iDynTree::ClassicalAcc class

Class representing a classical 6D acceleration, i.e.

the concatenation of the 3d vector of the acceleration of a point and of the 3d vector of the derivative of an angular velocity.

Base classes

template<unsigned int VecSize>
class VectorFixSize<6>
Class providing a simple vector of N elements.

Public static functions

static auto Zero() -> ClassicalAcc
constructor helpers

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

Default constructor.
ClassicalAcc(const double* in_data, const unsigned int in_size)
ClassicalAcc(const ClassicalAcc& other)

Public functions

auto changeCoordFrame(const Rotation& newCoordFrame) -> const ClassicalAcc&
auto getLinearVec3() const -> Vector3
auto getAngularVec3() const -> Vector3
void fromSpatial(const SpatialAcc& spatialAcc, const Twist& vel)
Build a classical acceleration from a spatial acceleation and spatial twist of a body.
void toSpatial(SpatialAcc& spatialAcc, const Twist& vel) const
Convert a classical acceleation to a spatial one.

Function documentation


Default constructor.

The data is not reset to the default for perfomance reason. Please initialize the data in the class before any use.