Gazebo Plugins exposing YARP interfaces.
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Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CGazeboYarpCameraGazebo Plugin reading from the Gazebo Camera plugin, simulating the robot´s eyes view
 CGazeboYarpClockPlugin exposing the Gazebo Clock on the YARP network, allowing to synchronize the simulation with an external controller
 CGazeboYarpControlBoardGazebo Plugin emulating the yarp controlBoard device in Gazebo
 CGazeboYarpDepthCameraGazebo Plugin reading from the Gazebo DepthCamera plugin, simulating the robot´s eyes view
 CGazeboYarpFakeControlBoardGazebo Plugin emulating a fake yarp controlboard in Gazebo
 CGazeboYarpForceTorqueGazebo Plugin emulating the yarp device exposing a 6 axis force-torque sensor
 CGazeboYarpIMUGazebo Plugin emulating the yarp imu device in Gazebo
 CGazeboYarpInertialMTBGazebo Plugin for the emulation of the yarp inertial MTB device in Gazebo
 CGazeboYarpInertialMTBPartGazebo Plugin emulating the yarp inertial MTB sensors device in Gazebo
 CGazeboYarpLaserSensorGazebo Plugin emulating the yarp device exposing a 6 axis force-torque sensor
 CGazeboYarpMaisSensorGazebo Plugin emulating the yarp mais sensor (IAnalogSensor) in Gazebo
 CGazeboYarpModelPosePublisherGazebo Plugin that publishes the pose of the root link of a model with respect to the Gazebo world frame
 CGazeboYarpMultiCameraGazebo Plugin reading from the Gazebo MultiCamera plugin
 CGazeboYarpRobotInterfaceSee gazebo-yarp-plugins/plugins/robotinterface/ for documentation on this plugin
 CHandlerSingleton object class
 CGazeboYarpInertialMTBPartDriverThis class implements the driver that exposes the sensors of a whole model part (ex: the leg) on the yarp network