iDynTree::ConvexHullProjectionConstraint class

ConvexHullProjectionConstraint helper.

Public functions

void setActive(const bool isActive)
Set if the constraint is active or not.
auto isActive() -> bool
Get if the constraint is active or not.
auto getNrOfConstraints() -> size_t
Get the number of constraints (i.e.
auto buildConvexHull(const iDynTree::Direction xAxisOfPlaneInWorld, const iDynTree::Direction yAxisOfPlaneInWorld, const iDynTree::Position originOfPlaneInWorld, const std::vector<Polygon>& supportPolygonsExpressedInSupportFrame, const std::vector<Transform>& absoluteFrame_X_supportFrame) -> bool
Build the projected convex hull.
auto project(iDynTree::Position& posIn3dInAbsoluteFrame) -> Vector2
Project a point in the plane of the convex hull.
auto computeMargin(const Vector2& posIn2D) -> double
Compute distance of a 2D point from the convex hull.
void setProjectionAlongDirection(const iDynTree::Vector3& direction)
auto projectAlongDirection(const iDynTree::Position& posIn3dInAbsoluteFrame) -> Vector2

Public variables

Polygon2D projectedConvexHull
Convex hull expressed in the 2D project constraint plane.
MatrixDynSize A
A constraint matrix, such that Ax <= b iff the com projection x is in the convex hull.
VectorDynSize b
b vector, such that Ax <= b iff the com projection x is in the convex hull.
Matrix2x3 P
Projection matrix P, Note that x = P*(c-o), where x is the projection and c is the 3d COM .
Matrix2x3 Pdirection
Projection matrix 'Pdirection' defined by a given direction.
MatrixDynSize AtimesP
Matrix obtained multiplyng the matrix A for the matrix P.
iDynTree::Position o
Plane offset o Note that x = P*(c-o), where x is the projection and c is the 3d COM .
std::vector<int> supportFrameIndices
List of support frames.
std::vector<Transform> absoluteFrame_X_supportFrame
List of absolue_X_supportFrames.

Function documentation

bool iDynTree::ConvexHullProjectionConstraint::isActive()

Get if the constraint is active or not.

Returns true if the constraint is active, false otherwise.

size_t iDynTree::ConvexHullProjectionConstraint::getNrOfConstraints()

Get the number of constraints (i.e.

Returns the number of constraints.

the number rows of the matrix A).

bool iDynTree::ConvexHullProjectionConstraint::buildConvexHull(const iDynTree::Direction xAxisOfPlaneInWorld, const iDynTree::Direction yAxisOfPlaneInWorld, const iDynTree::Position originOfPlaneInWorld, const std::vector<Polygon>& supportPolygonsExpressedInSupportFrame, const std::vector<Transform>& absoluteFrame_X_supportFrame)

Build the projected convex hull.

supportPolygonsExpressedInSupportFrame Vector of the support polygons, expressed in the support frames.
absoluteFrame_X_supportFrame Vector of the transform between each support frame and the absolute frame.
Returns true if all went well, false otherwise.

Vector2 iDynTree::ConvexHullProjectionConstraint::project(iDynTree::Position& posIn3dInAbsoluteFrame)

Project a point in the plane of the convex hull.

The point is expressed in the absolute frame of the constriant.

double iDynTree::ConvexHullProjectionConstraint::computeMargin(const Vector2& posIn2D)

Compute distance of a 2D point from the convex hull.

The distance is positive if the point is inside the convex hull, zero if the point is on the boundary of the convex hull, and negative if it is outside of the convex hull.

void iDynTree::ConvexHullProjectionConstraint::setProjectionAlongDirection(const iDynTree::Vector3& direction)

direction vector along which we want to project a point

Set the projection matrix 'Pdirection' given a desired projection direction.

Vector2 iDynTree::ConvexHullProjectionConstraint::projectAlongDirection(const iDynTree::Position& posIn3dInAbsoluteFrame)

posIn3dInAbsoluteFrame a point we want to project

Project a point along a direction defined by the projection matrix 'Pdirection'

Variable documentation

Polygon2D iDynTree::ConvexHullProjectionConstraint::projectedConvexHull

Convex hull expressed in the 2D project constraint plane.

This is computed by the buildConvexHull method.

Matrix2x3 iDynTree::ConvexHullProjectionConstraint::Pdirection

Projection matrix 'Pdirection' defined by a given direction.

The projection 'x' of a 3D point 'c' along a given vector is obtained as: x = Pdirection*(c-o).