
A module to reconstruct in 3D a set of pixel and visualize the reconstruction. More...

A module to reconstruct in 3D a set of pixel and visualize the reconstruction.


This module, given a set of pixels, returns the point cloud along with the minimum enclosing bounding box. It usually employs the graphBasedSegmentation module, which provides all the pixels belonging to a certain segment of the image, but it can be used with any other segmentation module that retrieves the list of pixels belonging to the object to be reconstructed.


The commands sent as bottles to the module port /<modName>/rpc are described in the following:

format: [help]
action: it returns the list of the things to do to use the module properly.

format: [u v]
action: the pixel is given to the segmentation module, which responds with the pixels belonging to the chosen segment.

format: [3Drec] "param1"
action: the set of pixels are projected in 3D and provided on the output port – typically /object-reconstruction/mesh:o. The optional parameter "param1" can be set to "visualize"; in this case the reconstructed cloud will also be displayed using Point Cloud Library library.

format: [name (newName)]
action: The reconstructed pointclouds will be saved as newNameX.ply, where newName is thename given by the user and X is number increasing for each reconstruction saved on the same root name. Default name is 3Dobject.

format: [get point (u v)]
action: The pixel (u v) is projected in 3D and returned in the format (x y z).

format: [set write param]
action: If param is set to on, the reconstructed point cloud will be written in the home context path folder. This functionality can be turned off by setting param to off.


Ports Created


The following are the options that are usually contained in the configuration file:

–name name

–robot robot

– computeBB computeBB

Tested OS

Windows, Linux

Ilaria Gori