This page contains the list of all the tests tht are currently available and documented. More...
Data Structures | |
class | ExampleTest |
This is just an example test, use it as a reference to implement new tests. More... | |
class | CameraTest |
Check if a camera is publishing images at desired framerate. More... | |
class | CartesianControlReachingToleranceTest |
This test verifies the point-to-point cartesian movement. More... | |
class | CartesianControlSimpleP2pMovementTest |
This test verifies the point-to-point cartesian movement. More... | |
class | ControlModes |
The test checks if the joint is able to go in all the available control/interaction modes and if transition between the states is correct. More... | |
class | DemoRedBallTest |
This test verifies the point-to-point cartesian movement. More... | |
class | FtSensorTest |
Check if a FT sensor port is correctly publishing a vector with 6 values. More... | |
class | GazeControlSimpleLookTest |
This test verifies the simple gaze movements. More... | |
class | Imu |
The purpose of this test is to evaluate the accuracy of the IMU Euler angles measurements. More... | |
class | JointLimits |
Check if the software joint limits are properly set. More... | |
class | MotorTest |
Check IPositionControl and IEncoders. More... | |
class | OpticalEncodersConsistency |
This tests checks if the motor encoder reading are consistent with the joint encoder readings. More... | |
class | MotorEncodersSignCheck |
This tests checks if the motor encoder readings increase when positive pwm is applayed to motor. More... | |
class | MovementReferencesTest |
Check IPositionControl, IVelocityControl, IPWMControl, IPositionDirect. More... | |
class | OpticalEncodersDrift |
This tests checks if the relative encoders measurements are consistent over time, by performing cyclic movements between two reference positions (min and max). More... | |
class | PositionControlAccuracy |
This tests checks the a position PID response, sending a step reference signal with a positionDirect command. More... | |
class | PositionControlAccuracyExernalPid |
This tests checks the response of the system to a position step, sending directly PWM commands to a joint. More... | |
class | PositionDirect |
This tests checks the positionDirect control, sending a sinusoidal reference signal, with parametric frequency and amplitude. More... | |
class | SensorsDuplicateReadings |
Check if a yarp port is correctly publishing unique values at each update . More... | |
class | SkinWrapperTest |
This test verifies the functionalities of skinWrapper after the removal of analogServer from icub-main. More... | |
class | TorqueControlAccuracy |
This tests checks the a torque PID response, sending a step reference signal with a setRefTorque command. More... | |
class | TorqueControlGravityConsistency |
The test is supposed to be run with the iCub fixed to the pole, with the pole leveled with respect to the gravity (please check this with a level before running the test) and with the wholeBodyDynamics(Tree) running. More... | |
This page contains the list of all the tests tht are currently available and documented.
Each class is a test that can be ran and configured independently.
To add a test to this list it is enough that you add the following line to the class that implements the test:
\ingroup icub-tests
Do not forget to generate the documentation either locally or online following the instructions here.