- namespace iDynTree
auto toiDynTree(const yarp::sig::Vector& yarpVector,
Wrench& iDynTreeWrench) -> bool - Convert a yarp::sig::Vector to a iDynTree::
Wrench. -
auto toYarp(const iDynTree::
Wrench& iDynTreeWrench, yarp::sig::Vector& yarpVector) -> bool - Convert a iDynTree::
Wrench to a yarp::sig::Vector. -
auto toiDynTree(const yarp::sig::Vector& yarpVector,
Position& iDynTreePosition) -> bool - Convert a yarp::sig::Vector to a iDynTree::
Position. -
auto toiDynTree(const yarp::sig::Vector& yarpVector,
Vector3& iDynTreeVector3) -> bool - Convert a yarp::sig::Vector to a iDynTree::Vector3.
auto toYarp(const iDynTree::
Position& iDynTreePosition, yarp::sig::Vector& yarpVector) -> bool - Convert a iDynTree::
Position to a yarp::sig::Vector of 3 elements. -
auto toiDynTree(const yarp::sig::Vector& yarpVector,
Direction& iDynTreeDirection) -> bool - Convert a yarp::sig::Vector of 3 elements to a iDynTree::
Direction. -
auto toYarp(const iDynTree::
Vector3& iDynTreeDirection, yarp::sig::Vector& yarpVector) -> bool - Convert a iDynTree::
Direction to a yarp::sig::Vector of 3 elements. -
auto toiDynTree(const yarp::sig::Matrix& yarpHomogeneousMatrix,
Transform& iDynTreeTransform) -> bool - Convert a 4x4 yarp::sig::Matrix representing an homegeneous matrix to a iDynTree::
Transform. -
auto toYarp(const iDynTree::
Transform& iDynTreeTransform, yarp::sig::Matrix& yarpHomogeneousMatrix) -> bool - Convert a iDynTree::
Transform to a 4x4 yarp::sig::Matrix representing an homegeneous matrix. -
auto toiDynTree(const yarp::sig::Vector& yarpVector,
VectorDynSize& iDynTreeVector) -> bool - Convert a yarp::sig::Vector to a iDynTree::
VectorDynSize. -
template<typename VectorType>void toYarp(const VectorType& iDynTreeVector, yarp::sig::Vector& yarpVector)
- Convert a iDynTree::
VectorFixSize to a yarp::sig::Vector. -
template<typename MatrixType>void toYarp(const MatrixType& iDynTreeMatrix, yarp::sig::Matrix& yarpMatrix)
- Convert a iDynTree::
MatrixFixSize to a yarp::sig::Matrix. -
template<typename VectorType>auto toiDynTree(const yarp::sig::Vector& yarpVector, VectorType& iDynTreeVector) -> bool
- Convert a yarp::sig::Vector to a iDynTree::
VectorFixSize. -
template<typename MatrixType>auto toiDynTree(const yarp::sig::Matrix& yarpMatrix, MatrixType& iDynTreeMatrix) -> bool
- Convert a yarp::sig::Matrix to a iDynTree::