing the decomposition in one model in several submodels.
- struct TestMatrixMismatch
- class ThreeAxisAngularAccelerometerSensor Class representing a three axis angular accelerometer, i.e.
- class ThreeAxisForceTorqueContactSensor Class representing a three axis force-torque contact sensor.
- class Transform Class representation the relative displacement between two different frames.
- class TransformDerivative Class representing the derivative of Transform object.
- class Traversal Class that represents a traversal of a set of links of a Model.
- class Triplet
- class Triplets
- class Twist Class representing a twist, i.e.
- struct UnknownWrenchContact A contact whose wrench is unknown.
- class URDFDocument
- class VectorDynSize Class providing a simple form of vector with dynamic size.
- class VectorFixSize Class providing a simple vector of N elements.
class VisualElement
- struct VisualInfo
- class Visualizer Class to visualize a set of iDynTree models.
- struct VisualizerOptions Visualizer options.
- class Wrench Class representing a wrench, i.e.
- class XMLAttribute
- class XMLDocument
- class XMLElement Class representing an XML element.
- class XMLParser XML Parser class.
- class XMLParserState
namespace details
namespace internal
namespace kinematics
- class InverseKinematicsData
- class InverseKinematicsNLP Implementation of the inverse kinematics with IPOPT.
- class SparsityHelper Helper class to manage sparsity.
- class TransformConstraint Class representing a constraint (full or partial) on a transform between a given frame and the absolute frame.
namespace kinematics
- namespace Ipopt
- namespace std STL namespace.
- namespace yarp::math
- struct state of the estimator