iDynTree::SpatialMotionWrtMotionDerivative class

Class representing the derivative of a spatial motion vector with respect to another spatial motion vector.

Base classes

template<unsigned int nRows, unsigned int nCols>
class MatrixFixSize<6, 6>
Class providing a simple form of matrix with dynamic size.

Public functions

auto operator*(const Transform& a_X_b) -> SpatialMotionWrtMotionDerivative
Equivalent to:

Function documentation

SpatialMotionWrtMotionDerivative iDynTree::SpatialMotionWrtMotionDerivative::operator*(const Transform& a_X_b)

Equivalent to:

SpatialMotionWrtMotionDerivative ret;
toEigen(ret) = toEigen(ret)*toEigen(transform.asAdjointMatrix())
return ret;