Public Member Functions
MotorEncodersSignCheck Class Reference

This tests checks if the motor encoder readings increase when positive pwm is applayed to motor. More...

#include <motorEncodersSignCheck.h>

Inherits yarp::robottestingframework::TestCase.

Public Member Functions

virtual bool setup (yarp::os::Property &property)
virtual void tearDown ()
virtual void run ()
void setModeSingle (int i, int desired_control_mode, yarp::dev::InteractionModeEnum desired_interaction_mode)
void OplExecute (int i)

Detailed Description

This tests checks if the motor encoder readings increase when positive pwm is applayed to motor.

This test helps you to check if RotorEncoderResolution parameter in robot's configuration files has correct sign. The test sets one joint per time in Open Loop control mode; then applies positive pwm starting with value defined in parameter "pwmStart" and increments pwm with step defined in parameter "pwmStep" until motor doesn't move of Posthreshold degree at least.

Note: This test uses yarp::robottestingframework::jointsPosMotion class, a class for reduce time in developing test.

Accepts the following parameters:

Parameter name Type Units Default Value Required Description Notes
robot string - - Yes The name of the robot. e.g. icub
name string - - No The name of test. e.g. motEncSignCheck_Head
part string - - Yes The name of trhe robot part. e.g. head
joints vector of ints - - Yes List of joints to be tested
home vector of doubles of size joints deg - Yes The home position for each joint. It should be distant from joint's limits
speed vector of doubles of size joints deg/s - Yes The reference speed used during the movement
pwmStart vector of doubles of size joints - - Yes The starting pwm applied to joint
pwmStep vector of doubles of size joints - - Yes The increment of pwm per time
pwmMax vector of doubles of size joints - - Yes The max pwm applicable
Posthreshold vector of doubles of size joints deg 5 No The minumum movement to check if motor position increases
commandDelay vector of doubles of size joints deg 0.1 No The delay between two SetRefOpenLooop commands consecutive

Definition at line 61 of file motorEncodersSignCheck.h.

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