1 // This is an automatically-generated file.
2 // It could get re-generated if the ALLOW_IDL_GENERATION flag is on.
4 #ifndef YARP_THRIFT_GENERATOR_superquadricModel_IDL
5 #define YARP_THRIFT_GENERATOR_superquadricModel_IDL
7 #include <yarp/os/Wire.h>
8 #include <yarp/os/idl/WireTypes.h>
9 #include <yarp/os/Property.h>
10 #include <yarp/sig/Vector.h>
19 class superquadricModel_IDL : public yarp::os::Wire {
20 public:
27  virtual bool set_tag_file(const std::string& entry);
32  virtual std::string get_tag_file();
48  virtual yarp::os::Property get_superq(const std::vector<yarp::sig::Vector> & point_cloud, const bool filtered_or_not, const bool reset_or_not);
54  virtual bool set_points_filtering(const std::string& entry);
59  virtual std::string get_points_filtering();
65  virtual bool set_superq_filtering(const std::string& entry);
70  virtual std::string get_superq_filtering();
76  virtual bool set_save_points(const std::string& entry);
81  virtual std::string get_save_points();
89  virtual yarp::os::Property get_options(const std::string& field);
100  virtual bool set_options(const yarp::os::Property& options, const std::string& field);
105  virtual bool set_visualization(const std::string& e);
110  virtual std::string get_visualization();
111  virtual bool read(yarp::os::ConnectionReader& connection);
112  virtual std::vector<std::string> help(const std::string& functionName="--all");
113 };
115 #endif
virtual bool set_visualization(const std::string &e)
Set if the visualization has to be enabled.
virtual bool set_options(const yarp::os::Property &options, const std::string &field)
Set the parameters of the module.
virtual bool set_save_points(const std::string &entry)
Set if you want to save the acquired point cloud.
virtual bool set_tag_file(const std::string &entry)
Set the tag for storing files.
virtual std::string get_tag_file()
Return the tag used for storing files.
virtual std::string get_save_points()
Set if you are saving the acquired point cloud.
virtual bool set_superq_filtering(const std::string &entry)
On/off superquadric filtering.
virtual std::string get_superq_filtering()
Say if superquadric filtering is on or not.
virtual std::string get_visualization()
Get if visualization is enabled.
virtual std::string get_points_filtering()
Say if points filtering is on or not.
superquadricModel_IDL IDL Interface to superquadric-model services.
virtual bool set_points_filtering(const std::string &entry)
On/off point cloud filtering.
virtual yarp::os::Property get_options(const std::string &field)
Get the parameters of the module.
virtual yarp::os::Property get_superq(const std::vector< yarp::sig::Vector > &point_cloud, const bool filtered_or_not, const bool reset_or_not)
Get the parameters of the reconstructed superquadric.