iDynTree::UnknownWrenchContact struct

A contact whose wrench is unknown.

Class representing a contact for which the approximate center of the contact surface is known, but the wrench is unknown.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

UnknownWrenchContact(const UnknownWrenchContactType _unknownType, const Position& _contactPoint, const Direction& _forceDirection = iDynTree::Direction::Default(), const Wrench& _knownWrench = iDynTree::Wrench(), const unsigned long& _contactId = 0)

Public variables

UnknownWrenchContactType unknownType
Type of the unknown contact.
Position contactPoint
Position of the center of the contact, in the link frame.
Direction forceDirection
If unknownType is PURE_FORCE_WITH_KNOWN_DIRECTION, contains the known direction (in link frame) of the force.
Wrench knownWrench
If unknownType is NO_UNKNOWNS, contains the value of the contact force, with the orientation of the link frame, and w.r.t.
unsigned long contactId
Unique id identifing the contact.

Variable documentation

Wrench iDynTree::UnknownWrenchContact::knownWrench

If unknownType is NO_UNKNOWNS, contains the value of the contact force, with the orientation of the link frame, and w.r.t.

to the origin of the link frame, i.e. it ignores the contactPoint attribute.

unsigned long iDynTree::UnknownWrenchContact::contactId

Unique id identifing the contact.

This id is propagated to the contact wrench data structure. It is implemented mainly for compatibility with the skinDynLib library.