YCM 0.11.1 (2020-03-27) Release Notes

Changes made since YCM 0.11.0 include the following.


Generic Modules

Find Modules

  • The FindESDCANAPI module no longer uses NO_DEFAULT_PATH. If the ESDCANAPI ntcan library is installed via a custom vcpkg port instead of the official installers, its location will not be already listed in the ESDCAN_LIB_DIRS, and instead would be found with the usual CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH introspection. (#320)

  • The FindODE now handles the CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING variable properly.

  • The FindIPOPT call to search for IPOPT_INCLUDE_DIRS was fixed. (#325)

CMake Next

  • Updated to CMake v3.15.7

3rd Party