iDynTree::BerdyOptions struct

Options of the BerdyHelper class.

Documentation of each option is provided as usual Doxygen documentation. Default values for each options are specified in the contstructor.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators


Public functions

auto checkConsistency() -> bool
Check that the options are not self-contradicting.

Public variables

BerdyVariants berdyVariant
Type of berdy variant implemented.
bool includeAllNetExternalWrenchesAsDynamicVariables
If true, include the net external wrenches in the dynamic variables vector.
bool includeAllJointAccelerationsAsSensors
If true, include the joint accelerations in the sensors vector.
bool includeAllJointTorquesAsSensors
If true, include the joint torques in the sensors vector.
bool includeAllNetExternalWrenchesAsSensors
If true, include the net external wrenches in the sensors vector.
bool includeFixedBaseExternalWrench
If includeNetExternalWrenchesAsSensors is true and the variant is ORIGINAL_BERDY_FIXED_BASE, if this is true the external wrench acting on the base fixed link is included in the sensors.
std::vector<std::string> jointOnWhichTheInternalWrenchIsMeasured
Vector of joint names for which we assume that a virtual measurement of the wrench trasmitted on the joint is available.
std::string baseLink
Name of the link which will be considered as a base link for Berdy computations.

Variable documentation

BerdyVariants iDynTree::BerdyOptions::berdyVariant

Type of berdy variant implemented.

For description of each type of variant check the BerdyVariants enum documentation.


bool iDynTree::BerdyOptions::includeAllNetExternalWrenchesAsDynamicVariables

If true, include the net external wrenches in the dynamic variables vector.

Default value: true .

bool iDynTree::BerdyOptions::includeAllJointAccelerationsAsSensors

If true, include the joint accelerations in the sensors vector.

Default value: true .

bool iDynTree::BerdyOptions::includeAllJointTorquesAsSensors

If true, include the joint torques in the sensors vector.

Default value: false .

bool iDynTree::BerdyOptions::includeAllNetExternalWrenchesAsSensors

If true, include the net external wrenches in the sensors vector.

It is not compatible with the use of includeAllNetExternalWrenchesAsDynamicVariables set to false.

Default value: true .

bool iDynTree::BerdyOptions::includeFixedBaseExternalWrench

If includeNetExternalWrenchesAsSensors is true and the variant is ORIGINAL_BERDY_FIXED_BASE, if this is true the external wrench acting on the base fixed link is included in the sensors.

Default value : false .

std::vector<std::string> iDynTree::BerdyOptions::jointOnWhichTheInternalWrenchIsMeasured

Vector of joint names for which we assume that a virtual measurement of the wrench trasmitted on the joint is available.

std::string iDynTree::BerdyOptions::baseLink

Name of the link which will be considered as a base link for Berdy computations.