iDynTree::SensorsList class

Structure representing a group of sensors associated with an UndirectedTree.

Public types

class ConstIterator
class ConstTypedIterator
class Iterator
class TypedIterator
using typed_iterator = TypedIterator
using const_typed_iterator = ConstTypedIterator
using iterator = Iterator
using const_iterator = ConstIterator

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

SensorsList(const SensorsList& other)
Copy constructor.
~SensorsList() virtual

Public functions

auto operator=(const SensorsList& other) -> SensorsList&
Copy operator.
auto addSensor(const Sensor& sensor) -> std::ptrdiff_t
Add a sensor to the SensorsTree.
auto setSerialization(const SensorType& sensor_type, const std::vector<std::string>& serializaton) -> bool
Change the serialization of a specific sensor type.
auto getSerialization(const SensorType& sensor_type, std::vector<std::string>& serializaton) -> bool
Get the serialization of a specific sensor type.
auto getNrOfSensors(const SensorType& sensor_type) const -> std::size_t
Get the number of sensors of type sensor_type in this SensorsList .
auto getSensorIndex(const SensorType& sensor_type, const std::string& _sensor_name, std::ptrdiff_t& sensor_index) const -> bool
Get the index of a sensor of type sensor_type in this SensorList.
auto getSensorIndex(const SensorType& sensor_type, const std::string& _sensor_name) const -> std::ptrdiff_t
Get the index of a sensor of type sensor_type and with name sensor_name.
auto getSizeOfAllSensorsMeasurements() const -> size_t
Get the total size of sensor measurements.
auto getSensor(const SensorType& sensor_type, std::ptrdiff_t sensor_index) const -> Sensor*
Get the pointer to the sensor of index sensor_index and of type sensor_type.
auto isConsistent(const Model& model) const -> bool
Check if all the sensors in the list are consistent with the specified model.
auto removeSensor(const SensorType& sensor_type, const std::string& _sensor_name) -> bool
auto removeSensor(const SensorType& sensor_type, const std::ptrdiff_t sensor_index) -> bool
auto removeAllSensorsOfType(const SensorType& sensor_type) -> bool
auto allSensorsIterator() -> iterator
auto allSensorsIterator() const -> const_iterator
auto sensorsIteratorForType(const iDynTree::SensorType& sensor_type) -> typed_iterator
auto sensorsIteratorForType(const iDynTree::SensorType& sensor_type) const -> const_typed_iterator

Function documentation

std::ptrdiff_t iDynTree::SensorsList::addSensor(const Sensor& sensor)

Add a sensor to the SensorsTree.

sensor in constant reference to the Sensor to add.
Returns the sensor index of the newly added sensor, or -1 in case of error.

The initial sensor index will depend on the order in which the sensor are added to the sensorsTree. The sensor index can then be changed with a call to the setSerialization method.

The passed sensor will be dynamic casted to the specified sensor type, and will be copied in the sensors tree only if the dynamic cast will be successful.

std::size_t iDynTree::SensorsList::getNrOfSensors(const SensorType& sensor_type) const

Get the number of sensors of type sensor_type in this SensorsList .

Returns the number of sensors of type sensor_type

bool iDynTree::SensorsList::getSensorIndex(const SensorType& sensor_type, const std::string& _sensor_name, std::ptrdiff_t& sensor_index) const

Get the index of a sensor of type sensor_type in this SensorList.

Returns true if the sensor name is found, false otherwise.

std::ptrdiff_t iDynTree::SensorsList::getSensorIndex(const SensorType& sensor_type, const std::string& _sensor_name) const

Get the index of a sensor of type sensor_type and with name sensor_name.

Returns the sensor index if the sensor_name is found, -1 otherwise.

Sensor* iDynTree::SensorsList::getSensor(const SensorType& sensor_type, std::ptrdiff_t sensor_index) const

Get the pointer to the sensor of index sensor_index and of type sensor_type.

Returns the pointer of sensor, of 0 if sensor_index is out of bounds