Gazebo Plugins exposing YARP interfaces.
No Matches
Todo List
Member gazebo::GazeboYarpForceTorque::Load (sensors::SensorPtr _sensor, sdf::ElementPtr _sdf)
TODO handle in a better way the parameters that are for the wrapper and the one that are for driver
Member gazebo::GazeboYarpLaserSensor::Load (sensors::SensorPtr _sensor, sdf::ElementPtr _sdf)
TODO handle in a better way the parameters that are for the wrapper and the one that are for driver
Member yarp::dev::GazeboYarpForceTorqueDriver::onUpdate (const gazebo::common::UpdateInfo &)

check forcetorque data

ensure that the timestamp is the right one

TODO use GetLastMeasureTime, not GetLastUpdateTime

Member yarp::dev::GazeboYarpForceTorqueDriver::read (yarp::sig::Vector &out) override
TODO in my opinion the reader should care of passing a vector of the proper dimension to the driver, but apparently this is not the case
Member yarp::dev::GazeboYarpIMUDriver::onUpdate (const gazebo::common::UpdateInfo &)

TODO check orientation data

TODO ensure that the timestamp is the right one