Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 CActionRepresents an action, whether composite or not
 CAgentRepresent an agent
 CBodyRepresent a the body of an agent
 CBodypartRepresents a body part of the robot
 CEntityRepresent any entity that can be stored within the OPC
 CICubClientGrants access to high level motor commands (grasp, touch, look, goto, etc) of the robot as well as its internal state (drives, emotions, beliefs) and its interaction means (speech)
 CObjectRepresent any physical entity (including objects and agents) that can be stored within the OPC
 COPCClientAn OPC client using the datastructures defined within the icub-client library
 CRelationRepresent a relation between two entities
 CSubSystemAbstract class to handle sub-systems of the icub-client
 CSubSystem_agentDetectorSubSystem for agentDetector
 CSubSystem_ARESubSystem to deal with the actionsRenderingEngine module (a.k.a
 CSubSystem_babblingSubSystem for babbling
 CSubSystem_emotionSubSystem for emotion
 CSubSystem_IOL2OPCSubSystem for iol2opc
 CSubSystem_KARMASubSystem to deal with the experimental affordance learning module (a.k.a
 CSubSystem_RecogAbstract subSystem for speech recognizer
 CSubSystem_SAMSubSystem for SAM
 CSubSystem_SpeechAbstract subSystem for speech management (Text to Speech)
 CSubSystem_Speech_eSpeakSubSystem for speech synthesis with emotional tuning of speed and pitch using eSpeak
 CinteractionSAMModelGeneric interaction function
 CInterruptableThreadClass to launch a function inside of a separate thread
 CtimeoutClass to terminate a function running inside of a separate thread
 CTimeoutErrorCustom TimeoutError Exception
 CLFMSAM based on Latent Feature Models
 CSAMDriverSAM Driver parent class that defines the methods by which models are initialised, trained and saved
 CmodelOptClassClass to perform optimisation of SAM Models
 CSamSupervisorModuleModel management and supervisor
 CSVI_RatioInference the marginal likelihood through {p(y,y*)}{p(y)}
 CSAMDriver_ARWinClass developed for the implementation of windowed real time action recognition
 CSAMDriver_interactionClass developed for the implementation of face recognition
 Ciol2opc_IDLIol2opc_IDL IDL Interface to iol2opc service