- namespace iDynTree
- auto squareCrossProductMatrix(const Eigen::Vector3d& v) -> Eigen::Matrix3d
- Maps a 3d vector to the square of the cross product matrix: v --> (v\times)^2 or, if you prefer another notation: v --> S^2(v)
- auto skew(const Eigen::Vector3d& vec) -> Eigen::Matrix3d
- Maps a 3d vector to the cross product matrix: v --> (v\times) or, if you prefer another notation: v --> S(v)
template<typename vector6d>void efficient6dCopy(vector6d* pthis, const vector6d& other)
- Efficient version of the copy from one 6D vector to another.
template<typename vector6d>auto efficient6dSum(const vector6d& op1, const vector6d& op2) -> vector6d
- Efficient version of the sum of two 6D vectors.
template<typename vector6d>auto efficient6ddifference(const vector6d& op1, const vector6d& op2) -> vector6d
- Efficient version of the different of two 6D vectors.
template<typename twistType, typename motionVectorType, typename resultType>auto efficientTwistCrossTwist(const twistType& op1, const motionVectorType& op2) -> resultType
- Efficient version of the cross product between a twist and a spatial motion vector (another twist, acceleration, ..)
template<typename twistType, typename momentumVectorType, typename resultType>auto efficientTwistCrossMomentum(const twistType& op1, const momentumVectorType& op2) -> resultType
- Efficient version of the cross product between a twist and a spatial force vector (momentum, wrench, ..)