iDynTree::ArticulatedBodyAlgorithmInternalBuffers struct

Structure of buffers required by ArticulatedBodyAlgorithm.

As the ArticulatedBodyAlgorithm function needs some internal buffers to run, but we don't want to put memory allocation inside the ArticulatedBodyAlgorithm function, we put all the internal buffers in this structure.

A convenient resize(Model) function is provided to automatically resize the buffers given a Model.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

ArticulatedBodyAlgorithmInternalBuffers(const Model& model)
Call resize(model);.

Public functions

void resize(const Model& model)
Resize all the buffers to the right size given the model, and reset all the buffers to 0.
auto isConsistent(const Model& model) -> bool
Check if the dimension of the buffer is consistent with a model (it should be after a call to resize(model) ).

Public variables

DOFSpatialMotionArray S
DOFSpatialForceArray U
JointDOFsDoubleArray D
JointDOFsDoubleArray u
LinkVelArray linksVel
LinkAccArray linksBiasAcceleration
LinkAccArray linksAccelerations
LinkArticulatedBodyInertias linkABIs
LinkWrenches linksBiasWrench