robometry namespace


struct TelemetryDeviceDumperSettings
class TelemetryDeviceDumper
The telemetryDeviceDumper is a yarp device that has to be launched through the yarprobotinterface for dumping quantities from your robot(for example encoders, velocities etc) in base of what specified in the configuration.
class Buffer
A class to represent the buffer of robometry::Record.
struct ChannelInfo
Struct representing a channel(variable) in terms of name and dimensions and names of the each element of a variable.
struct BufferConfig
Struct containing the parameters for configuring a robometry::BufferManager.
template<typename T, typename = void, typename = void>
struct matioCppCanConcatenate
template<typename T>
struct matioCppCanConcatenate<T, typename std::enable_if_t<matioCpp::SpanUtils::has_type_member<T>::value>, typename std::enable_if_t<(std::is_same_v<T, matioCpp::Element<typename T::value_type>>||(std::is_same_v<T, matioCpp::Vector<typename T::value_type>> && !std::is_same_v<T, matioCpp::String>)||std::is_same_v<T, matioCpp::MultiDimensionalArray<typename T::value_type>>)>>
struct BufferInfo
Class that aggregates the robometry::Buffer and some other info(e.g.
class BufferManager
Class that manages the buffers associated to the channels of the telemetry.
struct Record
A structure to represent a Record.
template<class T>
class TreeNode
A class to represent the Node in Tree struct.


enum class SaveCallbackSaveMethod { periodic, last_call }
The SaveCallback may need to know if it is called in a periodic fashion or is the last call before deallocating the class.


using dimensions_t = std::vector<size_t>
using elements_names_t = std::vector<std::string>


template<typename T>
static auto getTypeName(const T& someInput) -> std::string
Get the type name as string.
template<typename T>
static auto getTypeName() -> std::string
Get the type name as string.
template<typename T>
auto addLeaf(matioCpp::Span<const std::string> nodes, std::shared_ptr<T> element, std::shared_ptr<TreeNode<T>> treeNode) -> bool
Add a new leaf in the tree.
template<typename T>
auto addLeaf(const std::string& name, std::shared_ptr<T> element, std::shared_ptr<TreeNode<T>> treeNode) -> bool
Add a new leaf in the tree.
template<typename T>
auto getLeaf(matioCpp::Span<const std::string> nodes, std::shared_ptr<TreeNode<T>> treeNode) -> std::weak_ptr<TreeNode<T>>
Get the leaf from a node.
template<typename T>
auto getLeaf(const std::string& name, std::shared_ptr<TreeNode<T>> treeNode) -> std::weak_ptr<TreeNode<T>>
Get the leaf from a node.