Classes | Functions | Variables
SAM.SAM_Core.SAM_utils Namespace Reference


class  InterruptableThread
 Class to launch a function inside of a separate thread. More...
class  timeout
 Class to terminate a function running inside of a separate thread. More...
class  TimeoutError
 Custom TimeoutError Exception. More...


def initialiseModels (argv, update, initMode='training')
 Initialise SAM Model data structure, training parameters and user parameters. More...
def varianceClass (varianceDirection, x, thresh)
 Utility function to perform threshold or range checking. More...
def plotKnownAndUnknown (varDict, colour, axlist, width=[0.2, factor=[(0, 0.6), plotRange=False)
 Utility function to plot variances of known and unknown as gaussian distributions. More...
def bhattacharyya_distance (mu1, mu2, var1, var2)
 Calculates a measure for the separability of two univariate gaussians. More...
def plot_confusion_matrix (cm, targetNames, title='Confusion matrix',
 Generate and display a confusion matrix. More...
def plotGaussFromList (mlist, vlist, rlist, colour, label, width, factor, axlist, plotRange=False)
 Plot multiple Gaussians from a list on the same plot. More...
def solve_intersections (m1, m2, std1, std2)
 Solve for the intersection/s of two Gaussian distributions. More...
def PfromHist (sample, hist, binWidth)
 Calulates the probability of a sample from a histogram. More...
def meanVar_varianceDistribution (dataList)
 Calculate list of means, variances and ranges for the data in the dataList. More...
def bhattacharyya_dict (m, v)
 Calculate bhattacharyya distances for each item in the dictionaries. More...
def smooth1D (x, window_len=11, window='hanning')
 Smooth the data using a window with a requested size. More...
def transformTimeSeriesToSeq (Y, timeWindow, offset=1, normalised=False, reduced=False, noY=False, doOffset=False)
 Utility function to convert a time series into multiple time windows with additional functionality. More...



Variable Documentation

◆ precision


Definition at line 25 of file