def | SAM.SAM_Core.SAM_utils.initialiseModels (argv, update, initMode='training') |
| Initialise SAM Model data structure, training parameters and user parameters. More...
def | SAM.SAM_Core.SAM_utils.varianceClass (varianceDirection, x, thresh) |
| Utility function to perform threshold or range checking. More...
def | SAM.SAM_Core.SAM_utils.plotKnownAndUnknown (varDict, colour, axlist, width=[0.2, factor=[(0, 0.6), plotRange=False) |
| Utility function to plot variances of known and unknown as gaussian distributions. More...
def | SAM.SAM_Core.SAM_utils.bhattacharyya_distance (mu1, mu2, var1, var2) |
| Calculates a measure for the separability of two univariate gaussians. More...
def | SAM.SAM_Core.SAM_utils.plot_confusion_matrix (cm, targetNames, title='Confusion matrix', cmap=plt.cm.inferno) |
| Generate and display a confusion matrix. More...
def | SAM.SAM_Core.SAM_utils.plotGaussFromList (mlist, vlist, rlist, colour, label, width, factor, axlist, plotRange=False) |
| Plot multiple Gaussians from a list on the same plot. More...
def | SAM.SAM_Core.SAM_utils.solve_intersections (m1, m2, std1, std2) |
| Solve for the intersection/s of two Gaussian distributions. More...
def | SAM.SAM_Core.SAM_utils.PfromHist (sample, hist, binWidth) |
| Calulates the probability of a sample from a histogram. More...
def | SAM.SAM_Core.SAM_utils.meanVar_varianceDistribution (dataList) |
| Calculate list of means, variances and ranges for the data in the dataList. More...
def | SAM.SAM_Core.SAM_utils.bhattacharyya_dict (m, v) |
| Calculate bhattacharyya distances for each item in the dictionaries. More...
def | SAM.SAM_Core.SAM_utils.smooth1D (x, window_len=11, window='hanning') |
| Smooth the data using a window with a requested size. More...
def | SAM.SAM_Core.SAM_utils.transformTimeSeriesToSeq (Y, timeWindow, offset=1, normalised=False, reduced=False, noY=False, doOffset=False) |
| Utility function to convert a time series into multiple time windows with additional functionality. More...