iDynTree::estimateExternalWrenchesBuffers struct

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

estimateExternalWrenchesBuffers(const SubModelDecomposition& subModels)
estimateExternalWrenchesBuffers(const size_t nrOfSubModels, const size_t nrOfLinks)

Public functions

void resize(const SubModelDecomposition& subModels)
Resize the struct for the number of submodel.
void resize(const size_t nrOfSubModels, const size_t nrOfLinks)
auto getNrOfSubModels() const -> size_t
auto getNrOfLinks() const -> size_t
auto isConsistent(const SubModelDecomposition& subModels) const -> bool
Check if the buffer size are consistent with the submodel decomposition.

Public variables

std::vector<MatrixDynSize> A
The problem of external wrenches estimation boils down to solve a LS problem in the form argmin_x (Ax-b)^2 .
std::vector<VectorDynSize> x
std::vector<Vector6> b
LinkWrenches b_contacts_subtree
We compute the b term for each subtree in a iterative way, so we need a buffer to store it for each link.
LinkPositions subModelBase_H_link
We compute the transform between each link and the submodel base, for computing the A matrices.