iDynTree::Position class

Class representation the coordinates of the Position of a point with respect to another point.


The Position object can briefly described as the position of a point with respect to a refPoint, expressed with respect to an orientation given by orientFrame .

Base classes

template<unsigned int VecSize>
class VectorFixSize<3>
Class providing a simple vector of N elements.

Public static functions

static auto compose(const Position& op1, const Position& op2) -> Position
static auto inverse(const Position& op) -> Position
static auto Zero() -> Position

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

Default constructor.
Position(double x, double y, double z)
Constructor from 3 doubles: initialize the coordinates with the passed values.
Position(const Position& other)
Copy constructor: create a Position from another Position.
Position(const double* in_data, const unsigned int in_size)
Constructor from a raw buffer of 3 doubles.
Position(iDynTree::Span<const double> other)
Create a Position from a span.

Public functions

auto operator=(const Position& other) -> Position&
Assignment operator: assign a Position from another Position.
auto changePoint(const Position& newPoint) -> const Position&
Geometric operations.
auto changeRefPoint(const Position& newRefPoint) -> const Position&
auto changeCoordinateFrame(const Rotation& newCoordinateFrame) -> const Position&
auto changePointOf(const SpatialMotionVector& other) const -> SpatialMotionVector
auto changePointOf(const SpatialForceVector& other) const -> SpatialForceVector
auto changePointOf(const Twist& other) const -> Twist
auto changePointOf(const SpatialAcc& other) const -> SpatialAcc
auto changePointOf(const SpatialMomentum& other) const -> SpatialMomentum
auto changePointOf(const Wrench& other) const -> Wrench
auto operator+(const Position& other) const -> Position
overloaded operators
auto operator-(const Position& other) const -> Position
auto operator-() const -> Position
auto operator*(const Twist& other) const -> Twist
auto operator*(const SpatialForceVector& other) const -> SpatialForceVector
auto operator*(const SpatialAcc& other) const -> SpatialAcc
auto operator*(const SpatialMomentum& other) const -> SpatialMomentum
auto operator*(const Wrench& other) const -> Wrench

Output helpers.

Output helpers.

auto toString() const -> std::string
auto reservedToString() const -> std::string


auto Rotation::changeCoordFrameOf(const Position& op) const -> Position

Function documentation


Default constructor.

The data is not initialized, please initialize the data in the created object before use.