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iCub-Client modules

This is the list of iCub-Client modules in the src/modules directory. More...

+ Collaboration diagram for iCub-Client modules:


 Synthetic Autobiographical Memory for face recognition and action recognition.
 Module based on kinectClient "Kinect Wrapper Client" that track and recognize people.
 Drive scheduler for the reactiveLayer Version:1.0
 Motor babbling with the iCub Version:1.0.
 Module for quick control of default complex behaviors.
 Listen to humans when not doing something else Version:1.0.
 Face tracking module for iCub head and gaze using OpenCV functions Version:1.0.
 Module responsible for polling the OPC for various content (objects, skeletons, etc.) and updating icubGui based on this.
 Module integrating an interface for dealing with homeostatic needs Version:1.0.
 Bridge module between the interactive object learning and recognition system (iol) and yarp database of object properties Version:1.0
 The opcPopulator can be used to spawn new entities in simulation and control their parameters.
 A module that gets the objects present in the OPC, and change their top down saliency according to their acceleration, appereance and disappereance.
 Reference Frame Handler Version:1.0.
 Reactive layer module to monitor basic sensations.
 Module to detect touch activations to robot's body parts Version:1.0

Detailed Description

This is the list of iCub-Client modules in the src/modules directory.

To add your own module to this list, just add a comment like the following anywhere in your source code (replacing "your_module_name" with the name of your module):

   * @defgroup icubclient_your_module_name your_module_name
   * @ingroup icubclient_modules

For convenience, try to keep the module name the same as the directory it is placed in. If you have a good reason to do something different, of course you can do that too.