▼Nallostatic_plot | |
CAllostaticPlotModule | |
▼Nicubclient | |
CAction | Represents an action, whether composite or not |
CAgent | Represent an agent |
CBody | Represent a the body of an agent |
CBodypart | Represents a body part of the robot |
CEntity | Represent any entity that can be stored within the OPC |
CICubClient | Grants access to high level motor commands (grasp, touch, look, goto, etc) of the robot as well as its internal state (drives, emotions, beliefs) and its interaction means (speech) |
CObject | Represent any physical entity (including objects and agents) that can be stored within the OPC |
COPCClient | An OPC client using the datastructures defined within the icub-client library |
CRelation | Represent a relation between two entities |
CSubSystem | Abstract class to handle sub-systems of the icub-client |
CSubSystem_agentDetector | SubSystem for agentDetector |
CSubSystem_ARE | SubSystem to deal with the actionsRenderingEngine module (a.k.a |
CSubSystem_babbling | SubSystem for babbling |
CSubSystem_emotion | SubSystem for emotion |
CSubSystem_IOL2OPC | SubSystem for iol2opc |
CSubSystem_KARMA | SubSystem to deal with the experimental affordance learning module (a.k.a |
CSubSystem_Recog | Abstract subSystem for speech recognizer |
CSubSystem_SAM | SubSystem for SAM |
CSubSystem_Speech | Abstract subSystem for speech management (Text to Speech) |
CSubSystem_Speech_eSpeak | SubSystem for speech synthesis with emotional tuning of speed and pitch using eSpeak |
▼NSAM | |
▼NSAM_Core | |
▼NinteractionSAMModel | |
CinteractionSAMModel | Generic interaction function |
▼NSAM_utils | |
CInterruptableThread | Class to launch a function inside of a separate thread |
Ctimeout | Class to terminate a function running inside of a separate thread |
CTimeoutError | Custom TimeoutError Exception |
▼NSAMCore | |
CLFM | SAM based on Latent Feature Models |
▼NSAMDriver | |
CSAMDriver | SAM Driver parent class that defines the methods by which models are initialised, trained and saved |
▼NsamOptimiser | |
CmodelOptClass | Class to perform optimisation of SAM Models |
▼NsamSupervisor | |
CSamSupervisorModule | Model management and supervisor |
▼Nsvi_ratio | |
CSVI_Ratio | Inference the marginal likelihood through {p(y,y*)}{p(y)} |
▼NSAM_Drivers | |
▼NSAMDriver_ARWin | |
CSAMDriver_ARWin | Class developed for the implementation of windowed real time action recognition |
▼NSAMDriver_interaction | |
CSAMDriver_interaction | Class developed for the implementation of face recognition |
CAgentDetector | |
CAllostaticController | |
CAllostaticDrive | |
CBabbling | |
CBadFormatException | |
CBehavior | |
CBehaviorManager | |
CClassifierReporter | |
CDrive | |
CDriveOutCZ | |
CDummy | |
Cears | |
CExampleDependency | |
CfaceTrackerModule | |
CFrameHandlerModule | |
CFrameInfo | |
CGuiUpdater | |
CHomeostasisManager | |
CHomeostaticModule | |
Ciol2opc_IDL | Iol2opc_IDL IDL Interface to iol2opc service |
Ciol2opc_IDL_change_name | |
Ciol2opc_IDL_get_object_persistence | |
Ciol2opc_IDL_pause | |
Ciol2opc_IDL_remove_all | |
Ciol2opc_IDL_remove_object | |
Ciol2opc_IDL_resume | |
Ciol2opc_IDL_set_object_persistence | |
Ciol2opc_IDL_train_object | |
CIOL2OPCBridge | |
CIOLObject | |
CMoveObject | |
CObjectModel | |
CopcPopulator | |
COpcSensation | |
COpcUpdater | |
CParsingException | |
CPasarModule | |
CPointing | |
CproactiveTagging | |
CRecognitionOrder | |
CRecorder | |
CRtLocalization | |
CSensation | |
CSensationManager | |
CTagging | |
CTestSensation | |
CTouchDetectorModule | |
CTouchDetectorThread |