Public Member Functions
PositionDirect Class Reference

This tests checks the positionDirect control, sending a sinusoidal reference signal, with parametric frequency and amplitude. More...

#include <PositionDirect.h>

Inherits yarp::robottestingframework::TestCase.

Public Member Functions

virtual bool setup (yarp::os::Property &property)
virtual void tearDown ()
virtual void run ()
void goHome ()
void executeCmd ()
void setMode (int desired_mode)

Detailed Description

This tests checks the positionDirect control, sending a sinusoidal reference signal, with parametric frequency and amplitude.

The sample time, typical in the range of 10 ms, can be also be adjusted by the user. This test currently does not return any error report. It simply moves a joint, and the user visually evaluates the smoothness of the performed trajectory. In the future automatic checks/plots may be added to the test. Be aware theat may exists set of parameters (e.g. high values of sample time / ampiltude /frequency) that may lead to PID instability and damage the joint. The test is able to check all the three types of yarp methods (single joint, multi joint, all joints), depending on the value of cmdMode Parameter.

example: testRunner -v -t PositionDirect.dll - p "--robot icub --part head --joints ""(0 1 2)"" --zero 0 --frequency 0.8 --amplitude 10.0 --cycles 10 --tolerance 1.0 --sampleTime 0.010 --cmdMode 0" example: testRunner -v -t PositionDirect.dll - p "--robot icub --part head --joints ""(2)"" --zero 0 --frequency 0.4 --amplitude 10.0 --cycles 10 --tolerance 1.0 --sampleTime 0.010 --cmdMode 0"

Check the following functions:

Accepts the following parameters:

Parameter name Type Units Default Value Required Description Notes
robot string - - Yes The name of the robot. e.g. icub
part string - - Yes The name of trhe robot part. e.g. left_arm
joints vector of ints - - Yes List of joints to be tested
zero double deg - Yes The home position for each joint
cycles int - - Yes The number of test cycles (going from max to min position and viceversa)
frequency double deg - Yes The frequency of the sine reference signal
amplitude double deg - Yes The ampiltude of the sine reference signal
tolerance double deg - Yes The tolerance used when moving from min to max reference position and viceversa
sampleTime double s - Yes The sample time of the control thread
cmdMode int deg - Yes = 0 to test single joint method, = 1 to test all joints, = 2 to test multi joint method

Definition at line 60 of file PositionDirect.h.

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