%iDynTree core data structures module

iDynTree provides basic data structures to implement kinemanics and dynamics algorithms.


class iDynTree::ArticulatedBodyInertia
Class representing an Articulated Body Inertia.
class iDynTree::Axis
Class representing an axis (a directed line) in space.
class iDynTree::ClassicalAcc
Class representing a classical 6D acceleration, i.e.
class iDynTree::Direction
Class representing the coordinates of a direction in the 3D space.
class iDynTree::MatrixDynSize
Class providing a simple form of matrix with dynamic size.
template<unsigned int nRows, unsigned int nCols>
class iDynTree::MatrixFixSize
Class providing a simple form of matrix with dynamic size.
class iDynTree::Position
Class representation the coordinates of the Position of a point with respect to another point.
class iDynTree::Rotation
Class representation the rotation of an orientation frame with respect to a reference orientation frame, expressed as a Rotation matrix.
class iDynTree::RotationalInertia
Class providing the coordinates for a 3d inertia matrix.
class iDynTree::SpatialAcc
Class representing a spatial acceleration, i.e.
class iDynTree::SpatialForceVector
Class providing the raw coordinates for any spatial force vector, (i.e.
class iDynTree::SpatialInertia
Class representing a six dimensional inertia.
class iDynTree::SpatialMomentum
Class representing a spatial momentum, i.e.
class iDynTree::SpatialMotionVector
Class providing the coordinates for any motion spatial vector (i.e.
class iDynTree::Transform
Class representation the relative displacement between two different frames.
class iDynTree::TransformDerivative
Class representing the derivative of Transform object.
class iDynTree::Twist
Class representing a twist, i.e.
class iDynTree::VectorDynSize
Class providing a simple form of vector with dynamic size.
template<unsigned int VecSize>
class iDynTree::VectorFixSize
Class providing a simple vector of N elements.
class iDynTree::Wrench
Class representing a wrench, i.e.


Class providing an interface to any spatial motion or force vector, which provides raw coordinates.

Define documentation


Class providing an interface to any spatial motion or force vector, which provides raw coordinates.

A motion spatial vector can be used to describe twist, spatial acceleration, and derivatives.

A force spatial vector can be used to describe spatial momentum, wrench, and derivatives.