No Matches

This module implements the IBattery interface to retrieve the status of the battery in the iCub backpack.


In order for this module to be compiled, it needs to be enabled with the option ENABLE_icubmod_bcbBattery set to ON. In addition, yarp needs to be compiled with the following options set to ON:

  • ENABLE_yarpmod_batteryWrapper
  • ENABLE_yarpmod_serial
  • ENABLE_yarpmod_serialport

In addition, in order to have a GUI representation of the battery status, enable the following in yarp

  • ENABLE_yarpmod_batteryClient
  • YARP_COMPILE_yarpbatterygui

How to use

This module can be used by resorting to the configuration files already available in the battery folder in the experimentalSetups of robots-configuration. From that folder, it is sufficient to run yarprobotinterface.

Configuration parameters

The configuration file of this module needs two groups. A group named SERIAL_PORT with all the parameters relative to the serial port connection. For the meaning of these parameters refer to the serialPort header file. Their setup depends on the serial configuration done on the hardware side.

The second group should be named GENERAL and should contain the following:

  • thread_period: the thread period in milliseconds
  • screen: when equal to 1, it enables an info print in the terminal showing the battery status
  • verbose: when equal to 1, it prints on the terminal the raw value coming from the terminal.
  • silence_sync_warnings: when 1 it avoids printing warning messages relative to syncing.