OsqpEigen namespace

OsqpEigen namespace.


namespace SparseMatrixHelper
SparseMatrixHelper namespace is a namspace that contains helper function to handle osqp matrix.


class Data
Data class is a wrapper of the OSQP OSQPData struct.
class Settings
settings class is a wrapper of the OSQP OSQPSettings struct.
class Solver
Solver class is a wrapper of the OSQP OSQPWorkspace struct.


enum class Status: int { DualInfeasibleInaccurate = OSQP_DUAL_INFEASIBLE_INACCURATE, PrimalInfeasibleInaccurate = OSQP_PRIMAL_INFEASIBLE_INACCURATE, SolvedInaccurate = OSQP_SOLVED_INACCURATE, Solved = OSQP_SOLVED, MaxIterReached = OSQP_MAX_ITER_REACHED, PrimalInfeasible = OSQP_PRIMAL_INFEASIBLE, DualInfeasible = OSQP_DUAL_INFEASIBLE, Sigint = OSQP_SIGINT, NonCvx = OSQP_NON_CVX, Unsolved = OSQP_UNSOLVED }
Status of the solver.
enum class ErrorExitFlag: int { NoError = 0, DataValidationError = OSQP_DATA_VALIDATION_ERROR, SettingsValidationError = OSQP_SETTINGS_VALIDATION_ERROR, LinsysSolverLoadError = OSQP_LINSYS_SOLVER_LOAD_ERROR, LinsysSolverInitError = OSQP_LINSYS_SOLVER_INIT_ERROR, NonCvxError = OSQP_NONCVX_ERROR, MemAllocError = OSQP_MEM_ALLOC_ERROR, WorkspaceNotInitError = OSQP_WORKSPACE_NOT_INIT_ERROR }
Error status of the Solver.


auto debugStream() -> std::ostream&


c_float INFTY constexpr
Infinity constant.