Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 Cicubclient::BodyRepresent a the body of an agent
 Cicubclient::EntityRepresent any entity that can be stored within the OPC
 Cicubclient::ActionRepresents an action, whether composite or not
 Cicubclient::ObjectRepresent any physical entity (including objects and agents) that can be stored within the OPC
 Cicubclient::AgentRepresent an agent
 Cicubclient::BodypartRepresents a body part of the robot
 CSAM.SAM_Core.SAM_utils.TimeoutErrorCustom TimeoutError Exception
 Cstd::exceptionSTL class
 Cicubclient::ICubClientGrants access to high level motor commands (grasp, touch, look, goto, etc) of the robot as well as its internal state (drives, emotions, beliefs) and its interaction means (speech)
 CSAM.SAM_Core.SAM_utils.timeoutClass to terminate a function running inside of a separate thread
 CSAM.SAM_Core.SAMCore.LFMSAM based on Latent Feature Models
 CSAM.SAM_Core.samOptimiser.modelOptClassClass to perform optimisation of SAM Models
 Cicubclient::OPCClientAn OPC client using the datastructures defined within the icub-client library
 Cicubclient::RelationRepresent a relation between two entities
 CSAM.SAM_Core.interactionSAMModel.interactionSAMModelGeneric interaction function
 CSAM.SAM_Core.samSupervisor.SamSupervisorModuleModel management and supervisor
 CSAM.SAM_Core.SAMDriver.SAMDriverSAM Driver parent class that defines the methods by which models are initialised, trained and saved
 CSAM.SAM_Drivers.SAMDriver_ARWin.SAMDriver_ARWinClass developed for the implementation of windowed real time action recognition
 CSAM.SAM_Drivers.SAMDriver_interaction.SAMDriver_interactionClass developed for the implementation of face recognition
 Cicubclient::SubSystemAbstract class to handle sub-systems of the icub-client
 Cicubclient::SubSystem_agentDetectorSubSystem for agentDetector
 Cicubclient::SubSystem_ARESubSystem to deal with the actionsRenderingEngine module (a.k.a
 Cicubclient::SubSystem_babblingSubSystem for babbling
 Cicubclient::SubSystem_emotionSubSystem for emotion
 Cicubclient::SubSystem_IOL2OPCSubSystem for iol2opc
 Cicubclient::SubSystem_KARMASubSystem to deal with the experimental affordance learning module (a.k.a
 Cicubclient::SubSystem_RecogAbstract subSystem for speech recognizer
 Cicubclient::SubSystem_SAMSubSystem for SAM
 Cicubclient::SubSystem_SpeechAbstract subSystem for speech management (Text to Speech)
 Cicubclient::SubSystem_Speech_eSpeakSubSystem for speech synthesis with emotional tuning of speed and pitch using eSpeak
 CSAM.SAM_Core.SAM_utils.InterruptableThreadClass to launch a function inside of a separate thread
 Ciol2opc_IDLIol2opc_IDL IDL Interface to iol2opc service
 CSAM.SAM_Core.svi_ratio.SVI_RatioInference the marginal likelihood through {p(y,y*)}{p(y)}