iDynTree::RotationalInertia class

Class providing the coordinates for a 3d inertia matrix.

We use a parent Matrix3x3 for storage of the rotational inertia matrix: given that the inertia matrix is a 3x3 symmetric matrix, the ordering (row order or column order) is not influencing the storage of the matrix.

Base classes

template<unsigned int nRows, unsigned int nCols>
class MatrixFixSize<3, 3>
Class providing a simple form of matrix with dynamic size.

Public static functions

static auto Zero() -> RotationalInertia
Initializer helper: return a zero matrix.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

Default constructor.
RotationalInertia(const double* in_data, const unsigned int in_rows, const unsigned int in_cols)
RotationalInertia(const RotationalInertia& other)

Public functions

auto operator=(const RotationalInertia& other) -> RotationalInertia&

Function documentation


Default constructor.

The data is not reset to zero for perfomance reason. Please initialize the data in the vector before any use.