


A robust and real-time 3D ball tracker.

Copyright (C) 2009 RobotCub Consortium

Author: Matteo Taiana, homepage.

CopyPolicy: Released under the terms of the GNU GPL v2.0.


This module implements a model-based object tracker: it estimates the 3D position of a ball given a sequence of images. One estimate is computed for each input image. The tracker outputs a flag that is set to 1 when the module is confident that it is tracking a ball, when the flag is set to 0 the tracker still computes a 3D estimate, but that is meaningless. After 5 frames with confidence under the threshold, the tracker estimate is reset. The module is meant to work together with pf3dBottomup, which is a 3D ball detector, but can also work on its own.

For an explanation on how to configure the tracker and bottom up modules, how to connect them, how to run them through the application manager, etc., please have a look at this page.

The algorithm is described in the paper: "Tracking objects with generic calibrated sensors: an algorithm based on color and 3D shape features", please cite it if you use the tracker in your research.

You can watch a video of the tracker in action here.



Configuration is done through an initialization file (See for instance icub-main/app/pf3dTracker/conf/pf3dTracker.ini) Here is an example, with comments:

#configuration file for pf3dTracker#
#module name#
name /pf3dTracker
#parameters of the algorithm#
nParticles 900
#nParticles number of particles used
accelStDev 30
#accelStDev standard deviation of the acceleration noise
insideOutsideDiffWeight 1.5
#insideOutsideDiffWeight inside-outside difference weight for the likelihood function
colorTransfPolicy 1
#colorTransfPolicy [0=transform the whole image | 1=only transform the pixels you need]
#port names and function#
inputVideoPort /pf3dTracker/video:i
#inputVideoPort receives images from the grabber or the rectifying program.
outputVideoPort /pf3dTracker/video:o
#outputVideoPort produces images in which the contour of the estimated ball is highlighted.
outputDataPort /pf3dTracker/data:o
#outputDataPort produces a stream of data in the format: X, Y, Z [meters], likelihood, U, V [pixels], seeing_object.
inputParticlePort /pf3dTracker/particles:i
#inputParticlePort receives hypotheses on the position of the ball from the bottom up module
outputParticlePort /pf3dTracker/particles:o
#outputParticlePort produces data for the plotter. it is usually not active for performance reasons.
outputAttentionPort /pf3dTracker/attention:o
#outputAttentionPort produces data for the attention system, in terms of a peak of saliency.
#projection model and parameters#
#projectionModel, only the perspective one was implemented so far.
projectionModel perspective
cameraContext cameraCalibration
cameraFile icubEyes.ini
#tracked object models#
#trackedObjectType, only sphere was implemented so far.
trackedObjectType sphere
trackedObjectColorTemplate models/red_smiley_2009_07_02.bmp
trackedObjectShapeTemplate models/initial_ball_points_smiley_31mm_20percent.csv
motionModelMatrix models/motion_model_matrix.csv
trackedObjectTemp current_histogram.csv
#initialization method#
#initialization method, only 3dEstimate was implemented so far.
initializationMethod 3dEstimate
#initial position [meters]
initialX 0
initialY 0
initialZ 0.5
#visualization mode#
#circleVisualizationMode [0=inner and outer circle | 1=one circle with the correct radius]
#default 0. only applies to the sphere.
circleVisualizationMode 1
#likelihood and reset condition #
#the tracker produces a value of likelihood at each time step.
#this value can be used to infer if the object it is tracking is the correct one.
#if likelihood<=this value for 5 consecutive frames, the tracker
#assumes it's not seeing the right object and is reinitialized.
likelihoodThreshold 0.005

Ports Accessed

The tracker need to be connected to a port that streams images, at the very least, in order to work.

Ports Created

Input Data Files

The tracker requires three input files: an image file used to build the colour model of the tracked ball, a file defining the motion model applied to the estimate of the ball between frames, and a shape model for the ball, defining its size and the distance between inner and outer contours (see the paper cited in the description section). For more detail on these files, please have a look at the parameters section.

Output Data Files

The module produces one output file that is only useful for debugging (current_histogram.csv) and can be configured to save the images it produces to files, but this is not recommended: use yarpdatadumper instead.

Tested OS

Ubuntu Linux, Windows

Matteo Taiana, homepage.