iDynTree::ForwardDynamicsLinearizationInternalBuffers struct

Structure containing the internal buffers used by the ForwardDynamicsLinearization function.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

ForwardDynamicsLinearizationInternalBuffers(const Model& model)
Call resize(model);.

Public functions

void resize(const Model& model)
Resize all the buffers to the right size given the model, and reset all the buffers to 0.

Public variables

ArticulatedBodyAlgorithmInternalBuffers aba
Buffers used for computing the ABA algorithm.
std::vector<ArticulatedBodyAlgorithmInternalBuffers> dPos
Buffers used for computing the derivative of ABA with respect to the joint DOFs position.
LinkPositions linkPos
Buffers used to compute the derivative with respect to the base velocity.
std::vector<SpatialForceWrtMotionDerivative> dVb_linkBiasWrench
std::vector<Matrix1x6> dVb_u
std::vector<SpatialMotionWrtMotionDerivative> dVb_linkBiasAcceleration
std::vector<SpatialMotionWrtMotionDerivative> dVb_linksAccelerations
std::vector<SpatialForceWrtMotionDerivative> dVl_linkLocalBiasWrench
Buffer to store the derivative of the product.
std::vector<ArticulatedBodyAlgorithmInternalBuffers> dVel
Buffers used for computing the derivative of ABA with respect to the joint DOFs velocities.

Variable documentation

std::vector<SpatialForceWrtMotionDerivative> iDynTree::ForwardDynamicsLinearizationInternalBuffers::dVl_linkLocalBiasWrench

Buffer to store the derivative of the product.

\[ V_l \bar\times^* M_l V_l \]

with respect to V_l