iDynTree::SpatialAcc class

Class representing a spatial acceleration, i.e.

the representation of the time derivative of the twist.

Base classes

class SpatialMotionVector
Class providing the coordinates for any motion spatial vector (i.e.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

Default constructor.
SpatialAcc(const LinAcceleration& _linearVec3, const AngAcceleration& _angularVec3)
SpatialAcc(const SpatialMotionVector& other)
SpatialAcc(const SpatialAcc& other)

Public functions

auto operator=(const SpatialAcc& other) -> SpatialAcc&
auto operator+(const SpatialAcc& other) const -> SpatialAcc
auto operator-(const SpatialAcc& other) const -> SpatialAcc
auto operator-() const -> SpatialAcc

Function documentation


Default constructor.

The data is not reset to zero for perfomance reason. Please initialize the data in the class before any use.