
A helper module to make your package easier to be found by other projects.


Create and install a basic version of cmake config files for your project:

                            COMPATIBILITY <compatibility>
                            [VERSION <version>]
                            [NO_EXPORT | EXPORT <export>] # (default = "EXPORT <Name>")
                            [VARS_PREFIX <prefix>] # (default = "<Name>")
                            [EXPORT_DESTINATION <destination>]
                            [INSTALL_DESTINATION <destination>]
                            [NAMESPACE <namespace>] # (default = "<Name>::")
                            [EXTRA_PATH_VARS_SUFFIX path1 [path2 ...]]
                            [CONFIG_TEMPLATE <file>]
                            [DEPENDENCIES <dependency1> "<dependency2> [...]" ...]
                            [PRIVATE_DEPENDENCIES <dependency1> "<dependency2> [...]" ...]
                            [INCLUDE_FILE <file> | INCLUDE_CONTENT <content>]
                            [COMPONENT <component>] # (default = "<Name>")

Depending on UPPERCASE_FILENAMES and LOWERCASE_FILENAMES, this function generates 3 files:

  • <Name>ConfigVersion.cmake or <name>-config-version.cmake

  • <Name>Config.cmake or <name>-config.cmake

  • <Name>Targets.cmake or <name>-targets.cmake

If neither UPPERCASE_FILENAMES nor LOWERCASE_FILENAMES is set, a file <Name> or <name> is searched, and the convention is chosed according to the file found. If no file was found, the uppercase convention is used.

The DEPENDENCIES argument can be used to set a list of dependencies that will be searched using the find_dependency() command from the CMakeFindDependencyMacro module. Dependencies can be followed by any of the possible find_dependency() argument. In this case, all the arguments must be specified within double quotes (e.g. "<dependency> 1.0.0 EXACT", or "<dependency> CONFIG"). The PRIVATE_DEPENDENCIES argument is similar to DEPENDENCIES, but these dependencies are included only when BUILD_SHARED_LIBS is OFF. If a libraries is declared STATIC, OBJECT or INTERFACE, and they link to some dependency, these should be added using the DEPENDENCIES argument, since the PRIVATE_DEPENDENCIES argument would work only when BUILD_SHARED_LIBS is disabled.

When using a custom template file, the @PACKAGE_DEPENDENCIES@ string is replaced with the code checking for the dependencies specified by these two argument.

If the ARCH_INDEPENDENT option is enabled, the installed package version will be considered compatible even if it was built for a different architecture than the requested architecture.

Each file is generated twice, one for the build directory and one for the installation directory. The INSTALL_DESTINATION argument can be passed to install the files in a location different from the default one (${CMAKE_INSTALL_DATADIR}/cmake/${Name} if the ARCH_INDEPENDENT option is enabled, ${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}/cmake/${Name} otherwise). The EXPORT_DESTINATION argument can be passed to generate the files in the build tree in a location different from the default one (CMAKE_BINARY_DIR). If this is a relative path, it is considered relative to the CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR directory.

The build directory is exported to the CMake user package registry if the build option CMAKE_EXPORT_PACKAGE_REGISTRY is set.

The <Name>ConfigVersion.cmake file is generated using write_basic_package_version_file(). The VERSION, COMPATIBILITY, and ``ARCH_INDEPENDENT``arguments are passed to this function.

VERSION shall be in the form <major>[.<minor>[.<patch>[.<tweak>]]]]. If no VERSION is given, the PROJECT_VERSION variable is used. If this hasn’t been set, it errors out. The VERSION argument is also used to replace the @PACKAGE_VERSION@ string in the configuration file.

COMPATIBILITY shall be any of the options accepted by the write_basic_package_version_file() command (AnyNewerVersion, SameMajorVersion, SameMinorVersion [CMake 3.11], or ExactVersion). These options are explained in write_basic_package_version_file() command documentation. If your project has more elaborate version matching rules, you will need to write your own custom ConfigVersion.cmake file instead of using this macro.

The <Name>Config.cmake file is generated using configure_package_config_file(). The NO_SET_AND_CHECK_MACRO, NO_CHECK_REQUIRED_COMPONENTS_MACRO, and arguments are passed to this function.

By default install_basic_package_files() also generates the two helper macros set_and_check() and check_required_components() into the <Name>Config.cmake file. set_and_check() should be used instead of the normal set() command for setting directories and file locations. Additionally to setting the variable it also checks that the referenced file or directory actually exists and fails with a FATAL_ERROR otherwise. This makes sure that the created <Name>Config.cmake file does not contain wrong references. When using the NO_SET_AND_CHECK_MACRO, this macro is not generated into the ``<Name>Config.cmake file.

By default, install_basic_package_files() append a call to check_required_components(<Name>) in <Name>Config.cmake file if the package supports components. This macro checks whether all requested, non-optional components have been found, and if this is not the case, sets the <Name>_FOUND variable to FALSE, so that the package is considered to be not found. It does that by testing the <Name>_<Component>_FOUND variables for all requested required components. When using the NO_CHECK_REQUIRED_COMPONENTS_MACRO option, this macro is not generated into the <Name>Config.cmake file.

Finally, the files in the build and install directory are exactly the same.

See the documentation of CMakePackageConfigHelpers module for further information and references therein.

If the CONFIG_TEMPLATE argument is passed, the specified file is used as template for generating the configuration file, otherwise this module expects to find a <Name> or <name> file either in current source directory. If the file does not exist, a very basic file is created.

A set of variables are checked and passed to configure_package_config_file() as PATH_VARS. For each of the SUFFIX considered, if one of the variables:


is defined, the <VARS_PREFIX>_<SUFFIX> variable will be defined before configuring the package. In order to use that variable in the config file, you have to add a line:


if the path must exist or just:


if the path could be missing.

These variable will have different values whether you are using the package from the build tree or from the install directory. Also these files will contain only relative paths, meaning that you can move the whole installation and the CMake files will still work.

Default PATH_VARS suffixes are:


more suffixes can be added using the EXTRA_PATH_VARS_SUFFIX argument.

The <Name>Targets.cmake is generated using export(EXPORT) in the build tree and install(EXPORT) in the installation directory. The targets are exported using the value for the NAMESPACE argument as namespace. The export can be passed using the EXPORT argument. If no export is used (e.g. for a CMake script library), pass NO_EXPORT.

If the INCLUDE_FILE argument is passed, the content of the specified file (which might contain @variables@) is appended to the generated <Name>Config.cmake file. If the INCLUDE_CONTENT argument is passed, the specified content (which might contain @variables@) is appended to the generated <Name>Config.cmake file. When a CONFIG_TEMPLATE is passed, or a <Name> or a <name> file is available, these 2 arguments are used to replace the ``@INCLUDED_CONTENT@ string in this file. This allows one to inject custom code to this file, useful e.g. to set additional variables which are loaded by downstream projects.

Note that content specified with INCLUDE_FILE or INCLUDE_CONTENT cannot reference any of the PATH_VARS because this content is not expanded by configure_package_config_file().

If the COMPONENT argument is passed, it is forwarded to the install() commands, otherwise <Name> is used.